Australian Research Archive



CSIRO Wood Protection Research Publications

During the history of CSIRO (Australia) activity in wood protection research over 750 papers and documents were produced. To read the authors, titles and references for this massive output please click on the title above or click here.


Detailed Publications

The following resources from the Australian CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) have been provided ex libris Harry Greaves. They have been extracted by Jeff Morrell, and compiled, edited and made readily accessible by Alan Preston, whom we thank for this skilled and enormously tedious work. The original FP Newsletters were digitised in 2010 by V. Balodis from the CSIRO Ian Wark Library; the digitised FPRC Proceedings were located in the National Library of Australia by Leslie Francis


CSIRO Forest Products Newsletters

1932 to 1975

1932 1948 1962
1933 1949 1963
1934 1950 1964
1935 1951 1965
1936 1952 1966
1937 1953 1967
1938 1954 1968
1939 1955 1969
1940 1956 1970
1941 1957 1971
1942 1958 1972
1944 1959 1973
1945 1960 1974
1946 1961 1975



1985 1988 1991
1986 1989 1992
1987 1990  




Forest Products Research Conferences

3rd FPRC 1948

4th FPRC 1949

5th FPRC 1950

6st FPRC 1952

7th FPRC 1954

8th FPRC 1956

9th FPRC 1958

10th FPRC 1961

11th FPRC 1963

12th FPRC 1965

13th FPRC 1967

14th FPRC 1969

15th FPRC 1971

16th FPRC 1973

17th FPRC 1975

18th FPRC 1977

19th FPRC 1979

20th FPRC 1981

21st FPRC 1984

22rd FPRC 1986

23rd FPRC 1990

24th FPRC 1993

25th FPRC 1996

26st FPRC 2000

27th FPRC 2001


Why did CSIRO end Forest Products research after almost 100 years?

For a perspective of the rise and demise of CSIRO's involvement in Forest Products related research in Australia, please click here.

Our special thanks to Dr Harry Greaves for this perspective.