FPRC24 - 1993



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:

Authors Paper title PP
Gardner WD A decade of Austrlaian research into the fire performance properties of forest products 11
Moffatt AR, Archer KJ Performance of copper-based preservative trrated timber under tropical in-ground and out-of-gorund conditions at exposure sites in north Queensland and Hawaii 0
Carter J, Cause M, Moffatt A A preliminary above ground wood decay index map of Australia 10
Cobham P,Vinden P Novel pressure processes for timber treatment and current research in wood preservation at the Universitty of Melbourne 10
Tighe MA, Cookson LJ Wood fibre for the surface of race tracks 7
Keith J, Best J, Moffatt A Stress laminated timber bridge (SLTB) deck in ACZA treated Douglas-fir for Queensland 2
Moffatt AR, DeGroot RC, Keith J A tropical field trial of preservative treat4ed Douglas-fir in Queensland 2
Thornton JD, Johnson GC, Nguyen N-K Condition of natural durability specimens from the CSIRO in-ground field test after 23 years of exposure 9
Cole IS The implocations of the building envelope mcro-climate to the durability and servicaeability of wood and wood products 8
Balfas, J. Improving the weather resistance of glu-laminated karri and jarrah composites 10
Dyrsdale JA Alternative to chromated copp[er arsenate (CCA) preservatives- innovation sacrifice or commonsense 8
Cookson LJ, Dougal EF Decay evaluation of the penetration of LOSP into Eucalyptus regnans 10
Cookson LJ, Creffield JW, French JRJ, Greaves H, Johnson GC, McCarthy K, Thornton JD Accelerated field simulator studies 11
Ahmed B, French JRJ Termite physical barrier protecting forest product 6
Gardner D Fire and timder protection 0
Peters BC, Allen PJ Borate  protection of slsh pine (Pinus elliottii) sapwoood from attack by subterranean termites (Coptotermes sp., Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae) 7
McNaught A Above ground durability and climate, and their influence on design reliability 0
Cause M Establishment and preliminary (5yr) results of a major above-ground timber durability trial in Easern Australia 12
Cause M, Stringer G Performance of timber decking at a Brisbane site after 5.5 years weather exposure 12
Romero FJ, Vinden P, Kho P Treatability of messmate (E. obliqua) with trimethyl borate 7
Cobham P Review of novel waterborne preservative treatment techniques 0
Ndegwa N, Vinden P, Kho P Dimensional stability of particle board and radiata pine wood (Pinus radiata) treated with different resins 9
McCarthy K Diffusion and toxicity evaluation of a solid remedial preservative containing boron and fluorine 8
McCarthy K Diffusion and toxicity evaluation of commercial and non-commercial remedial preservatives in jarrah stubs 10
Segan M Quality asssurance and treated timbers: has Australian business failed its customers 9
Johnson GC, Thornton JD, Nguyen N-K An accelerated field simulator study of the natural durability of heartwood from mature and regrowth forests 8
Moffat A Soft rot prevention in CCA-treated spotted gum poles using Kopper CN emulsion 8
Stringer G  A review of durability design methods for timber structures 12


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