Authors | Paper title | PP |
Gardner WD | A decade of Austrlaian research into the fire performance properties of forest products | 11 |
Moffatt AR, Archer KJ | Performance of copper-based preservative trrated timber under tropical in-ground and out-of-gorund conditions at exposure sites in north Queensland and Hawaii | 0 |
Carter J, Cause M, Moffatt A | A preliminary above ground wood decay index map of Australia | 10 |
Cobham P,Vinden P | Novel pressure processes for timber treatment and current research in wood preservation at the Universitty of Melbourne | 10 |
Tighe MA, Cookson LJ | Wood fibre for the surface of race tracks | 7 |
Keith J, Best J, Moffatt A | Stress laminated timber bridge (SLTB) deck in ACZA treated Douglas-fir for Queensland | 2 |
Moffatt AR, DeGroot RC, Keith J | A tropical field trial of preservative treat4ed Douglas-fir in Queensland | 2 |
Thornton JD, Johnson GC, Nguyen N-K | Condition of natural durability specimens from the CSIRO in-ground field test after 23 years of exposure | 9 |
Cole IS | The implocations of the building envelope mcro-climate to the durability and servicaeability of wood and wood products | 8 |
Balfas, J. | Improving the weather resistance of glu-laminated karri and jarrah composites | 10 |
Dyrsdale JA | Alternative to chromated copp[er arsenate (CCA) preservatives- innovation sacrifice or commonsense | 8 |
Cookson LJ, Dougal EF | Decay evaluation of the penetration of LOSP into Eucalyptus regnans | 10 |
Cookson LJ, Creffield JW, French JRJ, Greaves H, Johnson GC, McCarthy K, Thornton JD | Accelerated field simulator studies | 11 |
Ahmed B, French JRJ | Termite physical barrier protecting forest product | 6 |
Gardner D | Fire and timder protection | 0 |
Peters BC, Allen PJ | Borate protection of slsh pine (Pinus elliottii) sapwoood from attack by subterranean termites (Coptotermes sp., Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae) | 7 |
McNaught A | Above ground durability and climate, and their influence on design reliability | 0 |
Cause M | Establishment and preliminary (5yr) results of a major above-ground timber durability trial in Easern Australia | 12 |
Cause M, Stringer G | Performance of timber decking at a Brisbane site after 5.5 years weather exposure | 12 |
Romero FJ, Vinden P, Kho P | Treatability of messmate (E. obliqua) with trimethyl borate | 7 |
Cobham P | Review of novel waterborne preservative treatment techniques | 0 |
Ndegwa N, Vinden P, Kho P | Dimensional stability of particle board and radiata pine wood (Pinus radiata) treated with different resins | 9 |
McCarthy K | Diffusion and toxicity evaluation of a solid remedial preservative containing boron and fluorine | 8 |
McCarthy K | Diffusion and toxicity evaluation of commercial and non-commercial remedial preservatives in jarrah stubs | 10 |
Segan M | Quality asssurance and treated timbers: has Australian business failed its customers | 9 |
Johnson GC, Thornton JD, Nguyen N-K | An accelerated field simulator study of the natural durability of heartwood from mature and regrowth forests | 8 |
Moffat A | Soft rot prevention in CCA-treated spotted gum poles using Kopper CN emulsion | 8 |
Stringer G | A review of durability design methods for timber structures | 12 |
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