FPRC10 - 1961



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title P
Tamblyn N, Richardson B Review of Research Activities 56
Johanson R Dip-diffusion Treatments Technical Review 68
Tamblyn N Dip-diffusion Treatments Economic and Other Aspects 73
Dale FA Use of Unfixed Preservatives for Weatherboards and External Joinery 82
Tamblyn N Recommended Retentions for Metal-Chrome-Arsenic Preservatives 86
Barnacle JE High Pressure Treatment of Eucalypt Crossarms 110
Dale FA High Pressure Treatment Tests of Rail Sleepers in Victoria 115
Tamblyn N Preservative Treatments for Plywood 117
Rudman P Variations in Decay Resistance within a Species 122
Walters NEM Soft rot 125
Wymond AP Decay in Wooden House Stumps - Victorian Survey 129
Discussion Need for Encouragement in Use of Pound Fence Posts 132
Pfitzner DR Results of Marine Borer Tests 133
Gay FJ Termite Investigations 137
Discussion Hylotrupes Survey 143
Edwards D, Booth H Code of Practice for Inspection of Poles in Service 144
Edwards D Consideration of More Rigid Plant Quarantine Regulations Concerning Fungal Pathogens in Timber 147
Beesley J Legislation Regulating the Sale and Use of Preservative Treated Timber 153
Cokley KV Preservative Treatment of Slash Pine 155
Tamblyn N Need for Preservative Treatment of Radiata Pine in Buildings 157
Discussion Dip-diffusion Treatments and Preservation Generally 172
Rudman P Rail Sleeper Tests in South Australia 173



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