Authors | Paper title | P |
Tamblyn N, Richardson B | Review of Research Activities | 56 |
Johanson R | Dip-diffusion Treatments Technical Review | 68 |
Tamblyn N | Dip-diffusion Treatments Economic and Other Aspects | 73 |
Dale FA | Use of Unfixed Preservatives for Weatherboards and External Joinery | 82 |
Tamblyn N | Recommended Retentions for Metal-Chrome-Arsenic Preservatives | 86 |
Barnacle JE | High Pressure Treatment of Eucalypt Crossarms | 110 |
Dale FA | High Pressure Treatment Tests of Rail Sleepers in Victoria | 115 |
Tamblyn N | Preservative Treatments for Plywood | 117 |
Rudman P | Variations in Decay Resistance within a Species | 122 |
Walters NEM | Soft rot | 125 |
Wymond AP | Decay in Wooden House Stumps - Victorian Survey | 129 |
Discussion | Need for Encouragement in Use of Pound Fence Posts | 132 |
Pfitzner DR | Results of Marine Borer Tests | 133 |
Gay FJ | Termite Investigations | 137 |
Discussion | Hylotrupes Survey | 143 |
Edwards D, Booth H | Code of Practice for Inspection of Poles in Service | 144 |
Edwards D | Consideration of More Rigid Plant Quarantine Regulations Concerning Fungal Pathogens in Timber | 147 |
Beesley J | Legislation Regulating the Sale and Use of Preservative Treated Timber | 153 |
Cokley KV | Preservative Treatment of Slash Pine | 155 |
Tamblyn N | Need for Preservative Treatment of Radiata Pine in Buildings | 157 |
Discussion | Dip-diffusion Treatments and Preservation Generally | 172 |
Rudman P | Rail Sleeper Tests in South Australia | 173 |
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