FPRC3 - 1948



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title PP
Tamblyn N Marine borer investigations 28
Tamblyn N High pressure preservation treatment 33
Hartigan DTH Field tests, laboratory tests and tests on hardwoods of different rates of growth 93
Hartigan DTH Pole tests. (a) Issue of recommendations based on present series. 106
Hartigan DTH Poles tests - New series of tests 108
Tamblyn N Preservation Survey - Railway sleepers 169
Tamblyn N Preservation Survey - Crossarms 171
Taylor KL Treatment of mine timbers 172
Hartigan DTH Dip treatments against surface moulds and sapstains on radiata pine and scrub woods 174
Hartigan DTH Taxonomy: Classification of wood destroying fungi 180
Cokley KV 4th Lyctus Conference Proceedings (Appendix - many pages, various topics) 219



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