FPRC20 - 1981



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:

Authors Paper title PP
Smith WJ, Allen PJ, Eccles DB Rapid field estmation of wood density using the Pilodyn 12
Ghali MB, d'Espaignet DT Engineering aspects in utilisation of shining gum trees influenced by ambrosia beetles 10
Howick CD Insecticides for protection of wooden components of shipping containers 6
Creffield JW Further information on the efficacy of some synthetic pyrethroids in wood preservation 8
Howick CD, Creffield JW, Greaves H, Butcher JA Termiticidal activity of alkyl ammonium compounds in wood 2
French JRJ, Robinson PJ A rapid field assessment of insecticide treated wood against termites 5
Thornton JD, Walters NEM, Saunders IW A field test of the natural durability of heartwood of Australian timbers in ground contact 10
Thornton JD, Johnson GC, Saunders IW Accelerate "funga lcellar" testing of the natural durability of the heartwood of Australian timbers in ground contact 7
Thornton JD Progress on investigations of the true dry rot fungus Serpula lacrimans in relation to renovation and preservation of buildings 4
Thornton JD, Johnson GC Aspects to consider when evaluating a non-destructive method for testing utility poles 4
Barnacle JE, Johnson GC, Tighe MA, Antonovsky A Penetration of creosote into stained Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.) heartwood 3
Chin CW, Barnacle JE The performance of one-piece pressure treated hardwood and softwood railroad sleepers in various Australian Staes 8
Ampong K, Chin CW Preliminary investigations into the treatment of messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua L'Herit) by a modified form of double dffusion 6
Johnstone RS Protection of wood poles by groundline remedial treatments- inspection of pole test site at Wedding Bells 6
Eldridge RW, Gardner WD Glyptotermes in transmission poles 10
Bootle KR The need for care in the promotion of woods for external use on buildings 6
Grimmett JL, Kynaston WT Application of timber pole from house construction 3
Yule RA, Peters BC Drywood termites in Queensland- eradication, control and prevention? 8
Norton J A comparison of preservative retentions as determined by two different methods 4
Brown BN, Belland L Poor performance of highly durable species in non-flooded areas of mechanical draft-water cooiong towers 2
Gardner A Light organic solvent preservatives in Queensland- a short position paper 2
Norton J The distribution of copper chrome arsenic salts in slash pine 5
French JRJ Biocides from tropical rainforest species- some results, practical problems and concerns 6


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