FPRC21 - 1984



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:

Authors Paper title PP
Cookson LJ, Greaves H, Pahl PJ A laboratory bioassay of various creosotes inlcuding PECC-18 9
Chin CW, Watkins JB, Greaves H Pigment emulsified creosote- an alternative to high temperature creosote 8
Johnson GC, Creffield JW, Burridge PR, Tighe MA, Howick CD, Palmer RE, Collins PJ The manufacture and assessment of preservative treatd plywood for above ground use 9
Chin CW, McEvoy C, McCarthy K The effect of multiple treatments on the solution stability of commercial CCA- a quality control problem? 7
Ampong FFK, McEvoy C, McCarthy K Development of diffusible pastes for the control of centre rot decay 9
McCarthy D, Syers T, McEvoy C Chemical modifications of wood to improve the toxicity of CCA preservatives 10
Collett O The effect of copper, arsencoi and chromium on the cellulolytic enzymes of the brown rot fungus, Gloeophyllum trabeum grown on Pinus radiata sapwood shavings 14
Cookson LJ, Greaves H, Pahl PJ A laboratory bioassay of various creosotes including PECC-18 9
Johnstone RS The performance in exposed situations of Pinus radiata treated with organic solvent preservatives 6
Konabe C, Oteng-Amoako A Preliminary trials of Busan 1009 and captafol as antisaptain chemicals in Papua New Guinea 6
Robinson PJ, French JRJ Beekeeping and wood preservatin in Australia 8
Greaves H, McEvoy C Soft rot in transmission poles treated with high retentions of CCA 8
Thornton JD Why the world's most famous wood-destroying fungus works fastest in Australia 6
Bolland L, Tierney JW, Diehm WI, Alsemgeest GF Fungi associated with sapstain of pine in South-East Queensland 11
Leightley LE The use of C13CP/MAS NMR in the chemical identification of decayed and undecayed tropical timber species 11
Tighe M, Johnson GC, Macauley BJ Edible mushroom production using composted sawdust 6
Alexiou PN, Gardner WD. Efficacy of fire retardants on the early fire hazard of timber and wood based panel products 9
Cookson LJ, Barnacle JE The occurrence of Limnoria in Australia 7
Cookson LJ The influence of laboratory maintenance on lignin degradation by Nasutitermes exitiosus (Hill) 8
Creffield JW, Howick CD Termiticidal effectivenesss of permethrin and fenvalerae- quarantine implications 12
French JRJ, Robinson PJ Baiting techniques for termite control 9
Doimo L, Barron PF, Frost RL Solid state 13C NMR of insect frass and wood 9
Kennedy MJ, Doimo L Starch characterization and quantitation by high performance gel permeation chromatography 6
Johnstone RS, Eldridge RH Biological attack on pole stubs- Wedding Bells State Forest Field Trial 6
Greaves H, Chin CW, McEvoy C The performance of CSIRO fungitoxic pole bandages after 5 years in service 7
Thornton JD, Johnson GC The Australian test of the in-ground durability of heartwood- its aims, current status, limitations, and potential 12
Bolland L, Kynaston WT Poor performance of spotted gum sleepers in a  railway line in South East Queensland 6
Gardner WD, Johnstone RS Effect of pre-treatment conditionng on the preservation of Pinus radiata 6


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