FPRC4 - 1949



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title PP
Head AE Railway Sleepers - Australian Standard 32
Tack G Railway Sleepers - High Pressure Preservation Treatment and Field Tests 43
Gottstein JW Railway Sleepers - Mechanical Failure Investigations 46
Amos GL Marine Borer Investigations 50
Tamblyn N Durability Tests 55
Tamblyn N Laboratory Tests of Preservatives 59
Tamblyn N Pole Bulletin 62
Tamblyn N Taxonomy of Fungi 75
Fogl ER Re-examination of toxicity of boric acid and borax 79
Cokley KV Use of sodium fluoride as a Lycticide 83
Huddleston EB Australian standard specifications for boric acid treatment 85
Cokley KV Review of standard minimum requirements as regards depth of penetration 86
Cokley KV Susceptibility gradings for new commercial timbers 92
Ellis C Review of S.A.A. specification with respect to inclusion of sapwood in Lyctus susceptible species 95
Cokley KV Report on Lyctus legislation (Queensland) 97
Tamblyn N Laboratory Breeding and Testing Techniques Committee 99
Tamblyn N Anobium: Susceptibility of Radiata pine 105
Huddleston EB Anobium: Susceptibility of Baltic pine 106
Huddleston EB Anobium: Attack in finished Scandinavian pre-fabricated houses 108
Tamblyn N Spraying of Buildings 109
Beesley J Lyctus Trade Circular 115
Cokley KV Lyctus Treatment Manual 116
Tack G Uniform Building Regulations and Building Research 119
Cokely KV Treatment for Moulds and Sapstain 122
Cokley KV Superficial Preservative Treatment of Lyctus Susceptible Timbers 130
Tack G Glue-line tests 131
Cokley KV Methods of Analysis for Boric Acid: Standard Procedure for Sample Selection 140
Cokley KV Methods of Analysis for Boric Acid: Analytical Methods 141
Tamblyn N Toxicity testing of Wolman Salts to Lyctus 150




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