FPRC17 - 1975



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:

Authors Paper title PP
DaCosta EWB Research on the conservation of poles, piles and sleepers 9
Greve D Serviceability of lower durability timber in construction framong 3
Greve DM Measurement and effect of moisture in building cavities 1
Cokley K Densification or resin impregnation of timber as a means of improving wear resistance 1
Bamber RK Why heartwood forms 6
Eccles DB, Alcock J, Smith WJ Incidence and effects of resin pockets in Pinus patula 7
Bamber RK Preliminary anatomical studies of the weathering of radiata pine sapwood 4
Cokley K The role of calcium and magnesium in the development of marine organisms 2
DeSilva D, Hillis WE, Groves KW Possible causes of durability under marine conditions of Syncarpia laurifolia (turpentine) 1
Tamblyn N Organic solvent preservatives 5
Dale FA A new type of incising machine 5
daCosta EWB, Barnacle JE Systematic collection and collation of service data 2
Barnacle JE Centre rot problem on poles 9
Johnstone RS, Gardner WD Developments in the formulation of organic solvent preservatives for milled radiata pine 5
Edwards DW Johnstone RS, Pitt W Evaluation of soft rot field test sites in NSW 8
Johanson R Two developments in protection and use of wood 4
On concept of brucising and oil penetration in karri (E. diversicolor) 4
Greaves H Microdistribution of preservative in wood using electron probe x-ray analysis 4
 DaCosta EWB Techniques for early evaluation of in situ treatments of poles 2
DaCosta EWB Improved methods for detection of internal decay in poles and in building timbers 1
Dale FA Health hazards associated with treatment and disposal of CCA treated timber 3
McCarthy D, DaCosta EWB Decay control in plywood by ;lueline additives 2
Howick CD, Tamblyn N, Creffield J Termiticidal effects of insecticidal glue-line additives 4
French JRJ, Robiinson R The effects of insect growth regulators on wood-destroying insects 4
Tamblyn N, Rosel A Comparative tests of superficial coatings and dip diffusion treatments for Lyctus immunization of Victorian Eucalypt framing  timbers 5
French JRJ, Rosel A Dutch elm disease beetle in Australia 3
Bootle KR Behaviour of currently available finishes on wood 2
Bootle KR Water repellent treatments for platform flooring 2
Yazak Y, Hillis WE, French JRJ Natural components that are toxic and repellent to termites 1
Cokely K The need for a better definition of the term sapwood 1
Smith NAH, Zosars A Copper arsenate as an alternative to CCA 1
Norton J, Kennedy M Comments on the need for a subsitute for boron 1
Howick CD Current studies on drywood termites 1
DaCosta EWB Collaborative preservative tests with the International Research Group on Wood Preservation 1
Johanson R Prolonging life of transmission poles 1
Johanson R To protect the use of arsenic 1
Johanson R Plantations of durable Eucalyptus spp. 1
Moffat A, Norton J Changes in heartwood extractives with high temperature drying 1
Irvine GM, Michell AJ, Vaugh JE, Willis D Wood fibre-synthetic polymer composites 4


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