FPRC13 - 1967



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title PP
Tamblyn N, Edwards DW, Cokley KV, McQuire AJ, Cummins N Research Reviews 23
Rudman P Natural durability: Research 41
Howick CD Natural durability: Survey 43
da Costa EWB, Osborne L, Fairey ED, French JRJ, Johnstone RS, Cummins N Laboratory evaluation of preservatives 45
da Costa EWB, Walters NE Timber for cooling towers 49
da Costa EWB, Edwards DW Decay in timber before pressure treatment 52
Tamblyn N, McQuire AJ Tests of timbers exposed above ground 55
Keirle R, Edwards DW, Butcher JA Research: in mycology 57
Dale FA, Edwards DW Fire resistance of treated posts and poles 62
Discussion Methods of improving pole treatments 65
Tamblyn N, Johnstone RS Impermeable heartwood in Pinus radiata 68
Howick CD, French JRJ Report on Hylotrupes bajulus 70
Johanson R Properties and use of arsenical creosote 74
Johanson R High temperature creosote supplies in Australia 77
Rosel A Lyctidae breeding, and toxicity testing 78
Tamblyn N Report of Preservation Committee 80
Johnstone RS Treatment of green P. radiata 82
Johnstone RS Treatment of cypress pine 84
Johnstone RS Treatment by high vacuum 85
Johnstone RS Treatment by copper pentachlorophenate 87
French JRJ, Johnstone RS Heat sterilization treatments 88
Fairey KD Lyctus survey 89
Bootle K Development of fungicides less toxic than pentachlorophenol in natural finishes 90
Discussion Incidence of 0rvptotermes brevis in Queensland 91
Cokley KV Preservative treatment of rail sleepers 92


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