FPRC12 - 1965



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title PP
Tamblyn N, Edwards DW, Cokley KV, McQuire AJ. Butcher JA, Cummins N Review of research activities 58
Colwell SJ Preservation in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea  
Tamblyn N Report of Preservation Committee on retentions and penetrations for waterborne preservatives
diffusion treatments in Papua New Guinea
Dale FA, Cokley KV Treatment characteristics of New Guinea timbers; need for similar Australian tests 103
daCosta EWB Preservative treatments for building timbers with impermeable heartwoods 108
Dale FA Need for a test fence to compare timbers and finishes 110
Tamblyn N Dip treatments for joinery 112
daCosta EWB In situ treatments 116
Edwards DW Durability in radiata pine weatherboard 117
Beesley J Need for preservative treatment bf radiata pine building timber 117
daCosta EWB Durability patterns in eucalypts and other timbers 120
Cokley KV, Colwell J Relationship between durability ratings and service results 123
Johnstone RS Fixation of copper pentachlorophenate 128
daCosta EWB Effect of timber species on performance of preservatives 130
Discussion Fixation of copper-chrome-arsenic preservatives in eucalypts 134
Edwards DW Toxicity of wood waste treated with copper-chrome- arsenic salts 134
Johanson R Incorporation of arsenic in creosote 136
Johnstone RS Efficiency of the Hudson's test-a-pole creosote method 139
Statement Methods for creosote analysis 140
Discussion New preservatives 141
Discussion Report on development of a plywood preservative 142
Johnstone RS Hot and cold bath preservative treatments - Warnervale NSW 145
Dale FA Need for post-mortem on all cases of early failure of treated wood 147
Cokley KV The need for checking in-service behavior of treated timber 148
Edwards DW Proposed branding system for treated wood 151
Dale FA The fire resistance of treated fence posts 153
Discussion Round fence posts - is more promotion needed? 154
Howick CD Marine borer tests 156
Gay FJ Termite investigations 162
Edwards DW, French JRJ Report on Hylotrupes bajulus 169
Edwards DW New South Wales developments in relation to the pest control industry 176
Rosel A Lyctus toxicity tests 179



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