FPRC11 - 1963



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title P
Tamblyn N, McQuire AJ, Cummins M, Denyer J, Edwards DW Review of Research Activities 41
Edwards DW Starch Levels Necessary for Lyctus Attack and Seasonal Variations 55
Edwards DW, Tamblyn N Sampling, Analysis and Distribution of Preservatives in Round Timber 57
Discussion Sub-Floor Ventilation 60
Edwards DW Review of Work on Bostrychids 62
Edwards DW Creosote Poisoning of Stock 63
Edwards DW Review of Work on Low Pressure Treatments 69
Edwards DW Fire Retardant Test Programme 70
Tamblyn N, daCosta EWB Recommended Retentions for Waterborne Preservatives 74
Edwards DW Reassessment of Needs of Timber Preservation Industry re Research and Extension 78
Beesley J Future of the New South Wales Pole Test Sites 80
Edwards DW Pole Inspection Practices 81
Howick CD Hylotrupes Report 83
Cokley KV Developments in the Use of All-Purpose Preservatives 89
Cokley KV Desirability of Standard Uniform Spot and Chemical Tests for Determination of Preservative Loading 92
Discussion Problems Associated with the Treatment of Outer Heartwood 95
Dale FA Premature Attack by Decay or Termites in Treated Poles 98
daCosta EWB Biological Deterioration of Poles During Seasoning and Control of Blue Stain 100
Tamblyn N Tests of Queensland Scrub Wood Timbers for Sugar Tram Sleepers 102
daCosta EWB, Johanson R Preservative Effectiveness of Australian Creosotes 104
daCosta EWB The Future of Durability Tests 111
daCosta EWB Extension of Heart Rots in Treated Poles 114
Johanson R Multi Salt Diffusion Treatment 116
Howick CD Activities of Commercial Pest Control Companies 117
Howick CD, Gay FJ Effectiveness of Emulsion-Type Preservatives for Surface Application 121
Rudman P Penetration of Preservatives in Hardwoods and Softwoods 124
Beesley J Deterioration of Weatherboards, including Radiata Pine 128



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