FPRC8 - 1956



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title PP
Tamblyn N Review 78
Tamblyn N Momentary dip-diffusion treatments for joinery and building timbers 99
Div. Wood Technology NSW Immunisation of brown barrel by momentary dip in concentrated borax-boric acid solution and block stacking 114
Div. Wood Technology NSW Preservation of fence posts by sap displacement 118
Div. Wood Technology NSW Pressure treatment of timbers with preservatives in New South Wales 119
Div. Wood Technology NSW Methyl bromide fumigation of timber infested with Siricid wood wasps 121
Div. Wood Technology NSW Anobium, Ernobius and Hylotrupes in NSW 124
Div. Wood Technology NSW Treatment of veneer with sodium fluoride for use with phenolic glues 133
Gay FJ Termite investigations 136



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