FPRC27 - 2001



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title P
Qader A, Cookson LJ Treatment of Eucalypt hearwood suing SCF as a carrer 6
Cookson LJ Do we need the A in CCA? 8
Scown DK, Cookson LJ Performance of treated hardwood fences after five years 10
Cookson LJ, Scown DK Timber Mooring Pile study after nine years service 12
McCarthy KJ, Scoan DK, Creffield JW, Qader A LOSP treatment of I-beams and their evaluation against termites 14
Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Cole IS, Wang C-H, Mackenzie C Prediction models for engineered durability of timber 58
Wang C-H, Leicester RH, Foliente GC, Gardner D, Thornton J, Johnson G, Cause M Prediction models of in-ground attack by decay fungi 60
Wang X, Foliente GC, Wang C-H, Leicester RH Timber utility pole reliability under decay attack 62
Leicester RH, Wang C-H, Foliente GC A prediction model for termite attack 64


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