Authors | Paper title | PP |
Carruthers P, Groesz M, Butler B | Treated timber framing technical requirements and market opportunities | 4 |
Cookson LJ, Scown DK, Schmalzl KJ | Pile surface coverage and copper, chromium, and arsenic content of barnacles growoing on experimental mooring piles | 14 |
Cookson LJ, Watkins JB, Scown DK | Treatment of Eucalypt paling fence timbers with emulsions of creosote and CCA | 10 |
McCarthy KJ, Mamers H | Stab diffusion trial with experimental rods containing diffusible copper/boron/fluorine | 15 |
Michell AJ, Herbert KS | Measuring changes in wood caused by alkali treatment or fungal decay by using near-infraed spectroscopy | 8 |
French JRJ | Internatonal collaborative laboratory comparison of two wood preservatives against subterranean termites: Third update | 10 |
Hedley M | Treatability and durability of radiata pine heartwoood: results of 25 years' field testing | 10 |
Brennan GK, Ainsworth GL | In-ground performance of regrowth Eucalyptus stakes in two Western Australian sies | 13 |
Evans PD, Beutel PJ, Wingate-Hill R, Cunningham RB | The ability of physical and chemical treatments to reduce checking in CCA treated slash pine posts | 8 |
Gifford JS, Marvin NA, Dare PH | Options for disposal of CCA treated timber | 9 |
Powell MA, Daniel LJ | The effects of NaCl concentration on basidiospore germination and hyphal growth of Rigidoporus lineatus | 7 |
Hood IS, Ramsden M, DelDot T, Self NM | The occurrence, development and significance of decay in stored logs caused by Rigidoporus lineatus | 12 |
Powell MA | Heat sterilisation of water stored timber infected with the white rot decay fungus Rigidoporus lineatus | 6 |
Wylie FR, DeBaar M, King J, Fitzgerald C, Peters B | Managing attack of bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidiae) in fire-damaged Pinus plantations and salvaged logs in Southeast Queensland | 12 |
Brown BN, Hood IA | The role of Rigidoporus lineatus as a saprophyte and potential pathogen | 8 |
Copley TR, Harding KJ, Gough DK | Moisture saturation levels in water stored logs | 9 |
Gough D | Water spray sorage of fire salvage logs in Southeast Queensland and issues arising that affected utilisation | 9 |
Thornton JD, Johnson GC, Nguyen N-K | Revised natrual durability ratings for outer heartwood of mature Australian timbers in ground contact | 12 |
Thornton JD, Johnson GC, Creffield JW | Hazard-based natural durability ratings and mean rates of biodeterioration proposed for use in the reliability-based durability design method | 12 |
French JRJ, Ahmed BM | Current developments in subterranean termite control in Australia | 11 |
Johnson GC, Thornton JD, Trajstman AC | An accelerated field simulator study of the natural durability of heartwood from mature and regrowth trees | 7 |
Palmer G, Horrigan A | The effect of pressure treatment with light organic solvent preservative on strength properties and drying behaviour of slash pine | 6 |
Ewart DM, Rawlinson ER, French JRJ, Tolsma AD, Ahmed B, Irvin GC, Wiggis PR | Continued development of Granitguard Particulate termite barriers | 8 |
Preston AF, Jin L, Archer KJ | Testing and development of preservative treatments for house framing | 10 |
MacKenzie C | A reliability based durability design method for timber | 8 |
Leicester RH | A reliability model for durability | 8 |
Horrigan A, Spillane B | Quality of structural products from Rigidoporus infected logs | 6 |
Cole IS | FWPRDC durability design project sub-program 2. Environmental hazards and mapping | 8 |
Clark NB, Hicks CC, Grover SD | The effect of a tropical white pcoket rot, Rigidoporus lineatus, on the wood and kraft pulping processes of Pinus elliottii stored logs and woodchip piles | 8 |
Brown BN | Studies on woodchips made from Pinus logs infested with the white rot fungus Rigidoporus lineatus | 11 |
Drysdale J, Bovelander M, Hedley M, Norton J, Creffield J, Thornton J, Johnson G | A rapid agar-plate-well technique for screening fungitoxicity of water-borne wood preservatives | 11 |
Gardner WD, Marchant JF, Page LG | The development of fungal stain in Victorian hardwood sawlogs: isolation and identification | 11 |
Snow JA, Parbery DG, Vinden P | The effect of penetration by four preservatives in the heartwood of Pinus radiata on its performance when exposed externally above ground as decking | 7 |
Wong AHH | FWPRDC Durability deisng project: Sub-Program 3. Test protocols and materials resistance | 13 |
Thornton JD | Performance of connections in treated and untreated radiata pine exposed in different parts of the building envelope | 11 |
Cole IS, Ganther W, Bradbury A, O'Brien D | Paper title | 9 |
Bajaj AS, Miller HR | Time dependent moisture diffusion models for timber | |
Warden PG, Coutts RS | Wood Fibre-Plastic composites | 7 |
Cause ML | Above ground timber durability after 7 years exposure in Eastern Australia | 2 |
Holmes J | Fixation of CCA wood preservative in Australian hardwoods: a comparison of three Eucalyptus species | 2 |
Holmes J | Peformance of CNB timber protective paste as a ground line maintenance (GLM) product | 2 |
Ahmed B, French JRJ, Vinden P | Effect of boron treatment on foraging populatons of Coptotermes species | 2 |
Tighe M | Are bacteria the cause of wet wood in Araucaria cunninghamii (Hoop pine) | 2 |
Ahmed B, French JRJ | Soil moisture preference by foraging populatons of subterranean termites | 2 |
Rawlinson ER, Ewart DM, French JRJ, Ahmed BM | Bait-box temite control method | 2 |
Thornton JD, Johnson GD, Nyugen NK | Revised CSIRO natural durability classification. In-ground ratings for mature outer heartwood | 2 |
Gough D | Water spray storage of fire salvage logs in South-east Queensland and issues arising that affected log utilisation | 2 |
Archer K | Performance of preservative systems in marine applications. Comparative data from three geographically distinct sites | 6 |
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