FPRC25 - 1996



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:

Authors Paper title PP
Carruthers P, Groesz M, Butler B Treated timber framing technical requirements and market opportunities 4
Cookson LJ, Scown DK, Schmalzl KJ Pile surface coverage and copper, chromium, and arsenic content of barnacles growoing on experimental mooring piles 14
Cookson LJ, Watkins JB, Scown DK Treatment of Eucalypt paling fence timbers with emulsions of creosote and CCA 10
McCarthy KJ, Mamers H Stab diffusion trial with experimental rods containing diffusible copper/boron/fluorine 15
Michell AJ, Herbert KS Measuring changes in wood caused by alkali treatment or fungal decay by using near-infraed spectroscopy 8
French JRJ Internatonal collaborative laboratory comparison of two wood preservatives against subterranean termites: Third update 10
Hedley M Treatability and durability of radiata pine heartwoood: results of 25 years' field testing 10
Brennan GK, Ainsworth GL In-ground performance of regrowth Eucalyptus stakes in two Western Australian sies 13
Evans PD, Beutel PJ, Wingate-Hill R, Cunningham RB The ability of physical and chemical treatments to reduce checking in CCA treated slash pine posts 8
Gifford JS, Marvin NA, Dare PH Options for disposal of CCA treated timber 9
Powell MA, Daniel LJ The effects of NaCl concentration on basidiospore germination and hyphal growth of Rigidoporus lineatus 7
Hood IS, Ramsden M, DelDot T, Self NM The occurrence, development and significance of decay in stored logs caused  by Rigidoporus lineatus 12
Powell MA Heat sterilisation of water stored timber infected with the white rot decay fungus Rigidoporus lineatus 6
Wylie FR, DeBaar M, King J, Fitzgerald C, Peters B Managing attack of bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidiae) in fire-damaged Pinus plantations and salvaged logs in Southeast Queensland  12
Brown BN, Hood IA The role of Rigidoporus lineatus as a saprophyte and potential pathogen 8
Copley TR, Harding KJ, Gough DK Moisture saturation levels in water stored logs 9
Gough D Water spray sorage of fire salvage logs in Southeast Queensland and issues arising that affected utilisation 9
Thornton JD, Johnson GC, Nguyen N-K Revised natrual durability ratings for outer heartwood of mature Australian timbers in ground contact 12
Thornton JD, Johnson GC, Creffield JW Hazard-based natural durability ratings and mean rates of biodeterioration proposed for use in the reliability-based durability design method 12
French JRJ, Ahmed BM Current developments in subterranean termite control in Australia 11
Johnson GC, Thornton JD, Trajstman AC An accelerated field simulator study of the natural durability of heartwood from mature and regrowth trees 7
Palmer G, Horrigan A The effect of pressure treatment with light organic solvent preservative on strength properties and drying behaviour of slash pine 6
Ewart DM, Rawlinson ER, French JRJ, Tolsma AD, Ahmed B, Irvin GC, Wiggis PR Continued development of Granitguard Particulate termite barriers 8
Preston AF, Jin L, Archer KJ Testing and development of preservative treatments for house framing 10
MacKenzie C A reliability based durability design method for timber 8
Leicester RH A reliability model for durability 8
Horrigan A, Spillane B Quality of structural products from  Rigidoporus infected logs 6
Cole IS FWPRDC durability design project sub-program 2. Environmental hazards and mapping 8
Clark NB, Hicks CC, Grover SD The effect of a tropical white pcoket rot, Rigidoporus lineatus, on the wood and kraft pulping processes of Pinus elliottii stored logs and woodchip piles 8
Brown BN Studies on woodchips made from Pinus logs infested with the white rot fungus Rigidoporus lineatus 11
Drysdale J, Bovelander M, Hedley M, Norton J, Creffield J, Thornton J, Johnson G A rapid agar-plate-well technique for screening fungitoxicity of water-borne wood preservatives 11
Gardner WD, Marchant JF, Page LG The development of fungal stain in Victorian hardwood sawlogs: isolation and identification 11
Snow JA, Parbery DG, Vinden P The effect of penetration by four preservatives in the heartwood of Pinus radiata on its performance when exposed externally above ground as decking  7
Wong AHH FWPRDC Durability deisng project: Sub-Program 3. Test protocols and materials resistance 13
Thornton JD Performance of connections in treated and untreated radiata pine exposed in different parts of the building envelope 11
Cole IS, Ganther W, Bradbury A, O'Brien D Paper title 9
Bajaj AS, Miller HR Time dependent moisture diffusion models for timber  
Warden PG, Coutts RS Wood Fibre-Plastic composites 7
Cause ML Above ground timber durability after 7 years exposure in Eastern Australia 2
Holmes J Fixation of CCA wood preservative in Australian hardwoods: a comparison of three Eucalyptus species 2
Holmes J Peformance of CNB timber protective paste as a ground line maintenance (GLM) product 2
Ahmed B, French JRJ, Vinden P Effect of boron treatment on foraging populatons of Coptotermes species 2
Tighe M Are bacteria the cause of wet wood in Araucaria cunninghamii (Hoop pine) 2
Ahmed B, French JRJ Soil moisture preference by foraging populatons of subterranean termites 2
Rawlinson ER, Ewart DM, French JRJ, Ahmed BM Bait-box temite control method 2
Thornton JD, Johnson GD, Nyugen NK Revised CSIRO natural durability classification. In-ground ratings for mature outer heartwood 2
Gough D Water spray storage of fire salvage logs in South-east Queensland and issues arising that affected log utilisation  2
Archer K Performance of preservative systems in marine applications. Comparative data from three geographically distinct sites 6


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