Authors | Paper title | PP |
Div of Forest Products CSIRO | Sleepers (Treatment and Specification) | 5B |
Div of Forest Products CSIRO | Preservation of Fence Posts | 6D |
Defence Research Laboratory | Timber preservatives — Physiological Effects | 6E |
Div of Forest Products CSIRO | Laboratory Evaluation of Timber Preservatives | 6F |
FPRB, Queensland | Treatment of Lyctus Susceptible Timber in Queensland | 6H |
Dept of Forestry, Queensland | Protection of Timber against Marino Borer Attack in Queensland | 6J |
Division of Entomology, CSIRO | Termite Investigations | 7 |
Div Wood Technology, NSW | Statistical Survey of Post Damage in Housing | 8A |
Dept of Forestry, Queensland | Borer Attack in Timber Buildings | 8A |
Divisionof Forest Products | Lyctus Susceptibility List | 8B |
Division of Entomology, CSIRO | Nutritional Requirements of Lyctus Larvae | 8C |
Div Wood Technology, NSW | Development of a Simple Method of Estimating Boric Acid in Treated Timber | 8E |
FPRB, Queensland | Determination of Boron by Colorimetric Methods | 8E |
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