FPRC16 - 1973



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title PP
Smith WJ Wood quality and property evaluation of re-growth hardwoods 1
DaCosta EWB Natural durability and heartrots 2
Levy C, Lattey P Building with treated teak plantation thinnings in Port Moresby 12
Hillis WE, Yazaki Y The potential for using CCA treated teak poles from plantations to support buildings exposed in Papua New Guinea in terms of planning, design and other aspects that would allow the structure to last a minimum of 20 years 1
Chapman P Performance of sheet flooring under long-term concentrated load and different sub-floor moisture conditions 7
Ironside GE Studies of under floor ventillation requirements in a radiata pine test structure 2
Smith WJ Factors affecting railway sleeper utilization 2
Bamber RK Studies of permeability of radiata pine and seraya to mineral turpentine 2
Bootle KR Are dip treatments with water repellents worthy of support? 1
Tamblyn N Organic solvent preservatives  5
Johnstone RS, Owen KL Fixation of CCA salt in Eucalypus maculata posts in service compared to Pinus radiata posts 7
Johnstone RS Creosote losses in hardwood poles 3
Cowan RM The need for a preservative treatment to replace CCA Salts 3
Levy CR Proposed study of the effect of starch and extractives on the susceptibility of CCA treated teak sapwood. 5
Bezemer LD, DaCosta EWB Laboratory evaluation of new preservatives 3
Johanson R Are chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents safe to use in wood protection 2
Dale FA Improvements required in wood for it to keep its place in outdoor use 2
Edwards DW, Johnstone RS Some observations of soft rot in treated timber 10
Tamblyn N Soft rot in treated wood 6
Levy C A note on soft rot in treated teak plantation thinnings 1
Cokley KV Problems in in-ground use of treated hardwoods 3
Cokley KV Assessment of decay hazard applying to various structural timber components 4
Walters NE, DaCosta EWB Decay and discolouration in old and new structures 1
DaCosta EWB Needs for preservative treatment of wood based panels 2
Reynolds JL, Elridge RL The distribution and abundance of termites attacking wood in service in the Sydney area 7
Lenz M, Creffield JW Responses of some Australian subterranean termites to solid wood and sawdust of four wood species 8
Howick CD, Creffield JW Recent developments in Australian laboratory termite assessment techniques 6
Rayner S A note on a small specimen marine exposure trials in Papua New Guinea 1
French JRJ New concepts and strategies in pest control 5
Hemmingway RW, Greaves H, DaCosta EWB Untitled 3
Weiss DE Wood Fibre-Plastic composites 11


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