FPRC18 - 1977



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:

Authors Paper title PP
DeSilva D, Hillis WE, Groves K Components of wood associated with marine durability 1
Beesley J, Thornton JD  Is there a future for preservative testing in Australia 5
Beesley J  The value of testing treated timber in the sea 5
Johnsen R Should we make poles last 100 years? 6
Greaves H Soft rot in Australia and Papua New Guinea 5
Greaves H Progress towards controlling soft rot in treated hardwood poles 7
Johnstone RS Remedial treatments to prevent soft rot in poles 5
Beesley J  The status of divisonal pole tests 6
Murray JB Statistical studies of replacement rate of wood power line poles erected by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria 13
Murray JB. Experience in the use of wood power line poles impregnated with pentachlorophenol in oil 5
Dale FA A butt-boring machine for poles 5
DaCosta ED Butt encapsulation in pole preservation 6
Barnacle JE Preliminary sudies in penetration of radiata pine heartwood 10
Dale FA. Preservation of exposed glulam pine beams 8
Price JD, Foxton JH, Retter SJ Industrial development in oil type preservatives 9
Johnstone RS, Gardner WD The performance of creosote-treated Eucalyptus pilularis sleepers in two climatic zones 4
Thornton JD  Mushroom production from wood waste 3
Johnstone RS, Gardner WD The use of captafol to reduce sapstain in Pinus elliottii 3
Gardner WD, Pitt W Relationship between moisture content and borax uptake in non-pressure immunisation 4
French JRJ, Robinson PJ Toilet roles to detect subterrean termites 4
French JRJ, Robinson PJ, Yazaki Y, Hillis WE Termite bioassays of wood extracts from cypress pine 4
Howick CD, Creffield JW Laboratory studies of the termiticidal effectiveness of chlorpyrifos 5
Creffield JW, Howick CD Preliminary information on the susceptibility of some Australian timbers to the European house borer Hylotrupes bajulus L. 4
Creffield JW, Howick CD Laboratory and culture of Heterobostrychus aequalis (Waterhouse) 4
French JRJ, Robinson PJ Effects of a juvenile hormone analogue in a veneer glue-line on Mastotermes darwiniensis 5
Elliott HJ, Kile G, French JRJ The role of pin-hole borers in myrtle beech dieback in Tasmania 4
Norton J The leaching of CCA salts from Eucalyptus maculata 4
Condon TC A method of determining the copper content of copper-chrome-arsenic treated woods and treatment solutions 2
Kennedy MJ The use of the fluoride ion selective electrode in analysis of treated timber 1
Wylie FR, Yule RA Quarantine and forestry in Queensland 14
Bootle K Dip treatments for radiata pine 1
Bootle K Exterior finishes 1
Shaw AD Band pass filter comparator for confirming the absence of serious internal voids in wood poles 8


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