FPRC26 - 2000



Wood Biodeterioration and/or Protection

Papers and/or Posters included:


Authors Paper title PP
Creffield JW, Greaves H, Chew N, Nguyen N-K Comparative in-ground performance of pigment emulsified creosote (PEC) and high temperature creosote (HTC) after 11 years of field exposure 8
Schmalzl KJ Some aplications of inductively couple plasma (ICP) spectroscopy in forest products 10
Snow J, Mollah M, Cobham P Strength of Tanalith E, CCA and Creosote treated Pinus radiata posts 12
McCarthy KJ, Scown DK, Cookson LJ, Mollah MR Vineyard trellis posts from treated eucalpyts 13
Cookson LJ, Trajstman AC Termite hazard maping 15



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