Your search resulted in 46 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Effect of fungal degradation on the chemical composition of acetylated beech wood
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40267
This study investigated the impact of fungal attack on the chemical composition of acetylated wood. Beech wood acetylated to different degrees was exposed to decay by the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor under solid-state fermentation conditions. Laboratory soil-bed assays were also conducted to study the degradation of acetylated wood by soft rot fungi and other soil-inhabiting microorganisms...
H Militz, Dong-won Son, L Gómez-Hernández, R Sierra-Alvarez
Creosote for wood preservation. (Reissued from earlier OECD draft)
1970 - IRG/WP III 1A
The literature on this subject is extensive and, to some extent, repetitive so that for pratical reference purposes it is essential that selective surveys and bibliographies be prepared. Many of these exist and, as an example, the reports issued by The Coal Tar Research Association (Numbers 0156, 0292 and 0396) may be quoted. The following bibliography, listing the more important sources of inform...
Resistance of pine and spruce heartwood against decay - The effect of wood chemical composition and coating with water-borne wood oil product
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10597
Natural durability of wood has been widely studied, but the combination of the natural durability and different treatments has not been the focus of many studies. The durability of wooden products is mainly based on the water permeability and the resistance against organisms. In this study, the water absorption and decay resistance of sapwood and heartwood of Scots pine and Norway spruce were exam...
H Viitanen, S Metsä-Kortelainen, T Laakso
Improvement of Grevillea robusta durability using heat treatment
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40333
Heat treatment of Grevillea robusta was carried-out under inert conditions to improve its durability. Resistance of heat treated samples was evaluated by malt agar block tests after three months of exposure to several wood rotting fungi. Results showed that the fungal durability was greatly improved after treatment. There was a good correlation between fungal resistance and mass loss which is a fa...
F Mburu, S Dumarçay, F Huber, M Petrissans, P Gérardin
Wood properties influencing the penetration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood with the wood modification agent furfuryl alcohol
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40470
The European standard EN 350-2 classifies Scots pine sapwood as class 1 (easy to treat). However large variations in sapwood penetration exist which affect a homogenous distribution of preservatives. Hence individual penetration schemes have to be developed and adjusted to the material most difficult to treat in order to provide adequate sapwood penetration. To ensure better economic process con...
K Zimmer, E Larnøy, G Koch
The effect of chemical changes on the wood-moisture relationships in thermally-modified wood
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40473
Small specimens of three wood species were thermally modified following twenty schedules in the 190-245°C temperature range for treatment times between 0.3 and 16 h. Five wood-moisture relations were subsequently determined, namely: anti-swelling efficiency (ASE), movement, hygroscopicity (adsorption and desorption), transversal swelling (radial and tangential directions), and equilibrium moistur...
M M González-Peña, M D C Hale
Connecting fungal genomic variations to wood chemical composition: A way to understand the adaptation of wood decaying fungi
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10776
The development of new sequencing methods allows now exploring the detoxication systems of wood-decaying fungi. These systems, called xenome, are mainly composed of oxidative enzymes (phase I) and of conjugation enzymes (phase II). These enzymes belong to superfamilies, which are extended in the plant cell-wall interacting fungi. From different approaches coupling in particular comparative genomic...
E Gelhaye, Y Mathieu, E Meux, A Thuillier, M Mélanie
Seed oil and defatted cake proximate composition of non timber product Annona squamosa (Annonaceae) grown in Benin
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30607
Annona squamosa L. is a small tree which grows wild in many places in the tropical regions, locally called “xwingle” in Benin. Its produces edible fruits, typically globular or heart-shaped which are highly appreciated and the seeds are not used. In the course of work about identifying new oil sources from a large number of oil bearing seeds grown in Benin, we report here on the chemical compo...
T S Djenontin, J Dangou, P Lozano, D Pioch, D C K Sohounhloue
Effect of the nature of the inert atmosphere used during thermal treatment on chemical composition, decay durability and mechanical properties of wood
2013 - IRG/WP 13-40625
Wood heat treatment is an attractive alternative to improve decay resistance of low natural durability wood species. Nowadays, several types of thermal treatments of wood exist. These treatments differ mainly by the nature of the inert atmosphere used to avoid wood combustion which may correspond to: nitrogen, vacuum, steam or oil. Decay resistances as well as mechanical properties are strongly co...
K Candelier, S Dumarçay, A Pétrissans, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin
Chemical composition of extractives of different wood compartments of Pinus merkusii and their potential implication in wood durability
2015 - IRG/WP 15-10841
Amounts and nature of extractives differ strongly according to the compartment of wood and to the nature of the wood species. Previous studies reported that knotwood of several European Pinus sp. contains extractives contents much higher than stemwood consisting mainly of lignans which may find valuable applications in cosmetic, nutraceutic or pharmaceutic sectors. Different explanations have been...
A Wijayanto, S Dumarçay, R Kartika Sari, W Syafii, P Gérardin, C Gérardin-Charbonnier
How intraspecific radial variability of the European Oak’s may influence mild pyrolysis process and durability of the material
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40725
Last decades wood is promoted as building material. Unprotected wood exposed to outdoor conditions undergoes a variety of degradation induced essentially by fungi attacks. Heat treatment of wood by mild pyrolysis (180°C T 240°C under inert atmosphere) is a preservation process with a weak environmental impact, and therefore, is viewed as an interesting alternative to the chemical impregnation me...
J Hamada, A Pétrissans, F Mothe, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin
Exterior birch plywood: potentiality of the thermo-hydro treatment
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40743
It has been found in the present study that, in laboratory fungi tests after leaching with water (EN 84), exterior birch (Betula spp.) plywood, as birch solid wood, is subjected to degradation by rot fungi. This limits the use of such plywood outdoors or in building structures in high humidity conditions. The possibility to improve the birch plywood fungal resistance was investigated in two ways: ...
B Andersons, I Andersone, A Meija-Feldmane, I Irbe, A Janberga, J Grinins
Chemical compositions and anti-termite activities of essential oils from Gabonese Canarium schweinfurthii Engl, Dacryodes buettneri Engl and Aucoumea klaineana Pierre wood resins.
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10895
Essential oil extract from resins of Canarium schweinfurthii, Dacryodes buettneri and Aucoumea klaineana woods from Cap Esterias and Oyem areas, Gabon, were prepared by Clevenger - steam distillation. The chemical compositions of these respective essential oils were analyzed by a Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Although monoterpenes were the main constituents of the thre...
Chemical compositions and anti-termite activities of essential oils from Gabonese Canarium schweinfurthii Engl, Dacryodes buettneri Engl and Aucoumea klaineana Pierre wood resins.
Material Resistance and Chemical Composition of Italian Stone Pine (Pinus pinea)
2018 - RG/WP 18-20645
Relevant properties of stone pine (Pinus pinea) wood have been only fragmentarily addressed in the past, which has been recognized as a limiting factor for its potential applications. The amount of the respective wood species on the market will likely increase in the future. The sorption properties, permeability to water, extractives content and durability against fungi of Pinus pinea sapwood and ...
M Humar, M De Angelis, M Romagnoli, V Vek, I Poljanšek, P Oven, N Thaler, B Lesar, D Kržišnik
Chemical composition and termiticidal activity of Khaya ivorensis stem bark extracts on woods
2018 - IRG/WP 18-30723
The genus Khaya is extractives rich, but the extractives in the stem bark are among the most abundant, accessible and utilised materials in Nigeria. These extractives are of considerable interest for wood protection because of their pesticidal properties. In this study, the chemical constituents of Khaya ivorensis stem bark (KISB) and their termiticidal activity were investigated on Triplochiton s...
G A Adedeji, O Y Ogunsanwo, F S Eguankun, T O Elufioye
Natural durability of four Tunisian Eucalyptus wood species and their respective compositions in extractives
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10942
In the 50’s, Tunisia government introduced more than 11 Eucalyptus wood species. Eucalyptus species were planted in Tunisia in different arboreta throughout the country for close observation and adaptation to climate and soil. These fast-growing wood species were mainly used as fire wood, for the production of mine wood and to fight against the erosion. These tree species were adapted themselve...
S Ben Ayed, M T Elaieb, S Dumarçay, B De Freitas Homen De Faria, M-F Thévenon, P Gerardin, K Candelier
Coula edulis baill an unknown wood species as an alternative to the main durable wood species used in Gabon
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10945
The Congo Basin hosts an exceptional biodiversity of trees, flora and fauna. However, the immense natural heritage of the forests in this area is increasingly threatened by many anthropogenic factors, due to selective exploitation of certain wood species. In Gabon, whose ecosystem is representative of this area, the forest represents nearly 80% of the national territory. Only a minority of wood sp...
C S A Bopenga Bopenga, S Dumarçay, P Edou Engonga, P Gerardin
Chemical composition, antitermite and antifungal activity of Dacryodes edulis oleoresin
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20653
Damages to wood structures and other cellulosic materials caused by wood destroying insects and fungi are estimated to several billions of dollars each year in the world. Among these, termites are considered as one of the most economically important pests for wooden structures. In the past, several wood protection chemicals like CCA, creosote, lindane or pentachlorophenol have been used. However, ...
W F Bedounguindzi, K Candelier, P E Engonga, Se Dumarcay, M-F Thevenon, P Gerardin
Chemical composition and performances of slow pyrolysis by-product from sugarcane bagasse for wood protection
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30752
Pyrolysis distillate or bio-oil, a by-product of biomasses’ slow pyrolysis in the char-making process, has been traditionally used as bio-pesticides by Asian farmers. Due to its large composition of bio-active chemicals, bio-oil obtained from various biomass has become of interest in many applications, including wood protectants. This study aims to characterize the chemical composition of bio-oi...
F D Boer, M-F Thévenon, J-M Commandre, M Fournier
Chemical composition of agarwood of Aquilaria crassna Pierre ex. Lecomte induced by Basidiomycetes from French Guiana
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10988
Aquilaria trees subjected to stress induce the formation of a transformed wood named agarwood. The formation of agarwood is a plant defense mechanism that occur in complex interactions with environmental microorganisms. Agarwood chemical compounds are mainly chromones and oxygenated sesquiterpenes such as eudesmol, agarospirol, jinkoh-eremol and valerianol, which are valued in perfumery. Its deriv...
C Zaremski, M Ducousso, C Andary, G Michaloud, C Menut, A Zaremski, N Amusant
Optimized composition of alkyd emulsion with nanoparticles of iron oxide for enhancing protection of thermally modified wood
2022 - IRG/WP 22-40940
Thermal treatment is acknowledged as an environmentally friendly method to improve durability of wood and some of its properties, such as biological resistance, dimensional stability, reduced hygroscopy. Despite these improvements, when used outdoors, also thermally treated wood is subjected to the action of environmental factors, like solar radiation, moisture, precipitations, temperature, etc., ...
E Sansonetti, D Cīrule, I Andersone, B Andersons, E Kuka