IRG Notice Board


Post-doctoral Scholar positions

Two Postdoctoral Scholar positions are available at the Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho (U of I, Moscow, Idaho)

Successful candidates will be involved in USDA NIFA, and U of I funded projects that aim to:

A) improve the durability (e.g., fungi, fire, weathering) of wood products using bio-based approaches


B) mycelium-based composites.

The research projects are a highly interdisciplinary and we expect candidates to:

1) hold a Ph.D. degree related to the proposed topics of the study, preferably in wood science/products, agricultural/biological engineering, chemical engineering, materials science & engineering, chemistry, or closely related disciplines;

2) highly motivated and competitive with strong writing and communication skills;

3) work in a collaborative environment.

Preferred qualifications: considerations will be given to those who have direct experience in the Wood protection and Microbiology fields or in Mycelium composites.

The target starting date for each of the two positions is in the Fall Semester 2024.

For more information and where to apply please click here.


Special Issue of Forests: Wood Durability and Protection

Wood products are versatile, widely available construction materials with a long history of use around the world. Increasingly, these materials are being sought for their lower lifecycle carbon emissions compared to alternatives. However, as a biological material, wood is susceptible to biodegradation by wood-destroying insects and fungi, and it must be protected from these attacks to ensure long-term performance in specific end applications. Different wood species also differ in their resistance to decay. Many methods of wood protection exist and include treatment with biocides, wood modification, moisture-excluding coatings, moisture management, and others. This Special Issue of Forests will highlight the latest developments in wood durability and protection research. 

For complete information please click here.

Guest Editors

Dr. Gerald Presley
Dr. Grant Kirker
Dr. Beth Stokes
Dr. Lili Cai
Dr. Katie M. Ohno

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 November 2024
