Searching document numbers, keywords, authors or titles is performed with the [search for];-textbox to the left of the search page. To search for sentences or multiple authors separate the words by space. To start searching, click the [search]-button.
Limiting search by year can be done while searching. This helps you to find the document you are looking for. Fill in the [between year]-fields in a year interval with four digits (example 1999 or 2005).
Example 1: To search for a document author (M Lüdicke)
and a keyword (EPR spectra), click on the [search for]-
textbox and write Sentjurc EPR spectra then click on the search button.
Note that non-English characters like č, å, ø can either be searched as they are or
be replaced with their corresponding Latin character (å=a, ü=u, ñ=n, æ=ae, ...).
Example 2: To search for a document written by two known authors (H Friis-Hansen, H Lundström), click on the [search for]-textbox and write Hansen Lundstrom then click on the search button.
Example 3: To search for a document number (IRG/WP 94-20054), click on the [search for]-textbox and write 94-20054 then click on the search button.
Example 4: To browse all documents from one year (1983), click on the NEW SEARCH link on top of the page, then fill in the between years textboxes: 1983 to 1983 then click search (you can leave the [search for]-textbox empty.
Example 5: To search for the IRG budgets from 1998 to 2000, click on the NEW SEARCH link on top of the page, write budget in the [search for]-textbox, then fill in the between years textboxes: 1998 to 2000 and click search.
Note: When searching, the search criteria words will be looked for among titles, authors, keywords, (abstracts), document numbers, conferences, (notes), filenames and years.
Default search result sorting is based on relevancy which is the most amount of found needles (words) in the haystack (database) to the least.