Beijing Forestry University - WPTT
Chinese Academy of Forestry - WPRG @ CAF
Guangdong Academy of Forestry - WPRG @ GAF
Kerala Forest Research Institute - KFRI
Northwest A&F University
Agrisolutions Australia
IVS Labs - New Zealand
National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life
Queensland DAF (Dept of Agriculture & Fisheries)
Scion Research
Symbio Laboratories
BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Bangor University
BRE - United Kingdom
Catas spa
DTI - Danish Techological Institute
Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research - WKI
Ghent University
Hacettepe University
Holzforschung Austria
Hussvamp Laboratoriet APS
IHD - Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden
INIA - Spain
Istanbul University
lavTOX - Holzlabor
Leibniz University Hannover
LNEC - Portugal
Luleå University of Technology
MPA Eberswalde
Mycoteam A/S
NBP Labs
NIBIO - Norwegian Inst.of Bioeconomy Research
Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology
Poznań University of Life Sciences
RISE - The Swedish Research Institute
SHR - The Netherlands
SLU - Swedish Univ Agricultural Sciences
Thünen Institute of Wood Research
Łukasiewicz Res. Network - Wood Technology Institute
University of Göttingen
University of Ljubljana
Univeristy of Lorraine
University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)
University of Portsmouth
Forest Products Laboratory - USDA
Michigan Technological University
Mississippi State University
Oregon State University
Southern Pine Inspection Bureau SPIB
Timber Products Inspection
University of British Columbia
University of Hawaii
University of Massachusetts
University of Tennessee
IPT - Technological Research Institute Sao Paulo
Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay
University of Bío-Bío