Regular Members are scientists and technologists who meet the qualifying requirements for membership of IRGWP by virtue of their being active in research or have an interest relating to the durability and protection of wood and wood-based products or being practitioners in the science and technology of wood protection and being qualified there-in by education, training or experience.
Corporate members support the IRG by furthering the IRG’s activities, programs and conferences, and this support is recognized by IRG with gratitude. Corporate membership of the IRG benefits both the IRG and our Corporate Members. Corporate membership of the IRG offers direct recognition of each Corporate Member's connection with wood protection science and technology, which may help our Corporate Members attract new customers or bolster the Corporate Member's reputation through good will, as well as access to technological talent, technology and science. IRG, in turn, receives financial support and may also experience increased focus and attention through these interactions. Our Corporate Members include a broad swath of interests relating to wood protection science and technology throughout the world.
Student Members are full-time students at universities or technical institutions who are studying subjects related to any aspect of wood protection. The purpose of Student Membership is to encourage participation by students early in their careers, and to encourage their continued participation in the field and in the IRGWP following graduation and entering into employment.
Corresponding Members are scientists who meet the qualifying requirements for membership of IRGWP and whose participation in IRGWP is sponsored by IRGWP, for a limited time period. The purpose of Corresponding Membership is to encourage and facilitate participation by scientists from countries not otherwise represented in IRGWP, and who are unable through national economic circumstances to secure adequate funding for regular membership. It is also intended to permit membership for scientists from Institutions active in wood protection research who are temporarily unable to maintain their regular membership.
Corresponding Members are required to provide a Report on the current status of wood protection research and developments in wood protection technology in their country at the beginning of their term as corresponding member of the IRGWP.
Requirements for being eligible for Life-long membership of the IRG are in meeting both of these stipulations:
The Member having paid their IRG membership fee for the prior ten (10) consecutive years.
The Member being a minimum of 55 years old at time of application for IRG Life-Long Membership.
Honorary Life-Long Members are members who have made outstanding contributions to the aims, functions, organisation or standing of IRGWP whilst in Regular Membership which is of a quality demanding extraordinary recognition. The purpose of the Honorary Life-Long Membership is to acknowledge such outstanding service to IRGWP through Life-Long Membership of the IRGWP. IRGWP reserves the right to limit the number of Honorary Life-Long Memberships at any time.
To view how the Membership types are reflected in the IRG annual membership fees and attendance fees for the IRG Annual Scientific Conferences, see the IRG Fees webpage, please click here.
To view recently joined new members of the IRG during 2024 click here and for who have joined during 2025 click here. Note that access to this recent new members webpage is only available to those with login credentials and after login to the IRG website.