IRG Fees, as of June 1, 2024



For definitions of Membership types please refer to the IRG Memberships webpage, please click here.



Membership Fees


If paying by Bank Transfer, Paypal, Credit card or Debit card the membership fees are:

Regular member
1200 SEK
Student member
600 SEK
Corresponding member
Corporate member
9500 SEK
RCA2025 Awardee for 2025


Life-long Membership 

One time payment
7500 SEK


For definition of Life-long Membership requirements and qualifications please refer to the IRG Membership webpage, click here.




IRG56 Conference Registration fees


Members and LOC Sponsors

Regular member
6500 SEK
Student member
2000 SEK
Corresponding member
3500 SEK
Corporate member, per person
6500 SEK
IRG56 Sponsor, per person
6500 SEK
RCA Recipient 2025
1000 SEK



Other (Guest)
9500 SEK
3500 SEK



Person 15 years & older
2700 SEK
Person less than 15 years


Late registration fee for IRG56

(applies to all of the IRG56 Registration fees above)

After May 9, 2025
3000 SEK




For convenience: Currency converters from SEK

European Euro

Japanese Yen

US Dollar

For other currencies use one of the above links and change currency to that of your country of interest.




Information on the IRG56 meeting to be held in Yokohama, Japan commencing on June 22, 2025 is available at this link and will be updated continually as further information comes to hand.