Your search resulted in 165 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Report of an investigation of damage by wood ants in buildings in Sweden
1976 - IRG/WP 148
Wood ants in buildings occur everywhere in Sweden, particularly in maritime districts and in vicinity of larger lakes. The damage caused by Camponotus herculeanus does not differ from that caused by Camponotus ligniperda. The former occurs in all Sweden, the latter only in southern Sweden. The damage is to be found almost exclusively in dwelling houses (week-end cabins and "all-the-year round" hou...
V Butovitsch
Die Verbreitung de Hausbockkäfers Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) Serville (Col., Cerambycidae). Versuch einer kartographischen Erfassung seines Vorkommens
1980 - IRG/WP 1120
Die Larven des Hausbockkäfers Hylotrupes bajulus (L.) Serville gehören in den meisten europäischen Ländern und in einigen Überseegebieten zu den wirtschaftlich bedeutendsten Schädlingen verbauten Nadelholzes. Über die historische Einstufung und über die Vermutungen der Herkunft des Käfers, über frühere und aktuelle Berichte über Vorkommen und Schäden finden sich zahlreiche Literaturan...
H Becker
Some biological observations on the management of preservativion experiments with submerged timber in the marine environment
1976 - IRG/WP 421 E
P Deschamps
Soil-bed studies (Part 3): A cause of failure of multisalt preservatives following soil-bed exposure
1983 - IRG/WP 3261
P Vinden, J F Levy, D J Dickinson
Examen chimique du traitement de poteaux effectué à St-Michel s/Meurthe
1974 - IRG/WP 337
J Guillemain-Thévenot, C Jacquiot
Data sheet on wood-boring insects: Ptilinus pectinicornis (Linnaeus)
1987 - IRG/WP 1334
S Cymorek, M-M Serment
Water-based water repellents for treatment of wood
1987 - IRG/WP 3446
The water uptake by wood can be reduced by treatment with a water repellent. The water repellents most commonly used are solvent based. In the present work a new type of water repellent that is water-based has been investigated. Two different treatments have shown an effect of the same order as a commercial solvent based product. The cellular distribution of the water repellents has been investiga...
I G Svensson, G Hägglund, I Johansson, W B Banks
The interaction of polyflavonoid tannins with CCA in Pinus radiata
1987 - IRG/WP 3422
Polyflavonoid tannins complex easily and rapidly with metal ions such as copper, chromium, and arsenic. such complexes in high-tannin-containing CCA treated hardwoods might result in essentially under-treated timber. Four aspects of this interaction were investigated: 1) The relationship between tannin contents of seven hardwoods (Betula pendula, Alstonia scholaris, Fagus sylvatica, Liquidambar st...
K G Ryan, D V Plackett
CCA component distribution in the heartwood of treated lodgepole pine and white spruce
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30173
As part of a comprehensive study on the influence of drying on heartwood permeability, the distribution of copper, chromium and arsenic (CCA) in lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss.) heartwood was examined with light microscopy. Stained microtomed sections were examined to determine the penetration pathway for the CCA. The microscopic observations re...
Y An, J N R Ruddick, P I Morris
The permanence of permethrin in wood preservation
1984 - IRG/WP 3288
The permanence of the synthetic pyrethroid permethrin in treated wood has been assessed for double vacuum and immersion treated Scots pine sapwood and whitewood using a 0.5% m/m solution of the insecticide in a hydrocarbon solvent. It is concluded that for all but the outermost 0.5 mm of the treated battens the distribution of the permethrin is relatively permanent. The outermost 0.5 mm appears vu...
R J Orsler, M W S Stone
Literature survey on the permanence and distribution of salt-type wood preservatives
1969 - IRG/WP III 1B
The objective of this survey is generally to review some of the more important published work dealing with the distribution and permanence of salt-type waterborne wood preservatives in treated timber. The survey is limited to the major chrome-containing formulations and the classification system proposed by Becker (1964) has been adopted throughout.
CK - chromium, copper (copper, chrome); CKA - c...
Wood-destroying Rhinotermitidae (Isoptera) in the oriental region
1984 - IRG/WP 1236
Species of the family Rhinotermitidae are important wood-destroying termites. From the Oriental zoogeographical region, 85 species of the family are reported of which some are wide spread and cause extensive damage to wood, wooden articles and other cellulosic products. The distribution, biology, ecology and pest status of the important wood-destroying species, in the Oriental region, are given in...
O B Chhotani
Questionnaire on the distribution of the house borer Hylotrupes bajulus
1982 - IRG/WP 1170
H Becker
Termites in Eastern Canada: An updated review and bibliography
1990 - IRG/WP 1431
This report updates Document No. IRG/WP/1333, issued in 1987. The current distribution of termites in eastern Canada and current termite control practices and controversies are explained, and current research is very briefly summarized. Since 1987, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) has been discovered in several more municipalities in the province of Ontario, and in Winn...
J K Grace
Lignocellulotitic Hymenomycetes from native forest and Pinus elliottii Engelm in the Fontes do Ipiranga State Park, São Paulo, Brazil
1991 - IRG/WP 1468
Results show a distinct microflora for each forest type. A total of 9 families, 45 genera and 67 species were distributed among the two forest ecosystems were studied. Antrodiella, Auricularia, Grammothele, Steccherinum, Stereum and Trametes were found only in the native forest, where Antrodiella hydrophila (Berk. & Curt.) Ryv., Grammothele sp, Phellinus gilvus (Schw.) Pat., Rigidoporus microp...
M Aparecida de Jesus
The variability of preservative distribution in test blocks
1973 - IRG/WP 220
The techniques for the assessment of likely effectiveness of preservative systems have long been the subject of much discussion. The whole field has recently been reviewed by Hilditch and Hamblyn (1971) who described in detail many of the laboratory test procedures used, but who also indicated the deficiencies in many of these techniques. It has long been the view of many associated with the wood ...
F W Brooks, M R Gayles, R W Watson
Quelques observations biologiques sur la conduite des essais de protection des bois immerges en milieu marin
1976 - IRG/WP 421
P Deschamps
The secondary treatment of creosoted electricity poles with fused boron rods
1988 - IRG/WP 3485
After preliminary trials selected poles were treated at the groundline with fused boron rods. Early samplings showed that movement was slow in the dry heartwood but after six years the distributions obtained indicate that the system has merit for the treatment of the heartwood of poles in service....
D J Dickinson, P I Morris, B Calver
Questionnaire on the most important wood-destroying insects in your country and/or state
1980 - IRG/WP 1125
S Cymorek
The Chemical and Biological Properties of Polymeric Betaine
2009 - IRG/WP 09-30512
Didecyl polyoxyethyl ammonium borate (DPAB), also known as Polymeric Betaine, was developed as a co-biocide for chromium-free copper based wood preservatives in Europe in the 1980’s. DPAB as a wood preservative has been reported previously. This paper summarizes the chemical, physical, and biological properties of DPAB. ...
H Härtner, S Schmitt, Futong Cui, H M Barnes
Chapter 1 - Introduction to bamboo
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10635-01
In this introductory chapter the botanical position, distribution, utilization,
outlooks, production, research, importance, propagation, natural
durability, preservative treatment, importance of preservative treatment,
treating principles, research on preservative treatment of bamboos and
the objectives of this book have been described briefly under individual
A K Lahiry
Visualization of inorganic element distribution in preservative treated wood by SEM-EDXA
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40208
SEM-EDXA was found to be an effective way of visualizing inorganic element distribution in wood as it was possible to examine some inorganic elements at the same time and map the concentration differences in color. Japanese cedar sapwoods were impregnated by vacuum treatment with CuAz or by pressure treatment with CCA preservatives and then distribution of Cu, Cr and As elements in wood were exami...
H Matsunaga, R Matsumura, K Oda
Subterranean termites in Portugal. Tentative model of distribution
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10420
Although extensive references can be found on the presence in the last 50 years of Reticulitermes lucifugus (Rossi), in Portugal, its exact distribution and importance has never been critically evaluated.
Termites were found to be widespread in the country and are probably the most serious wood destroying insects in buildings.
To provide a future working tool that would permit an evaluation of t...
T Nobre, L Nunes
The status of marine wood preservation in Papua New Guinea
1974 - IRG/WP 405
The life-expectancy of Papua New Guinea hardwoods in the marine environment has in the past been too short to be an economical proposition, a service life of six to twelve months being obtained from some of the timbers susceptible to marine wood borer attack. Consequently plans for wharves and other marine structures have specified the use of imported materials such,as steel and concrete. Due to t...
S M Rayner
The distribution of introduced acetyl groups and a linseed oil model substance in wood examined by microautoradiography and ESEM
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40169
Microautoradiography, a photographic method that shows the localization of substances labelled with radioactive isotope, and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) were combined to enhance sensitivity, resolution and reliability for examination of the distribution of introduced substances in wood. The preparation of microautoradiographs is less complicated when investigated with ESEM an...
M Rosenqvist