Your search resulted in 56 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Exterior paint for the future - Will there be any dry-film preservatives left?
2017 - IRG/WP 17-50332
Wooden houses have a long tradition in several of the Nordic countries. Wood can be protected in various ways; constructional, chemically and by surface treatment. The use of various types of exterior paints as a surface treatment is a common way to prolong the durability of the wood. To further protect the painted surface against growth of fungi and algae, dry-film biocides remains an essential p...
H Jensen, M Sandve, S M Lystvet
Response of the symbiotic flagellate protists community of subterranean termites to sublethal amounts of biocides
2018 - IRG/WP 18-10911
Subterranean termites are quite efficient at extracting nutrients from lignocellulose. Their ability relies not only on the digestive tract physiology but also on symbiotic relationships established with flagellate protists and bacteria. This work aimed to screen the response of the flagellate protists community of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes grassei Clément to the ingestion of differ...
S Duarte, T Nobre, P Borges, L Nunes
Rapid Screening test of potential antimicrobial agents for wood coatings
2018 - RG/WP 18-20644
A two-part screening test has been developed to evaluate additives for wood coatings. First, an additive is tested in the microbial laboratory and evaluated based on its inhibitory properties against selected test organisms, directly on agar plates. A microbial growth analysis is prepared and evaluated. If the additive is considered effective, it will be tested in a standard top coating (acrylic o...
J Stenbæk, E Morsing, T Østergaard Jensen
Influence of different triazoles as co-biocides in wood preservatives on efficacy and the environmental impact
2018 - IRG/WP 18-50333
In this study we investigated the efficacy and impact on the environment of different co-biocide triazoles in wood preservatives. Four different formulations (all containing 9.5% Copper) contained individual and combinations of cyproconazole, tebuconazole, propiconazole as co-biocides. Four formulations were tested according to EN 113 and EN 84 (ageing) to determine the brv for each formulation. T...
M Klamer, T Jensen, S Bang-Achton, E Morsing
Exemplary aboveground hardwood protection from Coptotermes curvignathus under weathered conditions conferred by proprietary microemulsion-based cypermethrin (SARPECO®) and permethrin (AXIL®) biocides
2019 - IRG/WP 19-30749
SARPECO® (with cypermethrin) and AXIL® (with permethrin) solutions are water-based wood preservatives approved for dipping treatment providing 25 years of termite protection for solid wood and wood-based products in Europe and for more than 10 years in Indonesia. SARPECO® and AXIL® solutions are patented formulations based on concentrated microemulsions (ME) diluted with water as a dipping tre...
D Messaoudi, A H H Wong, C A D Tawi, N Bourguiba, O Fahy
Monitoring of wood preservatives exposed to weathering: Extraction and analysis methods of organic biocides from treated wood and collected rain runoff
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30753
Weathering is the cause of numerous damages for outdoor joineries. Protection of wood using a preservative treatment covered with a coating is a process widely used to limit these damages. However, biocides from preservative treated wood are prone to degradation and leaching, having a direct influence on the joinery service life. This document deals with extraction and analytical methods for bioci...
O Ouali, K Le Ménach, E Raphalen, L Podgorski, S Legay, H Budzinski