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Your search resulted in 233 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Biological effectiveness of ground-contact wood preservatives as determined by field exposure stake tests
1984 - IRG/WP 3297
Field exposure tests conducted on stakes treated with different creosotes, mixtures of creosote and waxy oil as well as different CCA wood preservatives over a period of 25 years, gave the following results: The CCA preservatives provided excellent biological protection to treated stakes, especially against fungal attack. The CCA Type I, currently approved for use under South African conditions is...
W E Conradie, A Pizzi

Practical testing of wood preservatives to prevent weathering damage and infection by micro-organisms on spruce and pine
1989 - IRG/WP 3530
Brush application, is generally used to prevent wooden window frames from decay caused by influence of weathering and fungi. Accordingly 10 boards of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies) were treated with 10 commercially used wood preservatives. The efficiency of fungicides by using chiptest and blue stain test (EN 152), the effectiveness against weathering as well as the course of col...
R Gründlinger, O Janotta, H Melzer, K Messner

The efficacy of polyurethane coatings on wood samples exposed in the marine environment. Final Report -10 Year Assessment
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10170
The results of an IRG collaborative marine trial to investigate the long-term permanence and efficacy of polyurethane coatings against marine borers are reported. PU-coated wood samples were exposed at a range of sites from tropical to cold temperate locations. The marine borer species present at the sites included teredinids, pholads, limnoriids and sphaeromatids so that each site offered its own...
R A Eaton

How to keep coated wood structures sufficiently dry to avoid damage caused by rot
1991 - IRG/WP 2376
During the last ten years, a new type of problems with wood rot has emerged in Scandinavia. Thousands of houses have been damaged by wood rot attaching to the exterior wood panel. This paper provides an overview of finished and ongoing work in order to identify the cause of these problems. In field tests, the moisture conditions were measured in panels coated with different paint systems. The infl...
S Hjort

Influence of a dipping preservative treatment on the performance of wood finished with waterborne coatings
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40121
Within a larger European research project on the performance of joinery finished with waterborne coatings, the influence of a water based dipping preservative treatment was studied in several ways. Six different waterborne coatings were tested with and without a preservative underneath the coating. The performance was tested on pine sapwood and spruce panels in a 2-year outdoor weathering trial on...
M De Meijer, J Creemers, W Cobben, P Ahola

Studies on the fungicidal effectiveness of a petrol derived product as a creosote alternative
1986 - IRG/WP 3384
This work, appears first because of the necessity to find out a profitable use for a residual product of the petrol pyrolisis, and second, because the lack of high natural durability wood used until now-a-days to build posts and sleepers in creosote lacking countries. Our main objective was pointed to the characterization of this new product and to find out the effectiveness against the wood-destr...
A M Navarrete, M T De Troya.

Preservative effectiveness of medium temperature creosote oil
1990 - IRG/WP 3597
Medium temperature creosote oil (MTC) was prepared by removing light naphthalene oil and heavy anthracene oil from the coal tar by means of fractional distillation. We conducted the effectiveness test of MTC in accordance with the JWPA method for testing effectiveness of surface coatings with preservatives against decay fungi. The soil treatment test against Serpula lacrymans was also carried out ...
S Doi, A Yamada, Y Suda

Durability of surface preserved wood particle boards submitted to atmospherical influence
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40039
The worldwide problem of the continuously growing deficit of high quality natural wood material has caused the attempts of many research workers to find effective composites such as wood particle boards (WPBs) for replacing the massive wood for constructive purposes, depending on where the boards are exploited - in the open or under a shed, they are submitted to various climatic factors such as he...
L Valcheva

Fungus cellar and field tests with tall oil derivatives. Final report after 11 years' testing
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30007
Two derivatives of tall oil were tested as wood preservatives in a fungus cellar and in ground contact (field test). Stakes of Pinus sylvestris sapwood were used in the tests. For the field test the size of the stakes was 20 x 50 x 500 mm³ and for the fungus cellar test 20 x 20 x 250 mm³. The stakes were vacuum-pressure treated with the two products and exposed in 1981. The field test site used ...
J Jermer, Ö Bergman, T Nilsson

Surface Barriers for Protection of Culture and Heritage Wooden Objects from Insect Attack
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20286
Anoxic treatment is an environment friendly procedure for eradication of wood boring insects in wooden objects of cultural and historical heritage. However, after the anoxic treatment, wooden antiques remain susceptible to further insect attacks. Possible protection against insects could be provided by the so-called post-repression protective barriers. Potential coating materials for such barriers...
M Petric, M Pavlic, B Kricej, M Humar, F Pohleven

A collaborative test to determine the efficacy of polyurethane coatings on wood samples in the marine environment. 2nd Interim Report
1990 - IRG/WP 4161
The results of a collaborative international test to evaluate the performance of elastomeric polyurethane coatings of wooden test samples exposed in seawater at 13 sites around the world are reported. The samples have been exposed at sites with known infestations by molluscan and/or crustacean wood borers. Performance data for up to 4 years exposure at some sites is presented providing information...
R A Eaton

Properties of hot oil treated wood and the possible chemical reactions between wood and soybean oil during heat treatment
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40304
Thermal treatment with hot oil as the heating media based on the original idea from oil-heat treatment in Germany was investigated. The treatment was mainly carried out at 200ºC and 220ºC for 2 hours and 4 hours, and the wood species were mainly spruce and fir. This paper focuses on the difference between soybean oil and palm oil and the possible chemical reactions between wood and soybean oil. ...
Jieying Wang, P A Cooper

Observations on the activities of Sphaeroma in Australia
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10059
Polyurethane coated timber specimens are being attacked at Townsville by Sphaeroma terebrans in the tidal zone. To understand this marine borer better, the results from several other marine tests at Townsville are briefly described, and information about Sphaeroma spp. from elsewhere in Australia is presented. At Townsville, Sphaeroma seems to prefer the shady side of timber fender piles. Also, it...
L J Cookson

The practice of using concrete on wood piling for marine use in Thailand
1982 - IRG/WP 492
The practice of using concrete on wooden poles has been carried on in Thailand for a long time in pile-houses and pier constructions which have been situated in, or partly in the sea. In such instances, the hewed round and/or square-sawn heartwood poles of naturally durable timber species have been coated with concrete of about 5 to 10 cm or more in thickness, and to about 100 cm above the highest...
B Anuwongse

The degradation of wood by metal fastenings and fittings
1972 - IRG/WP 302
As well as the hazards of biological decay, timber used in boat building is subject to the effects of chemical decay associated with the corrosion of metallic fastenings. The title has been deliberately chosen to emphasize that in wooden construction the troubles are not just those of corrosion of the fastenings, but also the destructive secondary effects on the wood caused by the products of the ...
L C Pinion

Construction of dhows in Kuwait
1981 - IRG/WP 465
To most people Kuwait means oil and the opulence associated with it, but to the seafarer, Kuwait means Dhows. There are as early references to the Kuwaiti Dhows as the 17th century. The Danish explorer Nebuhr in 1756 described Kuwait as having a work power of 10,000 people and 800 wooden boats involved in fishing, pearl diving, and trade. Dhows might well have been the original carriers of "The Pe...
A S Zainal, M A Ghannoum

Performance of preservative-treated timber against biodeterioration in Indian waters
1984 - IRG/WP 4106
Results on the investigation on the durability of panels of 32 timber species, pressure-treated with various preservatives and exposed along the Indian coast for varying periods upto a maximum of 15 years, are summarised. Panels of even non-durable timber gave excellent results against biodeterioration after treatment. Their life was comparable to that of treated durable timber. The preservative t...
L N Santhakumaran, J C Jain, M C Tewari

Decay resistance of densified ammonia-plasticized stems of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis)
1991 - IRG/WP 3673
When wafers of oil palm stems (Elaeis guineensis) were plasticized with 28% aqueous ammonia and immediately compressed mechanically, the treated material, gained 73% in basic density (average basic density, 0.695 g/cm³), and was highly resistant to decay by wood rot basidiomycetes. Compared with the control specimens (density, 0.403 g/cm³), resistance to decay of the densified specimens by Corio...
A H H Wong, M P Koh

Durability of surface coating systems. Mycologg - an accelerated mycological test.
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20301
Field testing and natural aging/degradation of test sample, e.g. coated wooden surfaces is a slow process. Accelerated tests focus on mechanical properties, water uptake or sometimes stain fungi. Artificially weathered coated panels are not easily compared with naturally aged panels, and show the importance of involving the biological component among the degrading facors. It is a need for acce...
L Ross Gobakken, J Mattsson, B Jacobsen, F G Evans

A laboratory study on effect of coating materials on leaching of copper from CCA treated wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50176
Components of CCA preservatives can leach into surrounding soil and water and have some effect on germination and growth of some plants. In this report, the effect of coating materials in reducing chemical concentration in the leachate were evaluated. Rubber wood blocks (Hevea brasiliensis) treated with CCA were fixed at room temperature at high humidity. After air dried, they were painted with co...
A Veenin, T Veenin

Screening of the efficacy of tall oils against wood decaying fungi
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30354
Tall oil is a by-product in pulping of resinous wood by the sulphate process. Tall oil contains a complex mixture of wood extractives. Some of these extractives act as natural protection against wood decaying fungi while other serve as nutrition for the fungi. This report describes a screening of the efficacy of four refined tall oils with different chemical composition on wood decaying fungi. ...
G Alfredsen, P O Flæte, A Temiz, M Eikenes, H Militz

Blue stain in service on wood surface coatings. Part 1: The nutritional requirements of Aureobasidium pullulans
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1556
The nutritional requirements of Aureobasidium pullulans was examined with regard to nutrient sources that are potentially available in fresh and weathered wood. The study was designed to determine how far wood cell wall components need to be broken down during weathering before they provide a useful nutrient source for Aureobasidium pullulans. Various carbon sources were tested, with eight differe...
P R Sharpe, D J Dickinson

Interim balance after 20 months of lap-joint exposure
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20164
The application of natural resins and integrated resin systems to improve the performance of Pinus sylvestris was assessed in a lap-joint test according to DIN V ENV 12037 (1996). Lap-joints of Pinus sapwood were exposed at the test field in Hamburg (Germany) in May 1997. The treated lap-joints were assessed with regard to the performance of the resin treatments out of ground. The exposure of lap-...
M Sailer, A O Rapp, R-D Peek, A J Nurmi, E P J Beckers

Evaluation of outdoor weathering performance of modified wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20296
Interlace treated, oil treated, silicon treated as well as untreated Scots pine samples have been exposed outdoors. For evaluating the samples on their long term performance an internal standard had been developed. Parameters to be determined were the uptake of liquid water (submersion test), weight variation during exposure, crack performance, surface roughness and colour change. This paper disc...
Y Schulte, S Donath, A Krause, H Militz

Observations on the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-borers with special reference to the West Coast
1981 - IRG/WP 468
The paper highlights the economic importance of the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-destroying agencies. The annual loss involved is to the extent of over 94 million rupees. Thirty-nine spectes and one variety of woodborer have so far been recorded from India, of which Bankia campanellata, Bankia carinata, Bankia rochi, Dicyathifer manni, Lyrodus pedicellatus, Teredo clappi, T...
L N Santhakumaran, J C Jain

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