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Your search resulted in 1221 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

The Influence of Extractives on Western Redcedar’s Equilibrium Moisture Content
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40331
The high natural durability of western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn) heartwood is often attributed to the presence of the thujaplicins, which are toxic to fungi. However, sound, twenty-five year old western redcedar shakes and shingles were found to contain only traces of the thujaplicins, but significant quantities of plicatic acid (which is only weakly toxic to fungi). This suggests that factors...
R Stirling, P I Morris

Assessment of the Envelope Effect of Three Hot Oil Treatments: Resistance to Decay by Coniophora puteana and Postia placenta
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40344
Timber of Corsican pine (Pinus nigra var. maritima) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) was treated in hot linseed oil, rapeseed oil and a proprietary resin derived from linseed oil. The samples were immersed in oil or resin under reduced pressure at temperatures of 180°C and 200°C. Very high uptakes of the oils or resin were recorded for pine, while spruce showed lower weight percent gains, below...
M J Spear, C A S Hill, S F Curling, D Jones, M D C Hale

Wood-Plastic Composites and the Durability Dilemma: Observations from the Field
2006 - IRG/WP 06-40351
Wood-Plastic Composites (WPCs) used for decking, window & door moldings have experienced dramatic growth in North America over the last several years, with annual production increasing at rates greater than 20% per annum since 1998. A key factor contributing to this growth has been the successfully communicated message that they are "virtually maintenance free". The common perception being t...
M J Manning, F M Ascherl, M E Mankowski

Laboratory Leaching Tests to Study the Effects of Post-Treatment Storage Periods on CCA Leachability and Fixation in Treated Permeable and Refractory Malaysian Hardwoods
2006 - IRG/WP 06-50240
The biological resistance and environmental safety of CCA-treated wood relies on the extent of post-treatment storage fixation of CCA in wood prior to being utilized. A study on the comparative leachability (fixation) of CCA-treated refractory and permeable heartwoods of 3 Malaysian hardwoods subjected to different post-treatment storage (fixation) periods of up to 4 weeks, at 2 laboratory leachin...
A H H Wong, H C Lai, N P T Lim

The influence of wood density on the durabilities of three Ghanaian hardwoods (Nauclea diderrichii (de Wild.) Merr., Nesogordonia papaverifera (A. Chev.) R. Capuron and Corynanthe pachyceras Welw.) )
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10603
Review of factors that influence wood durability shows that although density varies depending on stem position, its role on decay resistance appears controversial. The role density plays in influencing the durability of three hardwoods from Ghana, namely Nauclea diderrichii (de Wild.) Merr., Nesogordonia papaverifera (A. Chev.) R. Capuron) and Corynanthe pachyceras Welw. is therefore investigated ...
C Antwi-Boasiako, A J Pitman, J R Barnett

On the reasons of Prunus africana natural durability
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10611
Analysis of Prunus africana heartwood extractives was studied with the aim of understanding the reasons for its high natural durability. Soxhlet extractions of wood powder using different solvents were carried out. Effect of each extracts at different concentrations was evaluated on the growth of several fungi among which Coriolus versicolor, Poria placenta, and Aureobasidium pullulans. Results sh...
F Mburu, S Dumarçay, M F Thévenon, P Gérardin

An Investigation of the use and Durability of some Industrial and Domestic woods of Iran against Destructives factor in Caspian Sea
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10613
Use of domestic and commercial woods of the Caspian Sea forest fringes and evaluation of their durability against marine destructive factors were investigated. The samples of species of elm (Zelkova carpinifolia), oak (Quercus castanifolia), beech (Fagus orientalis), Maple (Acer insgin), Alder (Alnus subcordata), and horn beech (Carpinus betulus) were impregnated with CCA (Chrome–Cupper-Arsenic)...
S M Kazemi

A New Decay Hazard Map for North America Using the Scheffer Index
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10672
Wood decay experts in the USA and Canada use the Scheffer Index for above-ground wood decay potential to decide among design and treatment options to ensure the durability of wood construction. This paper provides an updated North American decay hazard map and includes data on Central America. Index values calculated from recent climate data are higher than published values due to directional or c...
P I Morris, J Wang

Marine exposure assessment in southern Portugal of the natural resistance of a number of lesser known species of tropical hardwoods to teredinid and limnoriid borers
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10614
Naturally durable species of timber are used as an alternative to preservative treated timber for marine structures, but many species have not been evaluated for their potential for use in this environment. EN 275 specifies a 5-year test period - too long a period for screening tests to be economically viable. In this study, candidate timber species were selected for testing in the sea on the basi...
J R Williams, S M Cragg, L M S Borges, J D Icely, G S Sawyer

The characteristics of biodegradation mechanism of gamma-irradiated wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20352
Gamma radiation, as an easy, fast and effective sterilisation method, changes molecular structure in pest’s living cells, but also in wooden cell walls. Radiation-induced depolymerisation causes significant changes in wood properties crucial for laboratory testing of wood-preservative effectiveness. Natural durability of wood against rot fungi in lab conditions dependency on different sterilisat...
R Despot, M Hasan, F Pohleven, M Humar, G Rep

Bifenthrin recovery from glue-line-treated plywood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20355
Plywood and laminated veneer lumber (LVL) can be protected from termite damage by addition of bifenthrin to the adhesive used in product manufacture. However, conditions associated with this manufacturing process may lead to deterioration or immobilisation of the active ingredient. In order to determine compliance with treatment specifications, it is important that the concentration of a preservat...
J Norton, L Stephens

Methods for Determining the Role of Extractives in the Natural Durability of Western Redcedar Heartwood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20356
The durability of western redcedar heartwood is influenced by a number of different extractives operating by different mechanisms. In order to guide a systematic isolation of extractives with high fungal toxicity, a micro-bioassay has been developed for measuring the fungal toxicity of extractive fractions. Two additional assays quantify the anti-radical and metal chelating properties of cedar ext...
R Stirling, C R Daniels, J E Clark, P I Morris

Predicting the decay resistance of timber above-ground: 2. When can reliable field data be obtained?
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20368
Application of modern performance-based engineering and design requires building products that are thoroughly characterised in terms of their ability to perform as expected over time. The engineering community is attempting to use this information to provide predicted service-lives for various building elements. Increasingly, this service-life prediction must be based on objective measurement coup...
L P Francis, A J Swain, J J Morrell

Expected service life of outdoor wooden structures such as guard fences and noise barriers indicated by questionnaire survey
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20372
Forestry Agency, Japan has intended to expand the utilization of domestic wood in many areas such as not only housing constructions also outdoor structures. In order to respond the policy, actual durability and service life of these structures should be clarified, and the guide line for archiving planned service life also should be established. Japan Wood Preservers Industries Association carried ...
K Yamamoto, A Makita, A Yamaguchi, T Shiraishi, K Maeda, D Tezuka, S Katsumata, M Higaki

Microwave curing of furfuryl alcohol modified wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40371
Furfurylated wood has shown to have promising properties for a wood modification agent during the last years. In this paper, an alternative curing method for furfuryl alcohol modified pine sapwood by means of microwave radiation was investigated. Different process parameters of microwave treatment such as output power, exposure time to microwave radiation, initial wood moisture content and evapor...
A Treu, E Larnøy, H Militz

Study of natural durability of Spanish Eucalyptus globulus wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10617
In some countries such as Australia, the wood of Eucalyptus globulus is recommended, due to its high durability, in risk situations where attack by organisms is likely to occur. In Galicia this species has been used for many decades for timber structures, which are still used. However, European Standard EN-350-2 places Eucalyptus globulus in the worst category of natural durability, a situation th...
D Lorenzo, M T Troya, M J Prieto, C Baso, M Touza

Electrokinetic Accelerated Ingress of Boron After Surface Treatment of Wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40372
In this work electrokinetic acceleration of boron penetration after surface treatment is proposed in order to offer an alternative to the often low penetration rates based on diffusion. Electrodialytic experiments showed that boric acid could be transported as negatively charged complexes with tartaric acid in aqueous solutions at pH 4-5. Boric acid could not be transported when tartaric acid was ...
I V Christensen

Marine Borer Resistance of Modified Wood - Results from Seven Years in Field
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40375
Wood modified by several methods has been tested for seven years in a marine field with high marine borer activity. Several wood modification methods were included, e.g. thermal modification (with different processes), acetylation, maleoylation, succinylation, furfurylation, treatment with methylated melamine resin and modification with reactive linseed oil derivative. Furthermore, some combinatio...
M Westin, A O Rapp, T Nilsson

Protection of wood for above ground application through modification with a fatty acid modified N-methylol/paraffin formulation
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40378
Hydrophobic chemical modification can be regarded as an alternative approach to conventional wood preservation using biocides in order to protect wood in hazard class 3 according the European Standard EN 335-1. A formulation containing fatty acid modified N-methylol/paraffin and an aluminium salt catalyst was used to change the material properties of wood in order to protect wood from fungal dec...
Nguyen Hong Minh, H Militz, C Mai

Preservative treatment of Golla cane (Daemonorops jenkinsiana) by pressure process
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40379
The feasibility of preservative treatment of golla cane (Daemonorops jenkinsiana (Griff) Mart). by pressure process has been studied using water borne preservatives CCB (copper-chrome-boron). Cane samples of three different lengths 1m, 2m and 3 m. were treated at different pressure and time period to evaluate the extent of penetration and retention of preservative chemicals. It was observed that t...
K Akhter, M Hoque Chowdhury

Tropical In-Ground Durability of CCB-treated Keruing and other Structural Sarawak Timbers after 8 – 10 Years Exposure
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30439
The heartwood of 12 mainly low-durability native timber species of Sarawak [4 Dipterocarpus (Keruing) species, Anisoptera grossivenia (Mersawa kunyit), Canarium apertum (Seladah), Dacryodes incurvata (Seladah laut), Dryobalanops oblongifolia (Kapur kelansau), Mesua macrantha (Mergasing), Podocarpus micropedunculatus (Kayu cina), Shorea compressa (Engkabang langgai), and Pterospermum javanicum (Ba...
A H H Wong, Ling Wang Choon

Natural Weathering of Coated Oil Heat Treated Wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30440
Oil heat-treated (thermally modified) pine wood was coated with 9 different types of solvent- or water-borne exterior finishes. The systems with modified wood substrate as well as unpainted and painted non-modified controls were exposed to weathering (EN 927-3) on two locations with sub-alpine and alpine climate. The influence of natural ageing on surface systems was evaluated after one year of ex...
M Petric, B Kricej, M Pavlic, A Rapp

Bamboo Protection Research: Contributions from India
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40355
Bamboo preservation has become more important in India because of Government’s directions to develop bamboo resources and adopt their rational utilization to conserve natural forests. This paper traces the development of various processes for treatment of bamboo and their effectiveness. Results obtained by various workers since 1947 when systematic work on bamboo protection was first published. ...
S Kumar

The effect of an ionic liquid of imidazolium tetrafluoroborates series on Scots pine wood properties
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40357
Ionic liquids (ILs) of imidazolium tetrafluoroborates series penetrate Scots pine wood very well and are active against wood destroying fungi. The requirement to use ILs as wood preservatives is determined by the liquid influence on the functional properties of wood. Investigations were undertaken to clarify the influence of an ionic liquid, 3-heptyloxymethyl-1-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ...
A Fojutowski, R Szukala, J Pernak

Mold resistance of heat-treated wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40358
The resistance of heat-treated sugi sapwood against three mold fungi was evaluated. Wood specimens were first subjected to heat treatments at 180 and 220ºC for 2 and 4 hours. Mold growth on the surface of the specimens was measured 1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks after the inoculation with the fungi in laboratory conditions. Laboratory decay tests were performed using two brown and white-rot fungi along with...
S N Kartal

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