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Your search resulted in 3718 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Creosote for wood preservation. (Reissued from earlier OECD draft)
1970 - IRG/WP III 1A
The literature on this subject is extensive and, to some extent, repetitive so that for pratical reference purposes it is essential that selective surveys and bibliographies be prepared. Many of these exist and, as an example, the reports issued by The Coal Tar Research Association (Numbers 0156, 0292 and 0396) may be quoted. The following bibliography, listing the more important sources of inform...

Fixation of chromated wood preservatives through technical drying
1990 - IRG/WP 3623
Twin samples of sawn timber of Pinus sylvestris and Picea sp. were treated with copper-chromate-containing wood preservatives and subsequently kiln resp. air dried. After drying, the distribution of preservative and rate of fixation were determined. Drying of freshly treated wood in a condenser type kiln at temperatures of 60°C and 80°C and in a vacuum type kiln at 55°C with a pressure of about...
R-D Peek, H Klipp

Penetration of oil-borne preservatives in American elm
1975 - IRG/WP 355
Pressure treatment of elm posts and cants by Rueping schedules resulted in erratic penetration. Instead of the expected gradual decrease in retention from surface inward in posts, inner zones frequently contained more preservative than the surface quarter inch. Heartwood was found penetrated when sapwood was not. There were numerous skips in treated zones. The prevalence and possible causes were i...
E A Behr

Experimental variations in the distribution of CCA preservative in lignin and holocellulose as a function of treating conditions (temperature, concentration, pH, species, and time)
1984 - IRG/WP 3277
The exact distributions between lignin and holocellulose and retentions on wood of copper, chromium and arsenic as a function of various sets of conditions in a 3x3x4x2 factorial experiment in which combinations of three temperatures of treatment, three CCA solution concentrations, four pH's of the initial CCA solution and two timber species, namely Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus grandis, a...
A Pizzi, E Orovan, M Singmin, A Jansen, M C Vogel

The chemical wood preservation in the former GDR - an overview
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50057
For the disposal of chemically treated wood waste and for the remedial treatment of contaminated soils in facility yards a profound knowledge is required concerning the kind of preservatives used and the degree of pollution. In order to record the production of wood preservatives and the location of impregnation plants in the former GDR, documents of the Office for Standardisation Measuring Affair...
E Melcher, R-D Peek

Regulations of wood preservatives in Finland
1978 - IRG/WP 3124
Toxic wood preservatives are covered by the Poison Act (No. 309/69). The act came into force in May 1969 and was supplemented by the Statute on Poisons (No. 612/69). The act and the statute contain the regulations on the production, commerce and handling of poisons. Already when issued they were complained to contain some defects and obscurities. However, only minor alteration in them have been ma...
T Vihavainen

CCA type C depletion of Southern yellow pine utility poles
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50049
Depletion and redistribution of preservative components were evaluated on five CCA-C treated poles in service for over six years in Conley, Georgia. A statistical approach was taken in which retentions below ground were compared to retentions above ground due to a lack of initial data on individual poles. It was hypothesized that the below ground retentions should be lower than the corresponding a...
P D Osborne, R F Fox

Production of fungal protoplasts from selected wood-degrading fungi
1991 - IRG/WP 1500
Studies of hyphal morphology and the effects of various chemicals on growth are often difficult to perform on filamentous fungi because of the difficulty of observing the protoplasm through the rigid hyphae wall and because most activity occurs in a limited region near the hyphal tip. As an alternative, hyphae can be reacted with certain cell wall degrading enzymes to remove the cell wall to produ...
C Rui, J J Morrell

Chitin synthetase activity in cellular fractions of wood-decay fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1524
This study was an attempt to explain the variability of in vivo sensitivity of wood decay fungi to the chitin synthetase (CS) inhibitor, polyoxin, by comparing CS distribution in cellular fractions. The five species studied were the brown-rot fungi Coniophora puteana, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Fibuloporia vaillantii, and the white-rot fungi Schizophyllum commune and Ganoderma applanatum. The CS activi...
B R Johnson, S C Croan, B Illman

Conforming to European standards on preservative treatment
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20150
New European standards require that specifications for the preservative treatment of timber are written in terms of the penetration and retention of preservative within the treated commodity that result from the treatment process. In order to check compliance with this type of specification, suitable methods of quantitative analysis must be available. This paper presents the results of a study by ...
E D Suttie, R J Orsler

Programme d'études sur le pentachlorophénol
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-09
In 1989, Hydro-Québec began a study program on pentachlorophenol (PCP), with a view to ensuring safe management of the product at all stages of its utilization. The topics under study include storage of treated poles, behavior of PCP in the environment, soil decontamination, water treatment, characterization and disposal of treated wood waste, and assessment of substitutes. This paper summarizes ...
G Beaulieu, A Bériault, R Chénier, L Houde

Effects of the sulfuric acid modification of CCA treating solution
1987 - IRG/WP 3415
Sulfuric acid modification of CCA treating solution is often used to control the formation of sludges and undesirable deposits on the surface of treated wood. The consequences of sulfuric acid addition are examined in this work and negative effects are shown to far outweigh any benefits. Major risks include the loss of copper due to leaching from treated wood and the accelerated corrosion of treat...
R F Fox, H J Fry, E A Pasek, A S Ross

Evaluation of hydroxamates as wood preservatives
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30330
Fungicidal activity of different hydroxamates was investigated by laboratory malt-agar block tests to evaluate their potential as wood preservatives. Results obtained indicate that benzohydroxamic acids substituted or not on the aromatic nuclei were unable to protect wood blocks against the white rot fungus Coriolus versicolor while 2-hydroxypyridine-N-oxide (2-HPNO) possesses an interesting activ...
P Gérardin, S Dumarçay, E Gelhaye, A Mbamba, V Mussavu

The potential of high pressure pulsation processes to treat white spruce lumber with water-borne preservatives
1988 - IRG/WP 3471
Laboratory work using end sealed 4x8x46 cm³ white spruce samples has been done to explore the suitability of three variants of a 2.1 MPa pulsation process for the impregnation of white spruce with CCA. The results showed that the process improved significantly the penetration of the preservatives and reduced significantly cell collapse, when compared with the results of treatment using a 2.1 MPa ...
J P Hösli, J N R Ruddick

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 17: Report of fifth inspection (4 years) in Italy
1983 - IRG/WP 4103
The wood samples of Alstonia scholaris, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus sylvestris were submerged in the sea at Follonica, Italy, in April 1977. Follonica, latitude 42°55' North and longitude 10°45' East, is situated on the Tyrrhenian coast. The recorded temperature varies from 13°C to 25°C, salinity 37-38% and pH about 8. The inspections were carried out after 6 months (10/1977), 12 ...
A Gambetta, E Orlandi

Soft rot in heartwood of preservative-treated pole stubs of Eucalyptus cypellocarpa L. Johnson
1983 - IRG/WP 1204
Pole stubs of Eucalyptus cypellocarpa L. Johnson, treated in the sapwood with certain waterborne preservatives and exposed for 21 to 23 years in a dry tropical region were severely soft-rotted in the heartwood, as well as the sapwood. They broke with a brash fracture when stress tested (loaded as a cantilever) in the field. The severe soft rot in the heartwood was not detected by the knife test or...
J E Barnacle, G C Johnson, M A Tighe

The effect of stack height on the performance of preservatives used for the prevention of sapstain on seasoning wood
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10192
The performance of three anti-sapstain preservatives was investigated under field conditions in south east England. The preservatives under test were: copper-8-quinolinolate (Mitrol PQ8) trimethylalkylammoniumchloride and sodium hexanoate (Sinesto B) and chlorothalonil (Tuff Brite). The preservatives were tested on Corsican Pine grown in south east England. The field trial was set up to investigat...
J R Williams, D J Dickinson, J F Webber

A novel technique for comparative toxicity studies of potential insecticidal wood preservatives
1983 - IRG/WP 2198
For some years now a device has been under development at the New Zealand Forest Research Institute, the purpose of which is to study the effects of sub-lethal amounts of stomach poisons (but also of fumigants and contact active materials) on the co-ordinative abilities of a cerambycid larva. This insect is Prionoplus reticularis - indigenous to New Zealand its larvae feed in decaying logs and are...
D J Cross

Preservation of basidiomycete hyphae in ancient waterlogged wood materials
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1536
Studies on waterlogged archaeological wood show that basidiomycete hyphae may persist as long as 800 years. In two pine wood samples with Phellinus pini heartrot, one from the foremast of the ship Vasa and the other from a bulwark constructed in the first part of the 12th century, numerous resin covered hyphae were observed. Hyphae with clamp connections that were associated with brown and white r...
T Nilsson, G F Daniel

A combined method for drying and preserving wood in a single step process
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40183
Based on a convective dryer, this process allows to dry and treat wood blocks with diffusible preservatives in the same time. A boric acid solution (heated to fix the wet temperature of the system) is pumped and introduced in the flow system through a venturi, where the air coming back from the drying cell also arrives. The role of the venturi is to create a dispersion of boric acid solution micro...
O Colin, C Dupuis, E Mougel, A Zoulalian, M-F Thévenon

Minimisation of the Environmental Impacts of Coatings on Exterior Wood by Optimisation of their Life Spans
2003 - IRG/WP 03-50197
The study has shown that the environmental impacts from coatings on exterior wood are dependent criteria on their life spans. A minimisation of the environmental impacts can be performed with the help of the integrated design model, which is tested in this study. The optimal life spans, found as reference service lives from the exposure tests, statistical evaluation and the assessment of experts w...
L Strömberg

Antagonism of Scytalidium lignicola against wood decay fungi
1989 - IRG/WP 1392
Antagonistic abilities of Scytalidium lignicola against white- and brown-rot wood decay fungi were evaluated. Scytalidium lignicola did not produce inhibition zones but overgrew the decay fungi on a malt-agar medium and in most cases killed them. Pretreatment of Douglas-fir and Southern pine blocks with Scytalidium lignicola prevented decay. Blocks that were heated or treated with propylene oxide ...
T L Highley

Interactions between soft rot fungi and CCA preservatives in Betula verrucosa
1988 - IRG/WP 1367
Ultrastructural investigations were carried out to obtain information on the cell wall distribution of CCA elements during soft rot decay of 4% K33 CCA preservative treated birch (Betula verrucosa) wood. TEM observations on fibres at various stages of S2 cavity formation by mutabilis showed a distinct pattern of electron dense materials to occur within the S2 cell wall region. These materials (gra...
G F Daniel, T Nilsson

Note and literature survey on the "Eucalyptus borer" Phoracantha semipunctata F. (Col.; Cerambycidae), a pest in between forest and wood
1984 - IRG/WP 1228
In the Eucalyptus-forests of Huelva, Spain, Phoracantha semipunctata appears as a severe forest-pest fatal to trees impaired by drought. The population snowballed in two and a half years, millions of larvae reduce the value of wood to "papermill-quality''. One of the intentions of the paper is to collect knowledge for help and cure. A literature survey forms the main part of the ...
S Cymorek

Laboratory tests on the residual effects of pyrethroids against termites thirteen years after application
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30056
This paper is in continuation to a series of articles published on the work being developed in Brazil regarding the feasibility of using photostabl synthetic pyrethroids against termites. Tests were carried out to compare the efficacy of five synthetic pyrethroids with the traditional organo-chlorinated pesticide, chlordane. Wooden blocks were impregnated with alcohol-based solutions of the above-...
A M F Oliveira

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