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Your search resulted in 178 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Performance of wood decking after 5 years of exposure: verification of the combined effect of wetting ability and durability
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20647
Wood is one of the most important construction materials and its use in building applications has further expanded in recent decades. In order to enable even more extensive and reliable use of wood, factors affecting wood’s service life need to be understood. More recently, a new concept to characterize the durability of wood-based materials and to predict the service lives of wood was proposed,...
M Humar, D Krzisnik, B Lesar, C Brischke

Durability by design – a case study of the performance of wooden decks after 9.5 years of natural weathering
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20648
The service life expected for wood decking manufactured with poorly durable wood species, left untreated and exposed to severe environmental conditions such as high humidity and active biological agents, is usually assumed to be short (less than 10 years). The current classification of wood’s natural durability is based on EN standardised tests which do not fully reflect the real end-use conditi...
M Kutnik, M Montibus

Quantifying the effect of microclimatic parameters on the moisture-induced decay risk of wooden structures
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20649
Wood exposed outdoors is prone to fungal degradation. Besides its material-inherent resistance, numerous factors are impacting on its service life with both, climate and design having a major effect. In addition, topography, shading, wind barriers, and other local parameters have an effect on the microclimatic conditions at site and therefore need to be quantified for service life prediction of wo...
L Emmerich, C Brischke

The Structural Performance of the Nail Driven into the Decayed Wood
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20652
In late years there are many actions to long-term excellent house realization. We have to consider repair or reinforcement for long-term and safety use of wooden house. There are various studies focused on structural performance of decayed wood. It is important for long-term use of wooden house that structural performance of nailed joint on decayed wood is accurately evaluated. However, there are ...
N Wada, H Isiyama

Service life planning of wooden structures: Mathematical prediction models versus professional experience
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20663
During the last 15 years, enormous efforts have been made in developing models for predicting the service life of wooden structures and components. Currently, a framework of how exposure, dimension, design details and the material-intrinsic and the ability to take up and release water can be linked to model the moisture risk in wood products is in principle available. The aim of this study was to...
C Brischke, J Niklewski, M Humar, G Alfredsen

Color change of timber exposed outdoors - Influence of season exposure test starts
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40865
For the client the material and color of the exterior wall are important, because they affect the impression of the building [1]. However, discoloration of the exterior wall begins as soon as the building is completed, by various factors such as rainfall. We tried to quantitatively evaluate the changes of the exterior wood, and to organize the influences of climate conditions, in order to use the ...
K Usami, H Ishiyama

Alternative products enhancing dimensional stability comparing to conventional treated products in Japan
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40885
The Act on the Promotion of the Utilization of Wood in Public Buildings (2010) in Japan has made a new stream of the utilization field of timber from housing constructions to larger scale non-housing constructions. After the act, the performance of dimensional stability in preservative treated products becomes more important factor than before. Therefore, various technologies have been developed, ...
K Yamamoto, D Tezuka, Y Sugai, S Maeda, I Momohara

Performance of naturally durable decks after 15 years of field exposure
2020 - IRG/WP 20-10963
A decking test of Canadian species considered to be naturally durable was inspected after 15 years of exposure at test sites in Ontario and British Columbia. Based on the materials used in this experiment, Douglas-fir and yellow cypress had the greatest decay resistance, followed by eastern white cedar and western redcedar, and then by western larch and tamarack. All materials tested were more dur...
R Stirling, D Wong

Wood protection with cement – Part 1: Coating matters and durability of cement coated wood
2020 - IRG/WP 20-40911
The use of wood in geotechnical applications has seen renewed interest. However, concerns related to the durability and service life of wood in ground contact applications remain. Wood has the potential to substitute commonly used steel and concrete in the geotechnical engineering sector, but solutions to extending the service life and maintenance intervals require long-lasting wood protection sys...
S Hirschmüller, B Marais, C Brischke, A Krey, J Bösing

Development of Wooden Fireproof Structures for Mid- and High-rise Buildings in Japan
2021 - IRG/WP 21-30757
When constructing a mid-to-high-rise building more than 4 stories in general in Japan, it is necessary to have a fireproof structure stipulated by the Building Standard Law. The performance required as a fireproof structure in Japan is generally stricter than in other countries, and it is required to be structurally sound after a fire even without fire extinguishing activities. In order to satisfy...
D Kamikawa, M Harada, H Matsunaga, R Takase, N Hattori, Keisuke Ando, M Miyabayashi

Aiming for eco-friendly log production and wooden construction!
2021 - IRG/WP 21-50365
In order to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to zero by 2050 in the fields of forest and forest products, it is necessary to promote appropriate management and renewal of planted forests, and development of wooden building materials and the wooden construction of mid-to-high-rise buildings with lower GHG emissions. Unless we also try to reduce the environmental loads other than GHG for such d...
N Hattori

Introduction to the project ‘Deterioration and decay of wooden cultural heritage in Arctic and Alpine environments’ (ArcticAlpineDecay)
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10997
The Arctic is already affected by climate change, and this is expected to accelerate over the coming decades. Alpine regions in Norway are projected to face similar challenges. Current knowledge on Norwegian wooden cultural heritage in Arctic and Alpine regions is scattered and contains significant knowledge gaps. Historically, - scientists, sectorial governance, tourist trade and commerce have ma...
G Alfredsen, L Ross, A W Hegnes, M S Austigard, J Mattsson, N B Pedersen, A Sinitsyn, V V Martens, A-C Flyen

Application of an Ultrasound-based Instrument to Evaluate Condition of Drywood Termite Infested Timber Components
2022 - IRG/WP 22-11000
The characteristics of ultrasound waves propagation from non-destructive ultrasound-based instrument on drywood termite infested wooden components were investigated. Features of wave propagation such as time-of-flight, velocity, and peak energy on three orthogonal wooden plane (longitudinal, radial, and transversal) were studied. The wooden components used on this study came from a traditional woo...
S Fauziyyah, L Karlinasari, D Nandika, R Wimmer

Analysis of wooden shingles after seven years of exposure
2022 - IRG/WP 22-20690
Wood is a traditional roofing material in the Alpine regions. In the 17th century, wooden roofing was typically used on more important buildings. Still, today it is predominately used on huts and houses in the hilly regions of northern and north-western Slovenia. Because wooden roofing is expensive, we investigated the possibility of extending the service life of the roofing through impregnation a...
M Humar, B Lesar, D Kržišnik, E Keržič, B Jemec

Assessment of the Material Durability and Structural Integrity of the Wooden Velodrome in Češča vas, Slovenia
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11012
Wood is a widely used material in the construction industry, and it has been utilized for thousands of years to create buildings and other structures. When wooden structures are designed, built, and maintained properly, they can be safe and long-lasting. Sports facilities, which provide athletes with a space to train, compete, and improve their abilities, are crucial in creating a strong and susta...
D Kržišnik, M Humar, B Lesar

Japanese traditional wooden building construction project in Bangkok - Part 2 Verification of termite control method
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11022
We have confirmed the effectiveness in Thailand of chemicals and stainless steel mesh that have been proven effective in Japan. Stake and container tests were conducted and the following results were obtained: 1. There is no damage on specimens covered with stainless steel mesh, CuAz-treated specimens both stake test and container test. 2. Natural pyrethrin-treated specimens without stainless ...
H Ishiyama, S Murakami

Moisture performance of wooden shingles tested on the Golobar cable yarding
2023 - IRG/WP 23-20704
Wood is a traditional roofing material in Europe and other parts of the world. In the 17th century, wooden roofing was generally used on more important buildings, but today it is mainly used on huts and houses in the Alpine regions. As wooden roofing is expensive, we investigated the possibility of extending the service life of the roofing through material selection and details. The roof of the Go...
M Humar, B Lesar, D Kržišnik

Reuse of discarded wood and alternative wood species to replace spruce in the development of wooden windows for complete disassembly – REWINNUSE
2023 - IRG/WP 23-30785
The REWINNUSE project focuses on the reuse of discarded wood and alternative wood species and on the development of wooden windows that can be easily disassembled into their basic components. In cooperation with the project partners (M Sora, the University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty (BF), the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy - NIBIO and the Slovenian Forestry Institute (GIS)), the project ...
B Lesar, M Humar, J Levanič, A Treu, A Ugovšek, L Kramarič, B Štrakel, L Križnar, B Šubic, J Gričar

Japanese traditional wooden building construction project in Bangkok - Part 1 Project outline, building implementation and effects
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40992
The purpose of this project is to build new ways to utilize wooden resources in Japan. Japan's forestry industry is in decline despite its abundant forest resources due to a lack of successors and other reasons. Meanwhile, in Southeast Asian countries, reinforced concrete houses, which are not suited to the climate, are on the rise due to a lack of wood and technology. To solve these problems in b...
S Murakami, K Kawaguchi, H Ishiyama

What products are architects using? Relationships between deterioration part and structural performance in wooden houses
2023 - IRG/WP 23-50374
Architects work in the development of ideas around buildings and all the nuclei where human activity is generated. It is a work of organization of matter, in time and space, where the conceptual world of ideas and the aspirations of inventions, the interior world interact with the exterior in many kinds of realities. But as architects, we have always been interested in why and how things have bee...
I de las Casas

Relationships between deterioration part and structural performance in wooden houses
2023 - IRG/WP 23-50376
Based on the survey examples, there are four patterns of deterioration that tend to occur in plywood bearing walls of wooden houses in Japan. The first is a pattern in which wall is in a whole deterioration. It is a no damage wall or test specimen. The second is a pattern in which only the sill is deteriorating. It is caused by moisture or termites from ground to the base. In addition, there is a ...
Y Ota, H Ishiyama, S Okamoto

Recent experiences in the protection of wooden cultural heritage in Europe with a novel wood preservative with vegetal extracts–permethrin-azole mixture
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11027
The paper presents recent treatment experiences in Europe for the preservation of cultural heritage with the bio-based gel-emulsion solution XILIX® containing SYNERKEM® technology, whose higher diffusion capacity has been proven (up to 8 mm pyrethroid penetration into the wood). This gel-emulsion is already authorized and marketed as preventive and remedial wood preservative in Europe for more t...
D Messaoudi, A Robert, A H H Wong

Eradication of beetles attacking wooden historical buildings by humidity-controlled warm-air treatment
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11028
Humidity-controlled warm-air treatment is a method that kills mainly beetles that are damaging the wood. In this process, a heat-insulating and airtight covering is placed around the object building, and the temperature inside the covering is gradually raised to about 60°C, held for a certain period of time, and then gradually lowered. While maintained at 60°C, all forms of damaging insects - ad...
Y Fujii, Y Fujiwara, M Harada, H Kitahara, M Shimada, S Kondo, Y Sato, M Shimada, R Kigawa, H Watanabe, Y Komine, S Hidaka, D Ogura

Assessment of the condition of wooden mill in the area of Kovačevići in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11030
An excellent example of cultural and technical heritage is almost 100 year old wooden mills near Cazin in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These mills played an important role, especially in times of Bosnian war (1992-95), when this region was cut off from electricity. The laboratory analysis revealed that the respective mill was made of chestnut (Castanea sativa) and oak (Quercus sp.) wood. The sufficient...
B Lesar, R Hasanagic, M Humar

Shelling of flat and profiled western larch deck-boards exposed to natural weathering
2024 - IRG/WP 24-40997
Shelling is a severe type of raised grain that occurs at the surface of deck-boards made from wood species that have growth rings with pronounced differences in density between earlywood and latewood, for example southern pine (Pinus spp.). Shelling is more severe in deck-boards fixed with their growth rings oriented pith-side-up (concave) rather than bark-side-up (convex). Far less is known about...
L H Leung, P D Evans

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