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Preservation of coppice wood for the fabrication of glued beams or panels
1987 - IRG/WP 3427
In this survey we will examine the specific problems concerning the conservation and the preservation of timber (issued from trunks of small diameter corresponding to products of clearings or coppices) destined for the fabrication of solid reconstituted elements. Thus for six metropolitan species of wood, we first characterized the biological deteriorations which occur after felling and their kine...
G R Y Déon, R Schwartz

Compatibility of deltamethrin with wood-finishing and construction materials
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30010
Under normal use conditions, treated wood comes to close contact with the structural components of a buiLding, and/or receives finishing, forming a new interface, which can affect the performance of a new product such as deltamethrin. To study this possibility, block-tests of Parana-Pine (Araucaria angustifolia), measuring 12 x 24 x 0.5 cm³ (with the largest dimension parallel to the wood-grain),...
E S Lepage

Amine copper reaction with wood components: acidity versus copper adsorption
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30161
The bonding sites for copper in wood from CCA, as well as ammoniacal/amine based systems, has long been a topic of investigation. Both phenolic and carboxylic functional groups have been discussed as potential bonding sites for copper. However, no consensus on the adsorption mechanism has been realized. Thus, the selective adsorption of copper in southern yellow pine from ethanolamine-copper solut...
S M Thomason, E A Pasek

Testing blue stain fungicides for joinery timber in combination with natural weathering
1976 - IRG/WP 268
Joinery timber in outside use becomes affected by blue-stain after a short time of exposure. This is especially the case with pine sapwood treated with unpigmented lacquer, but also with other timber species as well as different types of surface treatment. According to the basic investigations of BUTIN this is due to special types of blue-stain fungi, called "Lack-bläue" (lacquer blue-stain), in ...
H Willeitner

Observations on the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-borers with special reference to the West Coast
1981 - IRG/WP 472
The paper highlights the economic importance of the destruction of fishing craft in India by marine wood-destroying agencies. The annual loss involved is to the extent of over 94 million rupees. Thirty-nine spectes and one variety of woodborer have so far been recorded from India, of which Bankia campanellata, Bankia carinata, Bankia rochi, Dicyathifer manni, Lyrodus pedicellatus, Teredo clappi, T...
L N Santhakumaran, J C Jain

The status of the Working group on Preservation of Wood in the Marine Environment
1977 - IRG/WP 424
At the last joint meeting of IRG/COIPM members in May 1976 at Wildhaus, Switzerland, a proposal was made that the existing 'Marine Group' should become a formal part of IRG. At present, members of the Wood Group of the COIPM (Comite International Permanent pour la Recherche sur la Preservation des Materiaux en Milieu Marin), and members of IRG who are interested in wood preservat...
R A Eaton

Subterranean termites of economic importance in suburban Melbourne: Wood structures most frequently attacked and damaged
1990 - IRG/WP 1430
An examination of wood structures in forty buildings actively being attacked by subterranean termites in Melbourne revealed that all buildings were being attacked and damaged by Coptotermes species. This indicates the economic importance of these species. Hardwoods were more frequently infested than softwood species. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to termite control, ...
J R J French

Detoxification of salt impregnated wood by organic acids in a pulping process
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50012
The paper descibes a novel method to detoxify pine wood (Pinus silvestris L.) treated with CCB-, CCF- CC-, and Cu-HDO-type salt preservatives. In the process of biological detoxification organic acids produced by strains of Antrodia vaillantii and other brown rot fungi are used for the dissolution of the previously fixed inorganic compounds. These findings are the basis for applying an acid pulpin...
I Stephan, H H Nimz, R D Peek

Copper based wood preservative - A new approach using fixation with resin acids of rosin
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30249
Copper soaps with carboxylic acid groups of resin acids of rosin were shown to be potential long-term wood preservatives. The principle involved is the attachment of copper to the network formed by the inorganic part of the preservative (rosin) through the -COOH groups. The mechanisms of fixation have been studied, and it has been shown that this association could be obtained : (1) by forming the ...
C Roussel, J P Haluk, A Pizzi, M-F Thévenon

Effect of remediation on the release of copper, chromium, and arsenic from particleboard made from CCA treated wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50170
This study sought to determine the effect of remediation with oxalic acid (OA) extraction and Bacillus licheniformis fermentation on the release of copper, chromium, and arsenic from particleboard made from remediated wood particles and also investigates durability of the particleboard against white and brown- rot fungi. Particleboard samples were manufactured using untreated, CCA-treated, OA-extr...
S N Kartal, C A Clausen

Preliminary desk research in the Netherlands on development of a Knowledge Based System for Life Cycle Assessment of wood products
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50093
TNO is currently coordinating an EC-project (LIFE-SYS WOOD) to develop a consistent approach to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of wood products. Existing and new LCA-inventory data of six wood products will be evaluated on reliability and consistency. After validation, LCA-results will be made available through a Knowledge Based System (by 1998-1999). The aim of the KBS is to make LCA-results availab...
P Esser, D Robson, R Vanhauten

Development of bluestain in commercially harvested logs in Britain
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10150
In Britain, mechanised harvesting of conifer forestry crops is now the preferred method of felling where terrain and access allows. However, use of mechanised harvesters can lead to excessive debarking, loosening of the bark and wood splintering with, on average, about a third of the bark removed from the more severely damaged logs. More bark has also been observed to be lost from logs harvested e...
A Uzunovic, J F Webber, D J Dickinson

The potential use of impregnated coconut wood for power line poles in rural areas of Java
1980 - IRG/WP 3130
Electrification of rural areas in Java needs thousands of power line poles which are relatively cheap in price, but have adequate strength and are fairly durable. A choice of wood species is available in the country. One alternative is coconut wood found in abundance in the villages. This may give a solution to Java's needs since supplies are readily available almost everywhere. Based on ...
H Yudodibroto

Experiences with environmental risk assessment within the Biocidal Products Directive
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-21
The Biocidal Products Directive (98/8/EC, the BPD) aims to authorize biocidal products based on risk assessment for both man and the environment. Active substances for wood preservation products and rodenticides were selected for the first list under the review program (Regulations EC 1896/2000 and EC 2032/2003) because several member states had experience with the evaluation and authorization of ...
P Blancquaert

Soft-rot testing. Memo to CEN
1983 - IRG/WP 2206 A
1. Development of a single test procedure to assess performance of preservatives against soft rot fungi is an ideal that cannot be realised at present, if results are to be both reproducible between laboratories and pertinent to the practical requirements of individual countries. 2. Consensus opinion amongst members of Sub Group I - Soft rot tests, of Working Group II - Fundamentals of Testing, of the IRG, is that the immediate needs of CEN would be best answered by: (a) a code of recommended practice, (b) a multiplicity of test procedures, and (c) a degree of flexibility in test procedures. 3. The code of recommended practice should recognise the need for: (a) a pure culture, synthetic medium (sand or vermiculite + nutrients), single wood species test to be adopted by all laboratories as a common reference point of testing, (b) mixed inoculum and/or unsterile soil laboratory or fungus cellar tests which account for local variations in the fungal flora, (c) incorporation of a range of wood species where applicable (i.e. where mixed hardwoods comprise the main resource), (d) provision of local internal standards of known performance under field conditions, (e) incorporation of leaching procedures other than standard methods with deionized water (e.g. mild acid, milk alkali, ionic solutions of various salts) where applicable to local exposure conditions, (f) precise definition of the criteria used for establishing toxic thresholds (mass loss, strength loss, microscopic examination). 4. Initial screening tests should remain the province of the individual research worker. 5. The code of recommended practice should have the sole purpose of establishing provisional retention levels for subsequent confirmation by field trial. 6. IRG should list and approve test procedures considered adequate to establish toxic thresholds for preservatives against soft rot fungi. 7. It should be clearly understood that when using a series of test techniques, it is inevitable that a range of toxic thresholds will be obtained for the same preservative. 8. Guidelines should be drawn up for interpretation of test data for subsequent transformation to provisional retention levels. 9. Adoption of the broad principles outlines above is recognition of the dynamic nature of toxic thresholds. The additional information obtained by a more flexible, and complex, approach to testing may make interpretation more difficult but should provide data from which response of preservatives to varying biological and environmental hazards can be more realistically assessed. 10. It is recommended that CEN adopt, in principle, the basic philosophy of testing outlined above and move towards formulation of a Working Document in collaboration with IRG
J A Butcher, D J Dickinson

A spectroscopic investigation of copper ethylenediamine fixation in wood
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20160
The fixation reaction which take place between copper ethylenediamine (Cu-en) solution and wood were expolored using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The FTIR spectra revealed that copper reacts with the carboxylic acid and phenolic groups in wood to form stable complexes. The copper ethylenediamine complexes formed in wood were identifie...
Xiao Jiang, J N R Ruddick

The ground proximity decay test method
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20205
A decay field test method, which has been recently proposed for the standardization by the AWPA, is described for evaluating the relative performance of wood samples in a severe above ground situation exposed to the weather. Data is presented on the relative performance of untreated control samples and standard preservative systems exposed at the same site at different time periods, or at differen...
A F Preston, P J Walcheski, K J Archer, A R Zahora, L Jin

List of fungi in soft-rot tests
1975 - IRG/WP 105
This list gives information on the terrestrial and marine species and strains of fungi tested for soft-rot ability in pure culture with data on their decay activity in untreated wood. An index of the timber species tested is added. The compilation is based on 1) the list of soft-rot fungi of the former OECD Group (Doc.No. 27/DAS/CSI/M/559), Oct. 1968, prepared by R. Rösch and W. Liese, 2) informa...
G Seehann, W Liese, B Kess

Comparative performance of copper azole and copper-chrome-arsenate treated rubber wood in Australian, Malaysian and New Zealand tests sites
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30213
Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) has been used for non-structural products where appearance is important. It has rarely been used for structural uses where preservative treatment is required. In order to evaluate the in-ground durability of preservative-treated rubberwood, test stakes (20 x 20 x 500 mm3) were treated to four retentions of CCA and copper azole (Tanalith® E) and installed in test si...
J A Drysdale, M E Hedley, E Loh, L T Hong

The degradation of wood surfaces by dilute acids
1985 - IRG/WP 3326
Thin radial/longitudinal sections(~100 µ) of Corsican Pine (Pinus nigra) and Lime (Tilia vulgaris), were exposed to Sulphuric, Sulphurous, nitric, acetic, and formic acid at 40°C in the pH range 2-6. After about 3 months exposure to Sulphuric, nitric, acetic and formic acid at pH 2.0 Pine lost some 20-25% of its tensile strength. Losses in tensile strength due to sulphurous acid were greater bei...
P D Evans, W B Banks

Termite resistance of treated wood in an above-ground field test
1985 - IRG/WP 2241
A field test method has been developed for evaluating the susceptibility of wood products to termites in protected situations above ground. In this method fungal attack on the wood products is minimal, though decay has been observed in conjunction with termite attack in some specimens. Preliminary results from exposure of replicate wood samples treated with preservatives in Florida to Reticuliterm...
A F Preston, P A McKaig, P J Walcheski

FTIR studies on the weathering of didecyldimethylammonium compound (DDAC) treated wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30013
Wood treated with alkylammonium compounds (AACs), such as DDAC, weathered more rapidly than untreated wood. In order to examine the influence of DDAC treatment of wood on its weathering, treated and untreated microtomed sections of southern yellow pine earlywood of various thicknesses, were prepared and weathered for approximately one month. The changes in these samples were monitored using FTIR. ...
R Liu, J N R Ruddick

Wood preservation in Slovenia
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30361
Biotechnical faculty, Department of Wood Science and Technology is the centre for education and for research activities in the field of wood preservation. The most important researches are performed on: decay patterns of wood decay fungi, copper tolerant fungi, copper based preservatives, wood modification, conservation of wooden artefacts and improvement of performance of coated wood used in exte...
M Humar, F Pohleven

Determination of toxicity data for preservatives against Basidiomycetes by measuring the reduction in compression strength of wood
1988 - IRG/WP 2297
Blocks of Pinus radiata D. Don were treated to 12 retention levels with CCA and NaPCP. These were exposed for 12 weeks in agar jars to the dry rot (brown rot) Serpula lacrymans (Schum. ex Fr.) S.F. Gray. After mass loss determination, the same blocks were tested for reduction in compression strength parallel to the grain. Using both these parameters, together with interpolated 6 week strength loss...
J Wazny, J D Thornton

Wood protecting chemicals for the 21st century
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30018
After assessing the past research with protection chemicals, this paper proposes future avenues for research and development in wood protection. Three scenarios are put forward for consideration. First, more is not better and future systems will emphasize combination formulations which enhance properties while providing biological efficacy. Second, current systems, especially those based on copper...
H M Barnes

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