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Aislamiento, identificación y evaluación enzimática de hongos de pudrición de madera de la Región de los Lagos
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10680
So far, systematic investigations have not been developed to determine the fungal diversity associated with wood in Chile. In addition, little is known about the mycoflora capabilities or their enzymatic processes in biotechnology although different research has hinted at the great potential of these microorganisms in various industrial processes. The aim of this work is to isolate, identify and e...
R Ortiz, J Navarrete, C Oviedo, R Blanchette

Near infrared spectroscopy for the quantification of wood preservatives
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20391
Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a rapid, flexible, inexpensive and non-destructive technology that has many applications, including the evaluation of many wood properties. Initial studies have indicated the potential to apply NIRS for the quantification of wood preservatives. However, further evaluation with borate and azole preservative systems has revealed that NIRS technology is challenged ...
A M Taylor, Seung H Baek, Myong K Jeong, J D Lloyd, J J Morrell

To decay or not to decay: An accelerated field test of the validity of the Scheffer index
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20392
The Scheffer Index was introduced in 1971 to predict the relative decay hazard of untreated wood exposed above-ground. Precipitation and temperature parameters are used in the calculation. A higher Scheffer Index value implies a greater risk of decay. An accelerated 18-month study using seven field sites with Scheffer Indices ranging from 35 to 400 and two wood types (Populus tremuloides and Pi...
G M Larkin, P E Laks

Above Ground Field Testing – Influence of test method and location on the relative performance of various preservative systems
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20393
Standardized above ground tests such as the lap-joint or test deck methods can be very slow in producing useful information on the relative performance of wood preservative systems. It often requires many years for decay to develop in wood treated to sub-optimal concentrations of standardized preservatives, making relative comparisons of performance between new systems and established preservativ...
A Zahora

Field testing in Colombia: Three years of evaluations and experiences
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20394
Two field test sites have been established in Colombia for the evaluation of fungal and termite resistance of treated wood. The combination of elevated temperature, high and stable humidity and high rainfall at the two test sites accelerates microbial and insect activity (Scheffer, 1971; Thornton et al, 1994; Freitag et al, 1995). Tests established include above ground termite tests, ground contac...
Y Cabrera, A Preston

Chemical Analysis in Production Quality Control at Wood Treatment Plants
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20396
Analysis methods for quality control analysis in wood treatment plants have evolved with the changes in treatment preservative chemistries and analytical instrument technology. The basic hydrometer specific gravity measurements used for solution strength and classic wet chemistry methods for wood have given way to instrumental techniques such as X-ray fluorescence, automatic titrator, and HPLC. No...
P Walcheski, L Jin

Effectiveness of MOQ® OX 50 (CCB-Oxide) wood preservative – Part 2: Field tests
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30483
MOQ® OX 50 is a chromated copper borate preservative known around the world as CCB. In Brazil, this product is the only CCB-oxide type preservative with fungicide and insecticide properties registered at the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Resources (IBAMA) that complies with the requirements of the Brazilian and European markets for preserved wood. For over five decades, s...
A Gandolfi Jr, C Salvela, D R Macedo, J M Vidal

Multifactorial Antimicrobial Wood Protectants
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30484
It is unlikely that a single antimicrobial compound, whether synthetic or natural, will provide the ‘magic bullet’ for eliminating multiple biological agents affecting wood products. Development of synergistic combinations of selected compounds, especially those derived from natural sources, is recognized as a promising approach to improved wood protection. Recent adoption of effective fungici...
R D Coleman, C A Clausen

A Comprehensive Review of Copper as a Biocide, with a Focus on Micronized Copper
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30486
This paper reviews the wood preservative biocide active ingredient copper and delvers into new and previously unpublished data regarding the new micronized formulations which are now in vogue and widespread use in N. America in all residential treated lumber markets. Included in this review is the overall discussion of copper containing formulations used for pressure treated wood used over the las...
M H Freeman, C R McIntyre

Polymeric Betaine as a Wood Preservative
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30487
Didecyl polyoxyethyl ammonium borate (DPAB), also known as Polymeric Betaine, was developed as a co-biocide for chromium-free copper based wood preservatives in Europe in the 1980’s. This paper summarizes the properties of DPAB as a wood preservative. Unique properties related to the betaine nature of DPAB are discussed in terms of the structure-property relationship. Physical properties of D...
H Härtner, S Schmitt, Futong Cui, H M Barnes

Biological Performance of micronized copper wood preservative formulations in field and laboratory tests
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30488
Micronized Copper wood preservative formulations with different co-biocides were exposed to brown rot fungi in an 8-week AWPA E10 soil block decay test and two AWPA E7 ground-contact decay tests in Hawaii. The micronized copper formulations performed well against decay at or above the AWPA UC3 and UC4 retentions stipulated by the ICC-ES. Micronized copper preservatives performed comparably to a ...
G M Larkin, J Zhang, D L Richter, R J Ziobro, P E Laks

Laboratory Studies on Copper Availability in Wood Treated with Soluble Amine Copper and Micronized Copper Systems
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30489
A laboratory method has been employed to investigate the level of soluble copper in wood treated with various copper-based preservative systems, such as micronized copper (particulate copper) and amine copper solutions. This report describes the methodology and preliminary results on determination of the soluble copper in the treating solutions and the treated wood by these systems, as well as th...
L Jin, P Walcheski, A Preston

Performance of dip and pressure treated wood in termite ground proximity exposures in Hilo, HI, and Colombia
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30491
A number of preservative systems were evaluated for their ability to control termite attack when applied as both dip and pressure treatments. With dip treatments, better performance was observed with southern pine than spruce-pine-fir using the same solution strength treatment, probably as a result of the about 50% greater uptake with southern pine and associated deeper preservative penetration. B...
P Walcheski, A Zahora

Alkaline copper treated wood for use in residential decking
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30490
Alkaline copper quaternary ammonium compound (ACQ) treated decking was exposed in a field experiment and the mobile copper assessed based on that collected in the leachate. The amount of copper which leached was modeled after 4 years. The results showed that boards which leached most chemical initially provided the greatest loss over four years. The reduction in the mobility of copper with time wa...
J N R Ruddick

Preservación de madera en Uruguay
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30492
Uruguay has a temperate climate and predominantly gently undulating landscape which is naturally suitable for farming activities. Therefore, its economy has always been based upon them and the related industries. In the sixties, the government decided it was necessary to increase forested areas in the country. Based on different consultancies, the legal frame was built in order to promote a sustai...
S Böthig

High Temperature Treated Wood
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40429
High temperature can modify internal structure and physic-chemical properties of wood by a controlled pyrolysis process. Such treatment, among other changes in properties, modifies the wood color in a way that resembles exotic species, increasing its market value. The main objective of this work is to determine the changes in wood properties caused by the effect of temperature and time, in order t...
C C Borges, A L Barbosa, R Faber de Campos, S T Targas

Effect of a biological treatment on below ground decay of Douglas-fir pole sections
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40433
The use of exogenous sugars to accelerate microbial growth and eventually limit available oxygen in soil surrounding wood in soil contact was investigated on untreated Douglas-fir poles exposed over a 3 year period in Western Oregon. Isolation frequencies differed markedly between treated and untreated poles and the treatment did appear to shift the frequency of some basidiomycetes. The treatment ...
C Freitag and J J Morrell

Vacuum drying of European oakwood: Color, chemistry and anti-oxidant potency of wood. Improving appearance in forest value added products
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40432
In hardwoods used for decorative and appearance purposes, wood colour is one of the most important factors of wood quality; in addition colour is related with durability and biological decay of wood. Wood discolouration during drying is mainly affected by heat, light, physiological reactions, combinations of reactions, biochemical and chemical reactions, and micro-organisms attack. In freshly fell...
S Sandoval, W Jomaa, F Marc, J-R Puiggali

Corrosion of fastener and connector in contact with alkaline copper treated wood – it is a problem
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40437
For many decades, chromated copper arsenate (CCA) was the most common wood preservative used in North America for residential and industrial applications. Since December 31, 2003, the use of CCA for residential application was voluntarily terminated. One of the most widely accepted alternative wood preservatives in Western Canada is Alkaline Copper Quaternary Compound (ACQ). This paper will compar...
J N R Ruddick

Opportunities and Needs with Treatments for the Protection of Plantation Species
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40438
The future of the wood treating industry lies increasingly on the treatment of wood derived from plantation forests. Plantation softwoods and hardwoods both provide significant opportunity for utilization coupled with protection technologies, but development programs will require much more focus and funding than is currently available. Manufacturing and treating of products from plantation fores...
A F Preston

Chemical modification of Scots Pine Sawdust by mixed anhydrides
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40439
By making react mixtures containing acetic-fatty anhydrides on Scots pine sawdust (SPS) without any solvent or catalyst; we synthesized mixed acetic-fatty esters of SPS. Such mixtures were synthesized by reaction between a carboxylic acid and acetic anhydride. These mixtures were obtained after reaction of acetic anhydride and a fatty acid that yields at equilibrium a mixture of five compounds: ac...
J Peydecastaing, E Borredon, S El Kasmi

Wood preservative obtained by recycling – preliminary selection of leaching inhibitor
2008 - IRG/WP 08-50252
Based on recycling of used household batteries, a process was developed to enable the recovery of major manufacturing components, leading to a solution of zinc (32 g.l-1) and manganese (15 g.l-1) salts, free of heavy metals. The potential use of the above solution as wood preservative was demonstrated by means of assays both of fungicidal activity -using white and brown rot fungi- and of insectici...
C Ibáñez, C Mantero, G Cecchetto, M Rabinovich, M Cerdeiras

Comparison of laboratory and natural exposure leaching of copper from wood treated with three wood preservatives
2008 - IRG/WP 08-50258
Standard and non-standard laboratory and field leaching tests were used to compare copper leaching from wood treated to above ground and ground contact specified retentions for three wood preservative systems, CCA-C, ACQ-D and a micronized copper formulation with quat DDAC as co-biocide. Copper leaching was highest for the ACQ formulation. Percent leaching was lowest for the micronized copper sy...
P A Cooper, Y T Ung

The amazing wooden churches from Northern Romania - learning from the past, restoring for the future, preserving the present valuable heritage of forgotten wood building tradition
2009 - IRG/WP 09-10683
The beauty and the uniqueness of the north-western region of Romania called “Maramureş” are well known in Europe. Surrounded by mountains, the region remained to some extend isolated from modern influences, preserving the local village architecture and craftsman traditions learnt and passed on from generation to generation. Local folklore and past heritage sets you back centuries ago when...
R Craciun, R Möller

Categorization of 300 timber, bamboo and cane grown in Bangladesh based on their families, origins, growths, physical and mechanical properties
2009 - IRG/WP 09-10684
In this study the 300 timber, bamboo and cane plants grown in Bangladesh have been classified into various categories based on their taxonomic families, origin of species, rate of growth, color of wood, texture of wood, shrinkage of wood, equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of wood, flammability of wood, cutting and sawing properties of timber, finishing and polishing qualities of wood, machining p...
A K Lahiry

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