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Your search resulted in 362 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Synergistic combination of an antioxidant and wood preservative: a preliminary study
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30172
We previously proposed that extractives in highly durable angiosperm heartwood may protect wood against white-rot fungal colonization and subsequent degradation by a dual mechanism: extractives have some fungicidal activity and are also free radical scavengers (antioxidants) and thus interfere with the fungal free radical degradative mechanisms. We tested this hypothesis using the commercial bioci...
T Schultz, D D Nicholas, J Minn, K D McMurtrey, T H Fisher

Microscopic analysis of southern pine utility pole core segments
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1542
Fifteen macroscopic core descriptive categories were evaluated by microscopic analysis for accuracy in detecting decay and judging decay severity. Five categories were good indicators of decay as decay was detected in 28 of 48 samples. Five categories were possible indicators of early decay as decay was detected in 6 of 40 core segments and an additional 18 contained hyphae. The remaining five cat...
S E Anagnost, C J K Wang, M Wright

Performance of Tuff Brite C™ and other formulations against blue-stain, mold and brown-stain in freshly-sawn rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) in the humid tropics of Peninsular Malaysia
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30163
The relative anti-sapstain and anti-mold efficacies, including brown-stain development in freshly-sawn rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) in the Malaysian tropics, between selected water-based product concentrations of formulations Tuff Brite CTM without/with added Borax (at 1.5/0, 1/1.5, 1.5/1.5 and 2%/1.5%), PQ8TM without/with added Borax (at 2.5/0, 1.5/1.5, 2/1.5 and 2.5%/1.5%) and NeXgenTM/NeX-Br...
A H H Wong, T L Woods

A field test with anti-stain chemicals on sawn pine timber in Brazil
1989 - IRG/WP 3513
Field tests were carried out in São Paulo State - Brazil, to evaluate pre-treatment formulations of O-Phenyl-Phenol (OPP) based products. The Sodium Pentachlorophenate solution was used as a reference formulation. The treated test blocks were stacked in a covered shed, and in an uncovered place for air drying. The evaluation was done by measuring the percentage of stained surface on each test blo...
M B B Monteiro, S Brazolin

Reduction of kiln brown stain in radiata pine lumber after log fumigation with methyl bromide
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30129
Methyl bromide fumigation of freshly felled radiata pine log sections effectively killed living cells in parenchyma to at least 75mm into sapwood. Lumber cut from logs (fumigated and control) stored 1 month outdoors (dry) showed slightly reduced brown stain when kiln dried at conventional temperatures. A more dramatic reduction and elimination of brown stain was noted in lumber cut from fumigated ...
E Schmidt, M E Hedley, D R Page, D Cross

Mechanistic aspects of the reactions of copper complexes with lignin in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and lipid hydroperoxide model compounds as proposed for white rot fungi
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10399
The structural principles and the oxidative reactions of the catalytic system consisting of copper, hydroperoxides, and copper coordination compounds that contain aromatic nitrogen atoms are similar to those of catalytic centers of oxidative enzymes involved in delignification reactions of white rot fungi. The system is capable of selectively degrading lignin and its low molecular weight would all...
K Fackler, P Lamaipis, E Srebotnik, M Humar, C Tavzes, F Pohleven, M Sentjurc, T Watanabe, K Messner

Artificial weathering as an aid to assessing the effectiveness of chemicals for preventing blue stain in service - a co-operative study
1984 - IRG/WP 2215
The paper reports co-operative studies carried out within Working Group II of the International Research Group on Wood Preservation to assess the effects of different artificial weathering systems on the performance of fungicides to control blue-stain in service. It has been shown that Atlas, Xenotest and Marr equipments operated according to particular standard schedules can give essentially the ...
A F Bravery, D J Dickinson

Fruitbody formation and basidiosporogenesis by the white rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus
1988 - IRG/WP 1348
Conditions for fruitbody formation by the white rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus in vitro were outlined. A marked difference in substrate requirements in comparison to previously tested brown rot fungi was revealed. Agar media containing Walseth cellulose and NH4 tartrate at 1 g/l permit profound production of basidiospores particularly at 15°C but only under light treatment. Higher NH4 tartrat...
J Bjurman

The nature of osmiophilic particles and their distribution during different stages of brown and white rot decay
1983 - IRG/WP 1213
The distribution of osmiophilic particles during the course of brown and white rot decay was investigated by applying transmission electron microscopic (TEM) methods. It was found that it correlates with the brown and white rot pattern.The osmiophilic particles are produced by the fungus and are supposed to be wood rotting enzymes....
K Messner, H Stachelberger

Screening of modified linseed oils on their applicability in wood protection
2004 - IRG/WP 04-30346
In this study modified linseed oils, rape oil and three waxes were screened on their efficacy as wood protecting agents. By testing all products when impregnated with high retentions in Scots Pine sapwood on water repellence qualities, additionally an accelerated weathering test, drying quality, accelerated brown rot and blue stain test, an indication is formed of the capability of these products ...
A Treu, J Lückers, H Militz

Evaluation of the natural durability and ultrasonic method for decay detection of some european hardwood and softwood species
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10537
This paper presents the first part of an investigation on the natural durability of mixed plywood made of durable and non durable plies from the following selected timbers : Cedrus atlantica, Cupressus sempervirens, Castanea sativa, Populus sp. I 214 and Fagus sylvatica. In order to carry out this study, the natural durability of the massive wood used to manufacture the plywood panels was asses...
F Faraji, M-F Thévenon, B Thibaut

Evaluation of the effectiveness of defence anti-stain in the control of sapstain in laboratory and field tests
1990 - IRG/WP 3593
The anti-sapstain product Defence Anti-stain (DAS) has been evaluated internationally in laboratory and field tests during the years 1988 and 1989. Results of tests carried out by institutes and by own companies in countries like Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Portugal, Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain will be presented. In the several tests Defence Anti-stain showed a high fungicidal activity t...
G Rustenburg, C J Klaver

Redox regulation of enzyme activity during wood decay
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10172
A potential strategy in the search for alternative wood preservatives against fungal decay is to target the extracellular wood-decay process itself, rather than the decay organisms. This presents novel targets for selective disruption and possibly without the broad-spectrum toxicity associated with conventional wood preservatives. The enzymes of white rot decay are mechanistically diverse (e.g. hy...
P J Kersten, B Kurek, J W Whittaker

The relationship between blue-stain and bark beetles
1971 - IRG/WP 19
The attack of bark beetles on standing or in newly-felled stems provides special growth conditions to wood-inhabiting fungi. In the wood attacked by bark beetles, a specific and rich fungus flora is found, and from these fungi the economically important group of blueing fungi has been more thoroughly investigated. These fungi live on nutritive substances present in the cells, especially in the med...
A Käärik

Molecular phylogeny of Ophiostoma spp. related to blue-stain in pine
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10432
Blue-stain in coniferous woods is an economically important disease in many temperate countries, caused specially by genus Ophiostoma. Classical taxonomy of genus Ophiostoma is limited for the correct identification of many species, because of the similar macroscopic and microscopic characters, as well as the existence of some species complex. Molecular identification is a good complement to eluci...
M Villarreal, F Arenal, J Sánchez-Ballesteros, M T De Troya, F Llinares, V Rubio, A Navarrete

Natural Durability studies and Changes in wood chemistry of some Ghanaian hardwoods during decay by white- and brown-rot fungi
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10542
The natural decay resistance of Esa (Celtis mildbraedii), Wawabima (Sterculia rhinopetela) and Dahoma (Piptadeniastrum africanum) obtained from Ghana was determined according to BS EN 113 (1997). Esa was found not durable to the white-rot, but very durable to the brown-rot; Wawabima was very durable to both white- and brown-rots; and Dahoma was durable to the white-rot, and very durable to the bro...
Zeen Huang, K Maher, S A Amartey

Suitability of propiconazole (R 49362) as a new-generation fungicide
1989 - IRG/WP 3529
Propiconazole (R 49362), an anti-fungal triazole-compound of Janssen Pharmaceutica, has been extensively tested to determine its potential use as a wood preserving fungicide. Various tests in both private laboratories and official institutes indicate a good activity against Basidiomycetes (brown and white rot) and Ascomycetes (blue stain-in-service). The active ingredient seems very resistant to w...
A R Valcke

The susceptibility of acetylated Pinus radiata to mould and stain fungi
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1548
The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of 5, 10, 15 and 20 percent acetylation weight gains on the susceptibility of Pinus radiata sapwood to mould and stain fungi, and to establish if an acrylic paint, an oil-based stain and a water repellant gave superior protection from fungal growth on wood treated to 20% acetylation weight gain, compared to untreated wood. One treatment set...
R N Wakeling, D V Plackett, D R Cronshaw

Efficacy of waterborne copper naphthenate as preservative for northern hardwood species
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30091
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra) and red maple (Acer rubrum) cubes pressure treated with waterborne formulation of copper naphthenate were evaluated for resistance to attack by brown fungi Gloeophyllum trabeum (Pers. ex Fr.) Murr. (Madison 617 ATCC 11539) and Poria placenta (Fr.) Cooke (Madison 698, ATCC 11538), white rot fungi Trametes versicolor (L. ex Fr.) Pilat (R-105 from Jeff Morrell), Irpex...
D P Kamdem, R Fair, M H Freeman

Aureobasidium or Hormonema? A Genetic Approach.
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10529
Aureobasidium pullulans is the main organism causing disfigurement of coatings on wood and the surface of exposed timber. This disfigurement of timber in-service is referred to as “bluestain in-service”. A. pullulans is also associated with the sapstaining of dead wood in the forest and in-service. A. pullulans is noted for its highly variable growth forms (polymorphisms). This variability pre...
M J Ray, D J Dickinson, M Buck

Colonization of treated and untreated ponderosa pine exposed in Hilo, Hawaii
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20068
The rate of decay in above ground exposures is largely controlled by rainfall and temperature, factors which can be used to construct a climate index of decay hazard in above ground exposures. Developers of new biocide formulations have utilized this knowledge by establishing test sites in sub-tropical regions such as the Gulf Coast of the United States. More recently, field sites have been locate...
C M Freitag, J J Morrell, K J Archer

Assessing health risks to occupants following remedial insecticidal treatment of timber in dwellings
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-27
Experiments have been carried out to assess (i) the aerial concentrations of volatile wood preservative constituents, and (ii) the potential for contamination from treated surfaces, following in situ insecticidal treatment of timbers in dwellings. Using white spirit as a model for volatile constituents in the treatment of free-standing, wood-lined chambers indicated that temperature and air exchan...
R J Orsler, E D Suttie, V Rijckaert

An alternative method for the determination of lignocellulolytic enzymatic activities of white rot fungi
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10261
Some lignocellulolytic activities of wood decay fungi can be evaluated in an indirect way through the study of the decolorization that white rot fungi produces in culture media in the presence of dyes. In this assay, ten dyes were selected, which were added in concentrations of 0.00 1% - 0.003% (P/V) to four-day cultures of Trametes versicolor containing 1% of beech sawdust in a basal salt medium...
D Muñoz-Mingarro, F Llinares, F Rubio, M Yuste, C Rodríguez-Borrajo, J Jiménez, M T De Troya

Wood and filter paper degradation, phenol oxidase and one-electron oxidation activities by the white rot fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10486
The activities of one-electron oxidation and phenol oxidase during incubation of cultures of the white-rot basidiomycete Ceriporiopsis subvermispora containing either glucose or wood were periodically measured. Further, the degradation activities against wood and filter paper were examined during the course of cultivation. Weight losses of Japanese beech wood and Japanese cedar wood after 12 wee...
H Tanaka, S Itakura, A Enoki

Evaluation of bending strength by non-destructive methods of Ezomatzu with white pocket rot
1991 - IRG/WP 2371
The possibility of application of three non-destructive methods was examined for evaluation of bending strength of ezomatsu (Picea jezoensis CARR.) with white pocket rot. As non-destructive methods, the measurements of ultrasonic wave propagation time, impact-induced stress wave propagation time and penetration depth of pin of "PILODYN Wood Tester" were applied to compare with visual evaluation of...
T Tanaka

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