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Your search resulted in 456 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Effect of treatment process on performance of copper-chrome-arsenate. Part 1: Fungus cellar tests
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40045
Pinus radiata sapwood stakes 20 x 20 x 400 mm³ were treated with CCA Type C using a range of concentrations and three treatment processes; Bethell, Lowry and Rueping. Preservative retention was determined by chemical analysis of treated material. Following fixation, fungus cellar stakelets, 5 x 10 x 180 mm³ were cut from treated material and after leaching were exposed in unsterile soil beds in ...
M E Hedley, J Anderson, J B Foster, B E Patterson

CCFZ, a new type of water-borne wood preservative for vacuum pressure impregnation
1991 - IRG/WP 3643
By combination of CCF-Salt types with zinchexafluorosilicate a remarkable improvement of efficacy is achieved. In the same time the ecotoxicoligical data become more save. As well as the efficacy against wood-destroying organisms (Basidiomycetes, Soft rot and Long horn beetle) the basic data to evaluate the ecotoxicological behaviour of a CCFZ-Salt are described and compared with the properties of...
W Metzner, D Seepe, H-W Wegen

Effect of aqueous polymer treatments on wood properties. Part 2: Mechanical properties
1990 - IRG/WP 3611
Partially air-dried sapwood of sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and southern pine (Pinus spp.) was treated with either aqueous polyacrylate or aqueous dimethyloldihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU) solutions. Tests for static bending, toughness, and hardness were conducted on matched treated and untreated pieces according to ASTM Standards. Properties of pine were not affected by treatment with the po...
Z Ashaari, H M Barnes, D E Lyon, R C Vasishth, D D Nicholas

Effect of test site location on in-ground preservative performance after 6 years
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20231
Pinus radiata test stakes were treated with 4.1 kg/m3 of CCA and Fagus sylvatica with 6.1 kg/m3 of CCA. Both wood species were also treated with a copper plus triazole preservative (3 kg/m3 of copper) and chlorothalonil plus chlorpyriphos in oil (4.8 kg/m3 chlorothalonil). Furthermore, P. radiata was treated with ammoniacal copper plus a quaternary ammonium compound (2.6 kg/m3 copper) and a 60/40 ...
R N Wakeling

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 11: Report of fourth inspection (3 years) in Italy
1981 - IRG/WP 471
The wood samples of Alstonia scholaris, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus sylvestris were submerged in the sea at Follonica, Italy, in Apri1 1977. Follonica, latitude 42°55' North and longitude 10°45' East, is situated on the Tyrrhenian coast. The recorded temperature varies from 13°C td 25°C, salinity 37- 38%. and pH about 8. The inspections were carried out after 6 months (10/1977), 1...
A Gambetta, E Orlandi

Determination of corrosive effect of liquid wood preservatives to metals – First experiences with a National Standard which is in revision
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20321
The development of standards is an essential tool to characterise different kind of materials and products. An important aspect during the development of a new product is to check the corrosion behaviour with other materials. Corrosion can cause several problems like pitting corrosion. Consequently the knowledge concerning the corrosive effect of liquid wood preservatives is important due to the s...
E Melcher

The effect of heat treatment on the properties of spruce
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40032
The effect of high temperature treatment (above 150°C) on the wood quality is studied at the VTT. Improved dimensional stability, lower equilibrium moisture content and increased durability against biodeterioration is achieved, depending on the environmental factors. The biodeterioration resistance of spruce is improved due to changes in chemical composition and lower equilibrium moisture content...
H Viitanen, S Jämsä, L Paajanen, A J Nurmi, P Viitaniemi

Untersuchungen zur Prüfung mit Moderfäulepilzen im Vermiculit-Eingrabe-Verfahren
1972 - IRG/WP 214
Im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung eines Prüfverfahrens für die Bestimmung der moderfäulewidrigen Wirksamkeit von Holzschutzmitteln wurden Versuche mit Reinzuchten von Pilzen und mit Vermiculit als Trägersubstanz sowohl mit unbehandelten als auch mit Schutzmittelgetränkten Holzproben durchgeführt. Dabei wurde die Eignung von handelsüblichen, eintachen Einweg-Kunststoffbechern anstelle der bish...
W Kerner-Gang, M Gersonde

The effect of concrete embedment on CCA treated hardwood and softwood timbers
1985 - IRG/WP 3340
Small size stakes of Eucalyptus maculata and Pinus elliottii were treated with CCA to various retentions and embedded in concrete collars containing varying amounts of a fungicide additive. During the 30 month trial period stakes were removed after 12, 18, 24 and 30 months and assessed for residual strength. Stakes which showed significant strength reductions were microscopically examined for the ...
L E Leightley, G A Willoughby

Collaborative soft rot tests: Final Report
1978 - IRG/WP 2106
Since preparation of Document No: IRG/WP/258 results have been received from the remaining collaborators. Thus there is a little further to add to the conclusions already derived, those in Document No: IRG/WP/251 being as follows: 1) the exposure system used sometimes resulted in excessive weight gains in the sterile check blocks. Consequently the corrected loss in weight of the test blocks could ...
J G Savory, J K Carey

The effect of aqueous leaching on moisture uptake by CCA-treated blocks during soil burial
1987 - IRG/WP 2283
Mass loss, moisture content and nitrogen data from two soil burial experiments with untreated and CCA-treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Carr) and lime (Tilia vulgaris Hayne) are presented. These show that aqueous leaching of CCA-treated wood prior to burial significantly reduces its subsequent moisture uptake from soil. In the case of lime, a reduction in the...
C A Green, G M Smith, B King

Co-operative studies on determining toxic values against wood-destroying basidiomycetes: Progress report to April 1990
1990 - IRG/WP 2357
This document reports progress on the co-operative study between nine laboratories, set up following the proposals contained in Document IPG/WP/2316 (1988). Results have been received from eight laboratories. Toxic values data have been established successfully for the test fungus Coniophora puteana with soil, malt agar and vermiculite methods and with the test fungi Gloeophyllum trabeum and Poria...
J K Carey, A F Bravery

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 22: Report on the conditions of specimens at Sekondi, Ghana after 60 months
1986 - IRG/WP 4123
The results of the third inspection of CCA and CCB treated test panels exposed at Sekondi, Ghana in June 1980 are presented. None of the panels still in test, i.e. panels of Pinus sylvestris treated with CCA at 3 and 10%, Alstonia scholaris treated with CCA at 10%, Fagus sylvatica treated with CCA at 10%, and Erythrophleum ivorense and Mitragyna stipulosa both treated with CCB at 10%, shows any ex...
F F K Ampong, N Asare-Nyadu

The effect of acid rain on CCA treated timber
1990 - IRG/WP 3579
The effect of acid precipitation on the leaching of copper, chromium and arsenic from timber treated with different CCA preservatives was studied in the presence of three types of soil under simulated field conditions. Pine sapwood, embedded in soil, was subjected to simulated rainfall at three different levels of acidity. The CCA preservative formulations tested were:- American Wood Preservers&am...
R J Murphy, D J Dickinson

The effect of soil pre-exposure on the results of laboratory Basidiomycete testing
1991 - IRG/WP 2385
Scots pine sapwood blocks were treated with several concentrations of copper chrome arsenic (CCA), copper chrome boron (CCB) and a copper modified quaternary ammonium compound (CMAAC). Leached and unleached samples were exposed in a basidiomycete monoculture test using Coniophora puteana, a copper tolerant brown rot. Prior to testing half of the blocks were buried in unsterile soil for 4 weeks. Th...
S M Gray

Effect of post-treatment processing on leachability of ACZA-treated douglas-fir lumber
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50109
The effect of post-treatment procedures that more rapidly precipitate copper, zinc, and arsenic in douglas-fir treated with ammoniacal copper zinc arsenate (ACZA) on subsequent leaching resistance were investigated at two retentions (6.4 and 40 kg/m3). Total leaching was greater from boards treated to the higher retention. At both levels, copper was lost at the highest rate. Post-treatment process...
J J Morrell, C S Love, S Kumar, C M Freitag

Effect of Oil Content on The Performance of Wood Treated with Pentachlorophenol
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30324
This paper details a five-year study on southern pine treated with pentachlorophenol in oil at various oil contents. Results from field stake tests at two Gulf Coast test sites are presented. Both biological efficacy and preservative depletion data are discussed. Results suggest that increasing oil content leads to better performance of wood treated with pentachlorophenol. Test results indicat...
H M Barnes, T L Amburgey, M G Sanders

Determination of fungitoxic value of preservatives in laboratory wood-block tests. Part 1: Standard procedures
1989 - IRG/WP 2326
By applying a modified agar-block method, a comparative analysis was made on the toxic value of the wood preservative CCA against the test fungus Serpula lacrymans. The procedure applied to determine the results accounted for different standards: EN (Toxic limit), ASTM (threshold retention), GOST (threshold retention and protection probability), PN (toxic doses) and JIS (value of efficiency). Desp...
J Wazny, J D Thornton

Animal blood protein as a component of new, non-toxic wood preservatives fixing organic active compounds in wood
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30312
Application of natural organic compounds and simple physico-chemical treatments in wood conservation has, as its objective, not only its protection against biological agents but, equally importantly, protection of natural environment by gradual abandonment of toxic constituents still applied commonly on a wide scale. The introduction into wood of new, non-toxic impregnation agents manufactured on ...
B Mazela, I Polus

Investigations on testing with soft rot fungi by the vermiculite-burial method
1972 - IRG/WP 215
With the object of developing a test method to determine the effectiveness of wood preservatives against soft rot attack, tests have been carried out with pure fungal cultures using vermiculite as the substrate for untreated and preservative impregnated wood blocks. In these tests the suitability of common commercial, simple disposable beakers was proved successful as a substitute for the glass bo...
W Kerner-Gang, M Gersonde

Increased biological durability differs for traditional wood preservation and new non-biocidal systems (NBS)
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20212
Wood preservation is a way to increase the biological durability of wood by the addition of chemical components with a biocidal effect. The effect of such treatment is clearly concentration dependent. At distinct levels of fungicide concentration fungi are killed or inhibited in their enzymatic functioning to provide nutrients. The toxic limits allow decision-makers to provide treating prescriptio...
J Van Acker, M Stevens

A microscopic study on the effect of IPBC/DDAC on growth morphology of the sapstaining fungus Ophiostoma piceae
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10191
An exploratory study was performed to probe into fungal/wood/fungicide interactions using Ophiostoma piceae, a common sapstaining fungus on unseasoned radiate pine. Treated (1% solution containing IPBC (0.07% w/w) and DDAC (0.60% w/w)) and untreated radiate pine wafers were inoculated with O. piceae and examined microscopically over a ten days incubation time. The results of the study showed that ...
Ying Xiao, B Kreber

Soft rot tests with soils of different origins
1984 - IRG/WP 2226
In the BAM a comparative soft rot test with 9 different types of soil (one soil each from Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland and 6 soils from laboratories in Germany) were carried out. The pH values of the different soils ranged from 3.2 to 7.1, and the amounts of organic matter were between 4 and 44% (w/w). The test specimens - Pine sapwood blocks treated with different concentrations of a CCA p...
M Gersonde, W Kerner

A comparative analysis of Coniophora olivacea (Fr. ex Pers.) Karst. and Coniophora puteana (Schum. ex Fr.) Karst. test strains
1993 - IRG/WP 93-20004
Investigations were carried out to compare pure cultures of Coniophora olivacea (Fr. ex Pers.) Karst. used as a test fungus in Australia and other Pacific countries, and Coniophora puteana (Shum. ex Fr.) Karst. which is used in Europe. Comparisons included morphology, growth rate and dry mass of mycelium, decay capacity, influence of temperature, toxic value of CCA and quaternary ammonium compound...
J Wazny, L J Cookson

Investigation of temperature effect on fixation of Celcure preservative (ACC) in Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus I)
2003 - IRG/WP 03-30304
In this research, the fixation speed of Celcure 2 % (ACC) preservative salt, under temperature of 30 ºC, 40 ºC and 50 ºC on intact wood specimens of hornbeam was investigated. For this purpose, blocks of wood with 2Í 2 Í2 cm dimensions of hornbeam were prepared and saturated with 2% ACC concentration by full-cell process. The specimens were put in three incubators at the above-mentioned temperatures. For measuring the percentage of fixation through time, the specimens were extracted by using hydraulic pressure equipment, under 70 Mpa pressure. The PH of extraction was measured with the method of Diphenyl Carbazid and by using spectrophotometer. This measurement was done continuously and the amount of 6-valence chromium concentration present in the extract was compared with the amount of chromium concentration in the primary solution and then the percentage of fixation was calculated. The results showed that the decrease in 6-valence chromium is accompanied with increase of PH, this due to absorption of positive hydrogen ion by 6-valence chromium for reduction to 3-valence chromium and also ion –exchange of active components with wood during the primary phase of fixation. Also, the time necessary for reaching complete fixation in intact wood in the fixation temperature conditions of 30, 40, 50 ºC were 98, 52, 24 hours, respectively. In general, the results showed that temperature has effective role accelerating of fixation process.
R Imani, R E Majdar, A Karimi

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