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Your search resulted in 584 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

The potential for accelerated ageing to determine the persistence of active ingredients in timber
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20323
Fast screening methods for evaluating the persistence of active ingredients in timber are proposed. This is an outline proposal which is intended to provoke discussion and further development of the methods. Reliable and accurate analytical methods are key to these tests....
L D A Saunders, M R Powell

Developments in wood preservation processing techniques in New Zealand
1980 - IRG/WP 3143
P Vinden, A J McQuire

Japanese Classification of Wooden Building Members for ISO Use Classes according to the Building Code in Japan.
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20337
Because of the international approve of use class system for the biological degradation of wood by ISO/DIS 21887 and ISO/DIS 21892, Japanese committee of ISO/TC165/SC1 asked to the JWPA for classify the wooden commodities by use class of these draft ISO. The JWPA was prepared a draft use class model in Japan. Japanese building code systems are described and Japanese draft use class system is also ...
K Suzuki

Chromium on the surface of CCA-treated wood
1978 - IRG/WP 386
Chromium in solutions of CCA preservatives is predominantly in the hexavalent state (Cr VI). It is well known that Cr VI is associated with dermatitis and skin ulceration in workers handling chromium containing products and processes. When reduced to the trivalent state, however, chromium is considerably safer. An essential part, therefore, of safety procedures in any chromium - using industry is ...
C R Coggins, P Hiscocks

The chemical analysis and biological evaluation of wood extractives as potential timber preservatives
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30090
Work involved the biological performance of water and organic solvent soluble extractives of four naturally durable wood species, namely; Matumi, Tamboti, Sneezewood and the Turpentine tree. These timber species are known to be naturally durable against termites and fungi (±25 to 35 years). The extractives were evaluated against termites and fungi using impregnated pine pencil stakes in field tes...
P Turner, D Conradie

Sludge formation in timber treatment with CCA preservatives. Origin and elimination
1984 - IRG/WP 3276
The exact distributions between lignin and holocellulose and retentions on wood of copper, chromium and arsenic as a function of various sets of conditions in a factorial experiment in which combinations of three temperatures of treatment, three CCA solution concentrations, four pH's of the initial CCA solution and two timber species, namely Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus grandis, are repor...
A Pizzi, W E Conradie, A Jansen

An Open Letter to Proponents of CLT/Massive Timber
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40755
We present an Open Letter that discusses the need to address the potential for biodeterioration in CLT/Massive timber structure. We invite members to review and sign the document. We also welcome suggestions for potential recipients....
A Taylor, J Lloyd, T Shelton

An Historical Roof Timber System in the Old Town of Berlin-Spandau
2019 - IRG/WP 19-10949
In Europe the “Charter of Venice” was enacted on the 31st of May 1964. It is the international directive for the preservation of historic buildings and monuments. All countries in Europe now involve professional wood scientists and engineers in maintaining and preserving historical buildings. Here we discuss a restoration project involving 17th century roof timbering. This project may be used ...
M Luke, W Unger, D Nellessen

The use of a physical field model to study the effects of remedially treated timber on the growth of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and rye (Secale cereale), and the accumulation of toxic preservative constituents in Lolium perenne
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-02
Low cost laboratory model systems can be used to give relatively rapid indications of the environmental effects of preservative treated timber in soil contact. This paper details the effects of remedially treated timber on the growth of crops of Lolium perenne and Secale cereale seeded on soilbeds of different texture in close proximity to remedially treated creosoted pole sections. Lolium perenne...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, H J Staines

Mechanical resistance of Pinus radiata CCA treated and face jointed with PVA adhesive
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40140
Due to the increased use of Pinus radiata timber composites (laminated structural members, panels, etc), its low natural durability and the toxicity of phenol-formaldehyde type adhesives, a PVA (polyvinyl acetate) adhesive was evaluated in machined and rough CCA treated and untreated face joint samples under DIN 68602 (EN 204-205) standard for groups of requirement 3 and 4. The results showed that...
M C Rose, L Reyes, P León

The shower test method. A leaching test for assessing preservative losses from treated timber under simulated open storage conditions
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-04
In the late 1980's against the background of increasing environmental concern a laboratory based accelerated leaching test method for assessing preservative losses-from stored, treated timber was developed by the Dutch organisation for applied Scientific Research (TNO). This test method quantifies the amount of specific preservative components which leach from treated timber under simulat...
J B G A Havermans, W J Homan, M J Boonstra

A Preliminary Report on the Properties of Engineered Wood Composite Panels Treated with Copper Naphthenate
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40294
This paper reports on our preliminary investigation of the properties of randomly oriented strandboard which had waterborne or powdered copper naphthenate (CuN) incorporated into the board during manufacture. When compared to zinc borate-treated controls (ZnB), the mechanical properties of strandboard (MOR, MOE, work-to-maximum load, internal bond strength) were not adversely affected by treatmen...
J W Kirkpatrick, H M Barnes

The possible significance of the lignin content and lignin type on the performance of CCA-treated timber in ground contact
1988 - IRG/WP 1357
The lignin in wood samples of Alstonia scholaris, Octomeles sumatrana and a Simaruba species have been analysed. These timbers are characterised by a high lignin content and low syringyl:guaiacyl ratios. Decay tests with two soft rot fungi showed that the timbers were less susceptible than timbers with a low lignin content and higher syringyl:guaiacyl ratios. Numerous data for field performance of...
T Nilsson, J R Obst, G F Daniel

An environmental assessment of timber treatment plants in Australia
1999 - IRG/WP 99-50124
Australian Standard AS 2843 Timber Preservation Plant Safety Code, sets the specifications for the design and operation of timber treatment plants in Australia. The Timber Preservers' Association of Australia has carried out an environmental survey of timber treatment plants throughout Australia using the operational checklist provided in Appendix C of Part 2 of the Standard. Third party ...
J Norton, K Riley

Decrease of the antidecay resistance of beech wood treated with organotin fungicides after its natural ageing
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30185
The antidecay resistance of beech-wood samples (120 x 8.5 x 8.5 (MM)) treated with tributyltin fungicides gradually decreased due to prolongation of their natural ageing: tributyltin fungicides (TBTO, TBTS, TBTCA, TBT-DEDTK were applied by pressure impregnation technique in ethanole solutions (c = 0. 1%, 0.33% or 1%); treated beech-wood samples were naturally aged without their contact with grou...
L Reinprecht

Sampling rates and the probability of detecting defective treatment in the sampling of preservative treated timber
1987 - IRG/WP 2277
When attempting to enforce standards of penetration and retention set for treated timber, the regulating authority must establish a sampling or inspection scheme which will prevent large quantities of substandard product entering the market. On the other hand, the scheme should not penalise treaters for the small quantities of such material which are inevitably produced by any industrial process. ...
M J Kennedy, L E Leightley

Relationship between bond strength and surface characteristics of CCA-treated Douglas-fir
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30008
Chromated-copper-arsenate (CCA) treated Douglas-fir was laminated using a commercial phenol-resorcinol resin. CCA treatment enhanced the water repelleney of wood espeeially in the presence of extractives. However, the shear strength of CCA treated wood was 12% lower in dry condition and 38% lower in wet condition after six cycles of vacuum-pressure test than that of untreated wood. Slight removal ...
K Yamamoto, J N R Ruddick

Preservation of two Indonesian timber species for marine environment purposes
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10079
This paper deal with the experiment of CCA full cell processed two non-durable Indonesian species for placed in the marine environment. 80 samples of 5 x 5 x 60 cm³ dried durian (Durio zibethinus) and mahogany (Swietenia mahagony) timber were CCA-full cell processed using 4 combination treatment of: without steaming; one hour steaming; 3% and 5% CCA solution concentration. 40 samples of them were...
P Permadi, I M Padlinurjaji, F Rasmita

Accelerated laboratory soil contact decay test using soil amended with composted wood
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20284
The effect of amending soil with wood compost on the decay rate of wood wafers in contact with the unsterile soil, as measured by radial compression strength loss, was explored. It was found that the addition of composted wood to the soil significantly increased the wood decay rate. The reason for this acceleration in wood decay is not entirely clear, but appears to be at least partially associate...
D D Nicholas, H Borazjani, T Schultz

Comparative study on physical properties of four fast growing timber species of Bangladesh
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10570
Ghoraneem (Melia azedarach), Rain tree (Albizia saman), Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) and Akashmoni (Acacia auriculiformis) plantations are started as a fast growing timber specie from a few years back in Bangladesh. Initian objectives were to get fuel wood only from those trees, but a very positive response was found for Ghoraneem, Rain Tree, Sissoo and Akashmoni timber in the users market by c...
M M Islam, B K Dey, M O Hannan, G N M Ilias

Treatment of wood with formaldehyde. Acid catalysis of the reaction between formaldehyde and wood
1980 - IRG/WP 3146
Formaldehyde reacts with the free OH-groups in wood forming cross-linking bonds. The reaction can be brought about without any catalyst but in that case the activation energy is very high and high temperatures and long reaction times are needed. Normally, the reaction is catalysed by different acids. Acid catalysts, however, tend to degrade the cellulose and the wood matrix causing reduction in th...
T Vihavainen, K Piispanen, P Mansikkamäki

Dip-diffusion of dressed timber - Effect of drying
1989 - IRG/WP 3509
The effect of drying on dip-diffused dressed freshly sawn timber was determined by the depth of penetration of boron achieved on the two test timber species, White cheesewood (Alstonia scholaris) and Light Hopea (Hopea papuana). The results obtained showed that light density White cheesewood was completely penetrated even after 3 days drying while Light hopea, treated immediately achieved 5.2 mm p...
H C Konabe

Translation of titles of papers listed in Document No: IRG/WP/311
1972 - IRG/WP 312
BAVENDAMM W and W EHLERS: Investigation under conditions similar to those obtained in practice on the impregnation of structural timber by means of brushing and spraying. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 12 (1954) 183 185. BAVENDAMM W and H ANOZYKOWSKI: Investigations under conditions similar to those obtained in practice on the impregnation of structural timber by means of short period dipping and o...

Resolution from IRG Working Group II Sub-group 4 'Stain in timber in service'
1984 - IRG/WP 2230
Sub-group 4 of IRG Working Group II has completed a series of studies of artificial weathering as an alternative to natural weathering in relation to testing the efficacy of chemicals in preventing blue stain in service. The Sub-group reports that within the limits of the equipments studied and described in its report Document No: IRG/WP/2215 the extent of blue stain varied little as a direct cons...
D J Dickinson

The foreign exchange situation and fate of wood preservation in Nigeria
1989 - IRG/WP 3558
Up to about 15 years ago, wood utilization industry in Nigeria gave no serious thoughts to wood preservation. After this period however, as a result of escalated local demand for sawn timber, logs with wider sapwood and mainly of secondary tree species requiring protection of the sawn timber became dominant in the local timber scene. Preservatives both for protection in and out of ground contacts ...
M A Odeyinde, S C Ifebueme

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