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Your search resulted in 567 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

A methodology for the life-cycle assessment of treated timber products
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-01
Using case studies of CCA-treated motorway fenceposts and creosote-treated electricity transmission poles, the paper suggests an approach to evaluation of the overall environmental impact of treated timber products, utilising the emerging systems analysis method of life-cycle assessment (LCA). The development and application of LCA methodologies to date is reviewed and the key features identified....
S R Smith, R J Murphy, D J Dickinson

The quantitative determination of quaternary ammonium compounds in treated timber – results of an extended ring test
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20240
The determination of quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) by means of a 2-phase-titration or photometry is a well established procedure for the quantification of cationic detergents in aqueous solutions. It is known that this analytical principle can also be used for the measurement of QAC extracted from treated timber. However only few information are available concerning the reproducibility or th...
E Melcher, C Bornkessel, J Gunschera, R Hamberg, H Härtner, H-N Marx, U Schoknecht, J Wittenzellner

The registration of wood preservatives in Canada
1977 - IRG/WP 394
The Pest Control Products Act in Canada is a part of Federal Agricultural legislation affecting chemicals for wood protection. Other parts of Federal legislation include Canadian Fisheries Act, Fed. Food and Drug act, Environmental Contaminants Act, Clear Air Act, Navigable Waters Protection Act and the Criminal Code Section 165. Some of the main excerpts from the Pest Control Products Act are as ...
J Rak, J K Shields

Chromium in wood preservation: Health and environmental aspects
1978 - IRG/WP 3120
The majority of water-borne salts in current use contain hexavalent chromium, usually as dichromate or chromium trioxide. In about 1913 it was suggested that chromates, phosphates or borates could be added to the sodium fluoride and dinitrophenol mixtures then in use in order to inhibit corrosion. Dichromates were found to be most suitable and the resulting mixture known as Thriolith and later Tri...
T R G Cox, B A Richardson

Wood preservation in Yugoslavia
1984 - IRG/WP 3319
This report, which is one in a series written by some of the most eminent experts in wood preservation in the world, is meant to serve as a practical guide to all those, both in Yugoslavia and in other countries, who wish to collaborate in the field of wood preservation production, wood preservation treatments and in the development and research work necessary in this subject. The report offers th...
N Vidovic, D Murko, R Cockcroft

Utilization of coconut timber from north Sulawesi, Indonesia. Part 1: Durability
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30044
Coconut timber from non-productive plantations is a byproduct of an agricultural crop and, by the same token, constitutes a renewable resource which may serve as a complement to or, at least in part, as a substitute for traditional timbers in local markets. Its more extensive utilization is expected to contribute to the conservation of tropical rain forests. Export of coconut timber and/or wood pr...
R-D Peek

Using preservative treated timber in the built environment of the Sydney Olympic Games
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-01
Sydney was awarded the right to host the Games of the XXVII Olympiad by a vote of the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Monte Carlo on 23 September 1993. Up to 10 200 athletes and approximately 5 100 technical officials from 200 countries are expected to participate in the Sydney 2000 Games. Approximately 15 000 media representatives from around the world are expected to come...
H Greaves, J Norton

Comparative natural resistance of eighty-two timber species to damage by marine borers at Goa (India)
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10139
Natural bioresistance of eighty-two species of Indian timbers to attack by marine wood-borers has been presented based on data collected from test panels exposed in Goa waters (west coast of India) for periods ranging from five to thirteen months. All the timber species, except Artocarpus gomeziana and Pterocarpus santalinus, were completely destroyed within a short period of three to six months. ...
L N Santhakumaran

Controlling marine borer attack of timber piles with plastic wraps
1981 - IRG/WP 479
Plastic films 20 to 40 mils thick have been used for many years to wrap creosoted timber piles in service to protect them from attack by marine borers. As long as the wrap remains undamaged, this procedure provides complete protection to the pile. Properly applied, wraps generally provide protection for 25 yeara or longer. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene (PE) films are specially formulat...
F Steiger, G Horeczko

Tributyltin compounds in wood preservation: Health and safety aspects
1986 - IRG/WP 3396
The toxicity of organotin compounds of the general formula RnSnX(4-n) depends strongly on the type of organic substituent R and on the degree of substitution n. The residues X, not bound through a tin-carbon bond, are however of much smaller influence. Furthermore, there is evidence that hydrolysis of tributyltin esters will occur under environmental as well as under physiological conditions to TB...
H Schweinfurth, P Günzel, H A B Landsiedel, R Lang, R Reimann, C Schöbel, F Siegmund

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 3: Report of first inspection of samples at Lae, Papua New Guinea
1978 - IRG/WP 446
Samples for the international marine test were placed on frames numbered I to VII. Frames numbered VII of both CCA and CCB trials are being stored dry in the laboratory at F.P.R. & D.C. Frames I to VI of both trials were suspended in the sea at Lae Harbour (Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea) on 6th December 1977. The first inspection of the CCA trial was carried out on 8th June 1978, at which ...
S M Cragg, C R Levy

Valid scientific names of wood-decaying fungi in construction timber and their vernacular names in England, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and Denmark
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1546
The valid scientific names of 100 species of wood decaying fungi in construction timber are listed, the citation of authors' names is standardized, and an index of the most commonly used synonyms is compiled. For each species vernacular names used in England, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and Denmark are listed. The list of names is an attempt to update the current use of the most impor...
F Rune, A P Koch

Alternatives to preliminary oven-drying prior to spot-testing treated timber for borate or TBTN preservative penetration
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20067
Commonly-used penetration test procedures for timber treated with borate or organotin wood preservatives demand preliminary oven-drying before application of the spot-testing reagent(s), in order to achieve reliable results. The delay of 12 hours or more during oven drying is often a nuisance. Modifications to the spot-testing procedures, involving alternative solvents and acidification conditions...
M J Kennedy, A Zosars, J Norton

An investigation of the factors influencing the rate of deterioration of timber samples due to microfungi in laboratory tests
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20116
An investigation was performed into the comparative performances of test 1 (vermiculite burial) and test 2 (soil burial) as described in ENV 807. Two test preservatives were used - copper naphthenate and propiconazole. Copper chromate was included as a reference preservative. The wood species used was beech (Fagus sylvatica). Test 1 was performed using both a mixed inoculation of the five stipulat...
I J Herring, D J Dickinson, S M Gray, J K Carey

Standardization of preservative treated timber species for conductor, insulator and transformer packing of REB
1996 - IRG/WP 96-40071
In order to resolve the post landing failure problem of wooden packing for conductor, insulator, transformer of REB, the names of the suitable timber species from different parts of the world, irrespective of countries of origin have been standardized along with their strength and treatability grades. The CCA treatability of some Pakistani timber species have been presented for example which was t...
A K Lahiry

Growth of sapstain fungi in scots pine and the effect of timber ageing
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10269
A trial was initiated to study the growth of known isolates of sapstain fungi in scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) which had been naturally aged or sterilised by autoclaving or irradiation. Sawlogs cut from commercial thinnings were reduced to billet size and the exposed ends were painted with a bituminous sealant to reduce moisture loss. Some billets were inoculated after autoclaving or gamma-irradia...
N J Strong, J F Webber, R A Eaton

Persistance of active ingredients in treated wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-20
Disposing of chemically protected waste wood implies the distinction between surface and pressure treatment. Considering that barked round-wood merely contains, after 7 months open storage, less than 30 g per ton of bark or 25 mg per ton of sapwood, depending on the type of insecticide, the bark or sapwood shavings may be incinerated normally, according to less severe legal prescriptions than for ...
E Graf, P Manser, S Rezzonico, B Zgraggen

Movement of borates in a range of timber species at various moisture contents
1998 - IRG/WP 98-30181
Borate-based wood preservatives are used in industrial pre-treatment as well as remedial treatment of timbers in situ. In both of these areas, understanding the mobile nature of these compounds is important in optimizing the main benefits of borates. Considerable work has been conducted on movement of borates in dip-diffusion treatment of freshly felled wood, as well as focusing on subsequent diff...
M W Schoeman, J D Lloyd, M J Manning

Control of termite attack using a trapping method and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring a case study at an electric power plant
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10224
To prevent subterranean termites (Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe) from invading the buildings of an electric power plant and to control their attack, artificial traps were buried around the buildings. The attack of the termites in and around the traps was monitored by detecting acoustic emissions (AE) generated by the feeding behavior of the workers. The cylindric...
Y Fujii, Y Imamura, E Iwatsubo, S Yamamoto

Timber preservatives and corrosion
1983 - IRG/WP 3228
A survey of preservative treated timber commodities has illustrated problems that may be caused by corrosion. After treatment, timber should be compatible with commonly used fasteners. Whilst many corrosion methods have been used in the past, no standardized method is used by workers in timber preservation. The Queensland Department of Forestry is developing laboratory test methods for assessing c...
R I Davis

Resistance of six timber species, treated with CCA and CCB, against marine borer attack in Goa waters (India)
1991 - IRG/WP 4166
Panels of Lagerstroemia speciosa, Toona ciliata, Olea dioica, Pinus insignis, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius and Borassus flabellifer, pressure-treated with a 6.6% solution of Copper-Chrome-Arsenic (CCA) and 6% solution of Copper-Chrome-Boric (CCB), were exposed along with untreated controls, in triplicate, in Goa waters to, assess their resistance to damage by marine borers. The control panels were all...
L N Santhakumaran, R V Krishnan

Sampling and analysis of NeXgen-treated timber
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20134
Green sawn timber surfaces of the softwood Caribbean pine and the hardwood white cheesewood were treated by dipping, spraying, and precise spiking with the antisapstain product NeXgen. After storing for either two hours or two weeks, the treated surfaces were sampled by one of four alternative protocols, which included two involving a square wad sampling punch (one hit or six hits), one involving ...
M J Kennedy, D E Ferlazzo, T L Woods, M H Freeman

Field tests with Antiblue and Biocide TT for the prevention of sapstain and mould fungi on Pinus elliottii timber
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3682
Freshly cut and sawn Pinus elliottii timber was dipped in four concentrations of Antiblue (active ingredient sodium pentachlorophenate) and Biucide TT (local substitute), at four immersion times and stacked in the open at Chisengu sawmill. Five weeks later, the timber was assessed for the incidence and intensity of stain and mould. The results showed that Antiblue was the better chemical providing...
A J Masuka

Detoxification of methylene bisthiocyanate by bacteria isolated from freshly felled, anti-sapstain treated timber
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10017
The microbial defacement of freshly-felled timber treated with organic biocides continues to be a major problem in stored lumber. As part of a study to investigate the depletion in chemical activity of methylene-bis-thiocyanate (MBT) in green timber, bacteria were isolated from freshly-felled boards of Corsican pine (Pinus nigra var. maritima Arnold) previously treated with different biocides. The...
R J Wallace, R A Eaton, G R Williams

Detection of methanogenic bacteria in mining timber
1988 - IRG/WP 1352
Methane explosions in gold mines have been attributed to spontaneous ignition of methane/air mixtures. Biogenesis of methane in the heartwood of diseased trees has been shown, but never in timber in service. Studies were therefore undertaken to establish whether methanogens were present in wooden pit props. Core samples were removed by Pressler increment borer from props in disused areas 2,600 m d...
L D Abraham, K Westlake, R I Mackie, J F Putterill, A A W Baecker.

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