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Your search resulted in 604 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Fouling assemblage development on copper-chromium-arsenic-treated timber submerged in European waters
2002 - IRG/WP 02-50181
The effect of the anti-marine-borer timber preservative CCA on community development of non-target marine fouling animals was investigated. Panels of Scots pine treated to target retentions of 12, 24 and 48 kg CCA per m3 of wood, plus untreated controls were submerged at seven coastal sites (Portsmouth, UK; La Tremblade (2 sites), France; Ria Formosa, Portugal; Sagres, Portugal; Kristineberg, Swed...
C Brown, R J Eaton, S M Cragg, P Goulletquer, A Nicolaidou, M J Bebianno, J Icely, G F Daniel, T Nilsson, A J Pitman, G Sawyer

Assessing health risks to occupants following remedial insecticidal treatment of timber in dwellings
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50101-27
Experiments have been carried out to assess (i) the aerial concentrations of volatile wood preservative constituents, and (ii) the potential for contamination from treated surfaces, following in situ insecticidal treatment of timbers in dwellings. Using white spirit as a model for volatile constituents in the treatment of free-standing, wood-lined chambers indicated that temperature and air exchan...
R J Orsler, E D Suttie, V Rijckaert

Report on the efficacy and performance of the insecticide candidate termiticide in H2 field trials
2004 - IRG/WP 04-10516
This paper explains the field results of phenol pyrazole treated timber against in an above ground mound colonies of Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt). C. acinaciformis (‘termites’) are the major pest of human structures throughout tropical and sub tropical regions, causing billions of dollars in damage to timber-in-service worldwide. The result of this field test have shown that candidate ...
B M Ahmed, P Vinden, J Hann, J R J French

New methods for nondestructive inspection of timber in buildings
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20070
In these years older buildings are renewed in most European countries on a large scale, and new techniques are needed for both inspection and eradication of fungal attacks. Heat treatment as a means of eradicating the dry rot fungus has been used in Denmark during the last decade. This technique minimises the structural damage to the building, whilst at the same time reducing costs by up to 50%. T...
B Madsen, O V Frederiksen

Termatrac: microwave technology for non-destructive detection of insect pests in timber
2002 - IRG/WP 02-20253
Termatrac is a microwave instrument that has been developed in Australia to detect termite movement within timber and wall cavities. We present data from an investigation into the usefulness of the instrument in detecting drywood and subterranean termites in timber. The West Indian drywood termite Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) was detected in a wooden chair. The subterranean termites Coptotermes ac...
B C Peters, J W Creffield

Preliminary results from the field experiment to determine the performance of preservative treated hardwoods with particular reference to soft rot. The four reference timber
1980 - IRG/WP 3164
The results given in the Tables 1-4 each refer to one of the four reference species treated with four solution concentrations of CCA as recorded from each test site. The species are: Alstonia scholaris, Betula pendula, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus sylvestris. The treatments were: Untreated, 0.66% CCA, 1.53% CCA, 3.01% CCA, 5.60% CCA. Each figure is an average of the ratings recorded for each replicate o...
J F Levy, D J Dickinson

The effects of preservative treatment and exposure to wood degrading fungi on fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials used for structural wood reinforcement
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40204
Glass fiber reinforced phenolic (GFRP) composite materials are becoming increasingly accepted for use in the construction industry because they combine advantages of both wood and advanced polymeric materials. Addition of only 1-3% FRP in the tension zone, for example, can typically improve the strength of the hybrid system by 200%. As more applications are found for wood/FRP hybrids, (e.g. lamina...
C Tascioglu, B Goodell

Research studies on infecting behaviour of Fomes fomentarius (L. ex FR) Fr. and its physical control in the wood yards of the Hyrcanian (Caspian) forests of Ira
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10179
Due to illegal cutting, girdling and ringbarking many damages of tinder fungus (Fomes fomentarius (L. ex Fr) Fr.) are seen on beech, poplar, oak and birch at Hyrcanian (Caspian) forests of Iran. The beeches (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) are damaged highly and the beech community of Fagetum are infected from 800 meter altitudes at Gorgan (East of Caspian forests) to 600 meters altitudes at Gilan (West ...
P Niloufari

Preservative technique of three commercially important timber species – Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo), Akasmoni (Acacia auriculiformis) and Ghoraneem (Melia azedarach) of Bangladesh
2005 - IRG/WP 05-40299
Wood is renewable resource and is widely used as construction material in rural and urban areas of Bangladesh. Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia auriculiformis and Melia azedarach, locally known as Sissoo, Akasmoni and Ghoraneem respectively are three important timber species of Bangladesh. These are used for different purposes normally without preservative treatment. Heartwood of Sissoo, Akasmoni and Ghor...
M R Bulbul, M O Hannan, P K Sarker, A A Mahafuz, G N M Ilias

Experiences with supervision schemes for treated timber in Denmark
1984 - IRG/WP 3315
Since 1967 a voluntary supervision scheme for vacuum-pressure treatment was established in Denmark. In 1976 the Nordic Wood Preservation Council - NWPC - established a scheme based on wood preservation classes for treated timber as a joint technical standard valid in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. This paper deals with inspection results over 17 years for CCA treatment within our organizatio...
J Sabroe

Preservative treatment of green timber by soaking in ammoniacal copper borate
1984 - IRG/WP 3292
Freshly sawn boards of radiata pine sapwood were preservative treated by soaking in ammoniacal copper borate. Optimum schedules were obtained by partially seasoning the boards for one week prior to treatment. This aided the absorption of preservative and reduced the required soaking time to approximately 2 hours. Complete boron penetration was obtained after one week of block storage under cover a...
P Vinden, A J McQuire

Thermotolerant moulds on timber during kiln drying
1980 - IRG/WP 1109
In recent years a special disease named the wood trimmer's disease has been observed with increasing frequency among saw mill workers. Particularly workers in the trimming department have been affected. The medical symptoms are usually high fever, ague headache, pain in muscles and joints. It was shown that the disease was of immunologic nature and caused by over-exposure to spores from m...
B Henningsson

Effect of post-treatment drying schedule on the modulus of elasticity of CCA-treated southern pine dimension stock using nondestructive methods
1987 - IRG/WP 3413
This paper describes the results from the nondestructive testing for modulus of elasticity (MOE) of southern pine (Pinus sp.) 2 x 6's treated with chromated copper arsenate and redried using three commercial kiln schedules. The data indicate that redrying CCA-treated southern pine dimension stock treated to above-ground retentions (4 kg/m³) has no deleterious effect on the MOE, regardles...
H M Barnes, S Moore

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 11: Report of fourth inspection (3 years) in Italy
1981 - IRG/WP 471
The wood samples of Alstonia scholaris, Fagus sylvatica, Pinus sylvestris were submerged in the sea at Follonica, Italy, in Apri1 1977. Follonica, latitude 42°55' North and longitude 10°45' East, is situated on the Tyrrhenian coast. The recorded temperature varies from 13°C td 25°C, salinity 37- 38%. and pH about 8. The inspections were carried out after 6 months (10/1977), 1...
A Gambetta, E Orlandi

Wood preservation in Iran
1984 - IRG/WP 3270
The report sketches the history of the use of wood in Iran to the establishment of the country's national forest service and gives some figures for Iran's timber needs by the year 2000. Progress in wood preservation has been slow, although items such as railway sleepers and poles have been pressure treated since the first pressure impregnation plant was erected in 1932. Today the...
P Niloufari, R Cockcroft

Wood attacking insects in urban areas in Sao Paulo State - Brazil
1985 - IRG/WP 1267
From 1974 to 1984 the investigators of Wood Division (IPT) inspected, for insect attack, more than 1,500 buildings of several kinds: commercial, residencial and historical buildings, houses and industries. In all cases, IPT was asked to give advices on control and erradication. During that time three papers concerning this problem were published (Cavalcante, 1976; De Lelis, 1978; Zanotto & Can...
P A Zanotto, M D Canedo, D A T Lelis

Effects of chemicals used for ground-line protection of hardwood poles on termite attack
1988 - IRG/WP 1356
The majority of chemicals formulatet to protect the groundline of hardwood poles in Australia have been fungicides. Nine products were tested against Coptotermes lacteus attack to determine their value in preventing attack by subterranean termites. Results indicated that Busan, high temperature creosote, pigment emulsified creosote, copper naphthenate gel and "Blue 7" had a repellent effect on Cop...
R S Johnstone, R H Eldridge

Kiln drying of LSOP treated timber: rate of solvent evaporation, overpaintability and recovery of the solvent
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3711
The rate of solvent evaporation from LOSP treated timber dried in a kiln at 35°C has been investigated. Around 50% solvent removal has been found to be consistent with good overpaintability using a water based acrylic primer. It has been demonstrated that an activated carbon solvent recovery system is capable of removing all the solvent vapour from the outlet of a commercial joinery drying kiIn, ...
P Warburton, L B Sheard

A biochemical explanation for the observed patterns of fungal decay in timber
1980 - IRG/WP 1111
Experiments designed to compare the degree of localization of the cellulase enzymes of some white, brown and soft rot organisms are described. The site and nature of binding of the enzymes is discussed. The technique is ellution of mycelium grown in liquid culture with a variety: of agents including acetate buffer, carboxymethyl cellulose solution, borate/glycerol buffer and urea. The mycelium was...
N B Green, D J Dickinson, J F Levy

Leaching of copper-chrome-arsenic treated timber: Simulated rainfall testing
1996 - IRG/WP 96-50074
Six kiln dried radiata pine sapwood packs of timber were preservative treated with copper-chrome-arsenic preservative using a modified Bethell treatment schedule. The packs were then subjected to simulated rain leaching at specified periods after treatment. Higher chromium leachate was obtained when higher volumes of simulated rainfall were applied. Lower chromium leachate was obtained for timber ...
S Walley, P R S Cobham, P Vinden

Comments on soft rot attack in timbers treated with CCA preservatives: A document for discussion
1982 - IRG/WP 1167
This paper is not based on any particular results but rather on several observations of soft-rot during many years of studies, and on a review of the existing literature. The short time available has unfortunately not permitted a detailed review of the literature. Data and knowledge of important facts are lacking for several aspects of soft-rot attack and for reactions occurring in the wood as a r...
T Nilsson

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 22: Report on the conditions of specimens at Sekondi, Ghana after 60 months
1986 - IRG/WP 4123
The results of the third inspection of CCA and CCB treated test panels exposed at Sekondi, Ghana in June 1980 are presented. None of the panels still in test, i.e. panels of Pinus sylvestris treated with CCA at 3 and 10%, Alstonia scholaris treated with CCA at 10%, Fagus sylvatica treated with CCA at 10%, and Erythrophleum ivorense and Mitragyna stipulosa both treated with CCB at 10%, shows any ex...
F F K Ampong, N Asare-Nyadu

The effect of acid rain on CCA treated timber
1990 - IRG/WP 3579
The effect of acid precipitation on the leaching of copper, chromium and arsenic from timber treated with different CCA preservatives was studied in the presence of three types of soil under simulated field conditions. Pine sapwood, embedded in soil, was subjected to simulated rainfall at three different levels of acidity. The CCA preservative formulations tested were:- American Wood Preservers&am...
R J Murphy, D J Dickinson

Nondestructive assessment of biodegradation in southern pine sapwood exposed to attack by natural populations of decay fungi and subterranean termites
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20042
Field methods for evaluating decay resistance of experimentally treated materials lack a means for quantitative measurement of residual strength. Quantitative relationships between speed of impact-induced waves travelling parallel to the grain and residual compressive strength have been demonstrated in softwood attacked by brown rot-decay fungi, but the effects of termites have not been documented...
R C De Groot, R J Ross, W Nelson

Wood preservation requirements in Queensland, Australia
1983 - IRG/WP 3227
In Queensland the preservative treatment and utilization of timber must comply with the Timber Users' Protection Act. Preservative retention levels and penetration patterns must be complied with. Analytical zones are specified for removing samples for chemical analysis of preservative retention. The required retention levels have been expressed as percent weight of oven dry wood weight. T...
L E Leightley, M J Kennedy

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