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Your search resulted in 348 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

The identification of organic compounds in wood using thermal desorption GC-MS - possibilities and limitations
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20224
There is a clear need for the analytical characterisation and identification of organic compounds and their derivatives in different phases especially in timber. In this context the paper describes a rapid and powerful gas chromatographic method for the determination of insecticides, biocides and "other" organic substances in treated and/or modified wood. The main advantage of this procedure is th...
P Jüngel, E Melcher

Sawn timber of fir (Abies alba Mill.) - Treatability and usability for the Hazard Classes 3 and 4
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40147
Within a national research project, tests on the treatability on sawn timber of fir (Abies alba Mill.) in oscillation pressure, vacuum pressure and double-vacuum processes have been worked out with 95 trunks taken from 3 different altitude levels (up to a height of 590 metres, 600 to 990 metres and over 1000 metres) and from 4 different regions of Switzerland. As the treatability of round wood can...
E Graf, T Bör

The Effect on Biological and Moisture Resistance of Epichlorohydrin Chemically Modified Wood
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40224
Southern pine solid wood and fiber were chemically modified with epichlorohydrin to help in understanding the role of moisture in the mechanism of biological effectiveness of chemically modified wood. The solid wood had weight gains from 11% to 34%, while the fiber had weight gains from 9% to 75%. After modification, part of the specimens were water leached for 2 weeks or extracted for 2 hours ...
R E Ibach, B-G Lee

Microwave modification of wood properties - Improvements in wood permeability
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40181
A new method of microwave (MW) wood modification is described. Microwave irradiation of timber provides an improvement in wood permeability mainly in the radial and longitudinal directions. This is achieved by physically modifying ray cells and forming a large number of cavities in the radial - longitudinal planes. More extensive MW irradiation of different species transforms the wood into a new m...
G Torgovnikov, P Vinden

Experiments in accelerated ageing
1984 - IRG/WP 2223
Experiments using a vacuum oven to accelerate the evaporative loss of g-HCH from treated wood blocks have indicated that the method described in this paper has the potential to reproduce in a relatively short time the distributions and loadings of the insecticide that are found during natural ageing. By contrast, the wind tunnel removed the volatile material in a way not found in natural ageing an...
R J Orsler, M W S Stone

Utilization of coconut timber from north Sulawesi, Indonesia. Part 2: Treatability
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40025
Under tropical conditions coconut wood is quickly degraded by mold and blue stain fungi. Low density wood in ground contact is commonly decomposed by wood destroying fungi within a period of only a few months, higher density wood from the outer stem regions within 24 to 30 months (MOSTEIRO, CASIN, SERIBAN 1976; McQUIRE 1975). Moreover, according to McQUIRE (1975) green wood of lower density is hig...
R-D Peek

Dimensional stability and decay resistance of wood upon modification with some new type chemical reactants
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40028
Solid wood of home grown species can be upgraded by chemical modification with environmentally acceptable chemicals. The best kwown example of modification reaction is acetylation with acetic anhydride. A continued search for reactive chemicals other than acetic anhydride is ongoing, aiming at the improvement of technical properties of wood. This contribution deals with the results of a screening ...
P Goethals, M Stevens

Assessing the bioresistance conferred to solid wood by chemical modification
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40099
The chemical modification of wood using straight chain alkyl anhydrides can considerably enhance its durability. This paper presents an assessment of the effectiveness of these modifiers in improving the biological resistance of a susceptible softwood when exposed to four different basidiomycete fungi, soft rots and the larvae of the house longhorn beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus). It was clear that so...
E D Suttie, C A S Hill, D Jones, R J Orsler

Ammoniacal wood preservatives for use in non-pressure treatment of spruce and aspen poplar. Part 2
1984 - IRG/WP 3274
A series of thermal diffusion treatments were carried out on unseasoned white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) lumber and air dry aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides Michx.) timbers using an ammoniacal copper arsenate wood preservative. Under the specific conditions described, certain charges of lumber met the present Canadian Standards Association Wood Preservation Committee's requireme...
C D Ralph, J K Shields

The quantitative determination of N-cyclohexyl-diazeniumdioxide (HDO) containing compounds in treated wood using TD-GC-MS
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20223
Last year we presented the paper (IRG/WP/00-20201) "Determination of N-cyclohexyl-diazeniumdioxide (HDO) containing compounds in treated wood using GC-MS". Based on the intensive discussion at the meeting, the first experiences made with the calibration of the system for this application will be reported. For the quantitative determination of N-cyclohexyl-diazeniumdioxide in treated wood, milled m...
P Jüngel, J Wittenzellner, E Melcher

Bending properties of wood after its decay with Coniophora puteana and subsequent modification with selected chemicals
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40146
Mechanical properties of wood are often decreased due to decay processes caused by biotic and/or abiotic factors. Damaged wooden elements (e.g. historical structures) can be reinforced by more methods, including their modification with convenient chemicals. This paper presents influences of selected chemicals on basic bending properties (modulus of elasticity - MOE, modulus of rupture - MOR) of so...
L Reinprecht, S Varinska

Chemical and biological investigations of double-vacuum treated windows after 5 years in service
1983 - IRG/WP 3219
In 1980 The Swedish Wood Preservation Institute initiated an investigation to study the degradation of TBTO and possible fungal attack in double-vacuum treated window joinery in service during 5 years. A hospital in Gothenburg was chosen that was built during 1969 to 1976. Both untreated and double-vacuum treated windows of Pinus sylvestris were used. A brown alkyl oil type paint (Nordsjö system ...
J Jermer, M-L Edlund, B Henningsson, W Hintze, S V Ohlsson

CCFZ, a new type of water-borne wood preservative for vacuum pressure impregnation
1991 - IRG/WP 3643
By combination of CCF-Salt types with zinchexafluorosilicate a remarkable improvement of efficacy is achieved. In the same time the ecotoxicoligical data become more save. As well as the efficacy against wood-destroying organisms (Basidiomycetes, Soft rot and Long horn beetle) the basic data to evaluate the ecotoxicological behaviour of a CCFZ-Salt are described and compared with the properties of...
W Metzner, D Seepe, H-W Wegen

Determination of bis-(N-cyclohexyl-diazeniumdioxy)-copper in different matrices by photometer, thermal energy analyzer and HPLC
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20179
For the quantitative analysis of bis (N-cyclohexyl-diazeniumdioxy)-copper (Cu-HDO) three analytical methods are used. The employment of the different methods depends on the matrices involved. For several years now, the colorimetric determination of Cu-HDO by photometer has been applied to solutions and concentrates of wood preservatives. In principle, the technique consists of a quantitative conve...
J Wittenzellner, W Hettler, M Maier

The kinetics of anhydride modification reactions of wood. Experimental results and theoretical modelling
1998 - IRG/WP 98-40125
Although the chemical modification of wood remains a fertile area for research, there has been little work performed on the kinetics of the modification process. The reaction kinetics of a series of linear chain and cyclic anhydrides has been studied and activation energies of the reaction determined. The reaction kinetic profiles are determined by the relative rates of reaction of the reagent wit...
C A S Hill, J G Hillier

A new type of biocide suitable for use in different fields of wood preservation
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30014
A new type of polymeric biocides was developed containing quaternary ammonium and boron ester groups as active structure elements, to overcome the disadvantages of AAC's in wood preservation use and to utilise their good performance due to a broad efficacy against fungi on the other hand. The new biocides called polymeric betains have been tested in laboratory and field tests and especial...
V Barth, H Härtner

Survey of conditioning treatment practices in the Philippines
1975 - IRG/WP 349
The wood preservation industry in the Philippines is at present beset by many problems. An association of the industry similar to those existing in other countries has only been initiated last year by FORPRIDECOM. It is hoped that the formal organisation of this association will bring into focus the importance of this particular industry in the economic and industrial development of the country. L...
R F Casin

Microwave modification of Yellow Stringybark (Eucalyptus Muelleriana) posts for impregnation with Copper-Chrom-Arsenic (CCA) preservatives
2000 - IRG/WP 00-40185
Yellow Stringybark posts with diameters ranging from 60-100 mm were microwave conditioned using a 60 kW microwave (MW) generator. A substantial improvement in heartwood penetration of preservatives and relaxation of growth stresses was indicated such that there was no split formation following drying of the posts. High preservative absorption of copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA) was achieved ranging fro...
G Torgovnikov, P Vinden

Tilting and vacuum treatment - two methods to obtain a non-dripping freshly treated timber
1989 - IRG/WP 3535
Modern impregnation plants are designed to prevent spread of impregnation solutions from the plant through leakage, etc. It is also important that freshly treated timber does not spread solutions through dripping on the storage area. To prevent this, the impregnation procedure is terminated with a vacuum period. In many plants in Sweden this period is minimized or even excluded to gain time. Inste...
I Johansson, M-L Edlund

Modification of solid wood: research and practical potential
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40098
The polymeric structure of the wooden cellwall mainly consists cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The most reactive sites on these components are the hydroxyl groups. The cellwall polymers (and its reactive hydroxyl groups) are responsible for most physical and chemical properties of wood. By changing the basic chemistry of the cellwall polymers, it is possible to change different undesirable at...
H Militz, E P J Beckers, W J Homan

Biological degradation resistance of wood acetylated with thioacetic acid
1983 - IRG/WP 3223
Chemically, modification of wood is being considered as an alternative to conventional preservation by toxic chemicals. Acetylated wood has been reported to be quite resistant to most biodegrading organisms at weight percent gains (WPG) around 15-19. The conventional acetylation techniques with acethic anhyrdride result in generation of acetic acid. However, acetylation with thioacetic acid overco...
S Kumar, S C Agarwal

Three years of field tests with "Lignomer" stakes in ground contact
1981 - IRG/WP 3166
The "Lignomer" (Wood Polymer Composite) is a material obtained during the polymerisation of various monomers or its mixtures in wood. As laboratory tests have shown, this material is characterized by a high resistance against biological deteriorating agents. The laboratory investigations on the durability of various materials against biological deterioration are in many instances extended by field...
K Lutomski

A new vacuum/pressure plant system
1988 - IRG/WP 3479
In the subtropical regions, the problem of wood supplying becomes more and more difficult to be solved. In that context, the Centre Technique Forestier Tropical had paid a particular attention to the valorization of products issued from plantations in dry zones of Africa. In these plantations, the products of clearings can be used as fencing, stakes or for traditional construction. However in thes...
C Dalois, R Schwartz, G R Y Déon

Chemical and biological investigations of double-vacuum treated windows after 7½ years in service
1985 - IRG/WP 3339
Earlier investigations of double-vacuum treated windows after five years in service have shown that tributyltin oxide (TBTO) degrades to di- and monobutyltin compounds and that the resistance of the wood against decay decreases. An investigation 2.5 years later of the same windows shows that the degradation of TBTO proceeds fast. After 7.5 years in service only 15-35% of the remaining organotin co...
M-L Edlund, J Jermer, B Henningsson, W Hintze

Three-year field trials of polymeric formulations which provide a new basis for the invention and design of non-toxic wide-spectrum wood preservatives
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40029
Three types of non-toxic polymeric formulations invented using a new approach to wood preservation were challenged with termites and fungi in three-year ground-contact field trials in the sub-tropical climate of Natal. These formulations were copper soaps of carboxylic acid groups of unsaturated fatty acids of waxes and edible vegetable oils; of resin acids of rosin, and, of synthetic unsaturated ...
A A W Baecker, A Pizzi

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