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Your search resulted in 888 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Durability of Bamboos in India against termites and fungi and chemical treatments for its enhancement
2005 - IRG/WP 05-10553
Bamboo is a very important forest resource that benefits the life of people in a myriad ways including meeting the need for structural uses like posts, pole fencing, scaffoldings, house building, etc. Although it is one of the strongest structural material available, often succumbs to fungal decay and biodeterioration by insects (termites and powder post beetles) during storage and usage. Studies...
O K Remadevi, R Muthukrishnan, H C Nagaveni, R Sundararaj, G Vijayalakshmi

Termite-tunnels formation on the surface of termite-resistant wood species in field sites
2001 - IRG/WP 01-10400
In this report, termite-tunnels formation by the subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki on the surface of termite-resistant wood species, namely, Hinoki (Chamaecyparis abtsu), Yoshino Hinoki (Chamaecyparis abtsu), Miyazaki Hinoki (Chamaecyparis abtsu), Hiba (Chamaecyparis abtsu) and Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) was conducted in field sites. Westernhemlock (Tsuga heterophylla...
Y Kadekaru, K Kinjo, S Yaga

Monitoring the potential biological control agent Cartapip
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10365
Attempts to biocontrol woodstain caused by Ophiostoma species led to the development of an O. piliferum colorless mutant - Cartapip (AgraSoL). The mutant's ability to prevent sapstain of stored logs and lumber is tested in a variety of field trials in Germany, England, Canada and New Zealand. To carry out biocontrol field trials, users have to obtain a permit from a regulatory agency and ...
S Schröder, K Sterfinger, Seong Hwan Kim, C Breuil

Japanese standardized methods for testing effectiveness of chemicals against termite attack
1986 - IRG/WP 1290
Japanese standard termiticide testing methods are reviewed. There are some standard testing methods provided by Japan Termite Control Association (JTCA) and Japan Wood Preserving Association (JWPA), though most of them are common to two organizations. Methods were standardized between JTCA and JWPA in 1981, and more recently examining system was established for authorizing efficacy of wood preserv...
K Tsunoda, K Nishimoto

Vertical distribution of fouling and wood-boring organisms in the Trondheimsfjord (Western Norway)
1981 - IRG/WP 476
Results of a detailed study on the vertical distribution of fouling and wood-boring organisme of Trondheimefjord at an interval of 3 m from intertidal level to a depth of 30 m, has been presented, based on data collected from two series of panels, exposed from 15-3-1977 to 15-7-1977 (Series I) and from 22-7-1977 to 13-3-1978 (Series II). The intensity of fouling generally decreased with increasing...
L N Santhakumaran

Poplar wood and its damages in Iran
1987 - IRG/WP 1332
In Iran poplar planting has been used for many centuries ago specially in regions without forests. It had rural uses in ancient time, but recently many fast growing poplar species have been planted and many hybrids also have been planted; the following species had been cultivated widely in Iran: Populus nigra L. var. italica, Populus alba L., Populus caspica Bornm, Populus deltoides L., Populus X....
D Parsapajouh, P Niloufari

Screening results of fungicides for sapstain control on Pinus radiata
1983 - IRG/WP 3236
Thirty-two compounds were tested to determine their ability to contain the growth of stain, mould and rot organisms on fresh Pinus radiata D Don. A screening technique was employed using 35 to 50 mm diameter biscuits of Pinus radiata stemwood 10 mm thick. No compound was found to be cost effective when compared against the standard treatments of NaPCP (0.5% a.i.) plus borax (1.5%) and Captafol (0....
P J Hayward, J Duff, W Rae

How predictive are laboratory experiments for assessing the effects of chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSI) on field colonies of terrnites? - A comparison of laboratory and field data from Australian mound-building species of termit
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10143
A singular advantage of using mound building species of termite is their directly accessible nest. This allows evaluation of control methods by accurate assessment of the effects at the colony level. The mound building species Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) and Nasutitermes exitiosus (Hill) were used to test the CSI, hexaflumuron, in laboratory and field trials. Laboratory results showed tha...
M Lenz, P V Gleeson, L R Miller, H M Abbey

Equilibrium distribution of toxic elements in the burning of impregnated wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50172
The current work focuses on predicting the behavior of arsenic, chromium, and copper in the burning of impregnated wood. A theoretical method is used to study the chemistry of the system, with special interest directed towards the vaporization tendency of the potentially toxic elements. The core of the study is the global equilibrium analysis that simultaneously takes into consideration all chemic...
K Sandelin, R Backman

Protection of wood blocks treated with Trichoderma isolates selected on the basis of preliminary agar screening studies
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10154
Previously reported results of agar interaction screening studies for biocontrol agents of wood decay basidiomycetes showed two Trichoderma viride isolates, killed 16 of 19 target fungi (Tucker and Bruce, 1995). Testing of these isolates in wood was required to assess their performance at preventing decay of wood blocks. Standard testing of chemical wood preservatives is used to determine the toxi...
E J B Tucker, A Bruce, H J Staines

The natural durability story
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20119
Wood species with superior natural durability were in use since the beginning of timber utilisation. Their importance decreased with increasing industrial timber impregnation. In recent time, however, they gained worldwide new interest due to environmental problems involved with treated timber. In Europe a special Standard (EN 350) has been published and a multinational research project on testing...
H Willeitner, R-D Peek

Remedial ground-line treatment of CCA poles in service. Results of chemical and microbiological analyses 6 months after treatment
1986 - IRG/WP 3388
CCA-treated poles in service with incipient internal soft rot were remedially treated by inserting borate rods, brushing with a boron/glycol solution and injecting boric acid paste, copper/creosote paste or a commercial product (DFCK paste). The spread of active chemicals in the treated zone as well as the change in microflora have been studied with time. After six months chemicals had spread to m...
B Henningsson, H Friis-Hansen, A Käärik, M-L Edlund

An Australian test of wood preservatives. Part 1: Preservatives, principles and practices
1978 - IRG/WP 2123
Between November, 1963, and July, 1964, a graveyard test of some 6000 preservative-treated stakes was installed at 8 sites equally distributed between Papua New Guinea in the tropics, through Queensland and New South Wales to Victoria. More than 40 different preservatives and preservative mixtures, mostly at several different levels of retention, were used to impregnate sawn specimens of Pinus rad...
J Beesley

The non-uniform uptake of chromium and copper during the impregnation of wood using the example of a CCB-salt
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20137
The correct impregnation of wood requires among other things a regular control of the concentration of the treating solution as this and/or its stoichometric composition can change as a result of the impregna-tion process and the treated wood. The preferential uptake of individual wood preservative components by the wood is of particular importance in this connection. Dipping and vacuum impregnat...
P Jüngel, E Melcher, R-D Peek

Oxalic acid quantification, oxaloacetase assay and ESI localization of P, C, and Fe from the brown rot fungus Postia placenta
1994 - IRG/WP 94-10063
The mechanism by which brown-rot fungi initiate depolymerization of holocellulose in wood remains unknown. Recently, oxalic acid (OA) has received considerable attention in cellulose breakdown by brown-rot fungi. The OA could serve as a proton donor for hydrolytic or an electron donor for oxidative (Fenton's reaction-H2O2/Fe2+) cleavages of cellulose. The acid may originate via oxaloaceta...
C R Jordan, W V Dashek, T L Highley

Pest control products act. An overview of regulation of heavy duty wood preservatives
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-30
The regulation of pesticides in Canada is carried out under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act and Regulations. Products which control, prevent, destroy, mitigate, attract or repel a pest are required to undergo a presale assessment for safety, merit and value. This review will determine whether a product, when used according to label directions, can be used both safely and will be eff...
K McCullogh

FIPRONIL - une nouvelle molécule insecticide Rhône Poulenc pou le PCO et la protection du bois [FIPRONIL - A new insecticide from Rhône Poulenc for PCO and wood preservation]
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50040-16
We will explain here after the advantages and key points of the new insecticide "FIPRONIL" from Rhône Poulenc Agrochemicals. We will have a look from the physical and chemical properties to the possible uses in PCO and wood preservation, including toxicology, efficacy and the main beneficial impacts on the environment. FIPRONIL, a new solution against undesirable and damageable insects, from cock...
M G E J Van Maanen

Susceptibility of Lentinus lepideus (Fr.:Fr.) Fr. to volatiles produced by Trichoderma spp
1987 - IRG/WP 1316
A range of Trichoderma species and strains were tested for their ability to produce fungistatic volatiles. Volatiles from all isolates produced fungistatic effects on Lentinus lepideus however wide interspecies and interstrain variability in the level of response was evident. Cross plating studies between the Trichoderma isolates and Lentinus lepideus showed that Lentinus lepideus was overgrown an...
A Bruce, C Johnstone, J A P McVey

Soft-rot control in hardwoods treated with chromated copper arsenate preservatives. Part 3: Influence of wood substrate and copper loadings
1977 - IRG/WP 2100
The hypothesis is proposed that hardwoods need more chromated copper arsenate (CCA) than softwoods to protect them from soft-rot attack mainly because hardwoods are more readily consumed by soft-rot fungi. Simple model systems, using copper-supplemented agar or groundwood pulp treated with CCA showed that fungi tolerated more toxicant (copper) as more available substrate (malt) was provided. Soft-...
M A Hulme, J A Butcher

Contribution to the knowledge of wood-rotting fungi in Brazil. Part 1: Occurrence and distribution of fungi on different substrates from the Manaus region, Amazonas State
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10096
A total of 945 spezimens of fungi were studied with regard to their distribution on ditterent substrates, abundances and economic importance. The samples came from the collection ot the Wood Pathology Laboratory of CPPF/INPA in Manaus, Brazil. Altogether, 163 spezies and 87 genera were identified. The following genera Trametes, Auricularia, Panus, Rigidoporus and Hymenochaete were represently by m...
M Aparecida de Jesus

Termite physical barriers: Is retrofitting with Granitgard an option?
1993 - IRG/WP 93-40011
Granite particles within the range of 2.4 to 1.7 mm diameter were recently adopted by the Standards Association of Australia as an alternative treatment to soil chemical barriers in protecting new buildings against subterranean termites. The granite substrate is sold under the commercial name, "Granitgard". However, there are many existing buildings that have no chemical or physical subterranean t...
J R J French, B M Ahmed

Comparative studies on the species effects of wood preservatives
1989 - IRG/WP 3521
For the examination of the resistance against fungal attack, wood blocks of 3 softwood species were treated with CCA (type 3), CFK, AAC and IF-1000 independently. The wood blocks were exposed to the fungal decay with Tyromyces palustris. The degradation of the wood blocks treated with these preservatives was quite widely different among wood species examined in this study. Hem-fir treated with CCA...
K Yamamoto, S Matsuoka

Silafluofen, a new insecticide against wood-boring insects and termites
1991 - IRG/WP 3666
Hoe 084498 (proposed common name: Silafluofen) is a new insecticidal compound from Hoechst Aktiengeesellschaft and has been extensively tested to determine its potential use as an insecticide against wood-boring insects and soil termites. Various tests in official institutes indicate a good activity against several wood-boring insects and soil termites. The active ingredient is resistant to weathe...
G Rustenburg, C J Klaver

Some recent studies on the marine wood-borers of the west coast of India
1982 - IRG/WP 486
Occurrence and distribution of marine wood-borers along the west coast of India from Mangalore to Kandla are presented together with the distribution pattern of all the molluscan and crustacean wood-borers so far reported from India coasts. The survey, conducted for the first time along this coast, revealed the presence of 14 species of Teredinidae, 2 species of Pholadidae, 3 species and one varie...
L N Santhakumaran

Distribution of copper/chrome/boron preservative in light red meranti (Shorea leprosula) before and after exposure test for 72 months
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20073
Copper/chrome/boron (CCB) preservative at 6% w/w was impregnated into light red meranti (Shorea leprosula) by full cell process. The quantitative analysis for copper, chrome and boron contents in treated wood samples was carried out by Inductive Couple Plasma (ICP). Electron Probe Microanalyser (EPMA) was used to monitor the distribution of copper, chrome and boron in the various treated wood tiss...
S Salamah, S Ani

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