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Your search resulted in 848 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Discrimination of five commercial wood preservatives by handheld near-infrared spectrometers and Multivariate Data Analysis
2022 - IRG/WP 22-20686
Nowadays, the recycling potential of wood waste is still limited, because of a lack of reliable lack of a reliable and fast device allowing the discrimination of preservative-treated wood that contains organic or/and inorganic contaminants. The purpose of this study was to set up a methodology, based on a SCiO low-cost handheld NIR spectrometer, and multivariate data analysis (MDA). Spectra was ob...
M Rubini, P Dulucq, B Charrier

Analysis of wooden shingles after seven years of exposure
2022 - IRG/WP 22-20690
Wood is a traditional roofing material in the Alpine regions. In the 17th century, wooden roofing was typically used on more important buildings. Still, today it is predominately used on huts and houses in the hilly regions of northern and north-western Slovenia. Because wooden roofing is expensive, we investigated the possibility of extending the service life of the roofing through impregnation a...
M Humar, B Lesar, D Kržišnik, E Keržič, B Jemec

Green approach in wood mineralization for improvement of fire properties
2022 - IRG/WP 22-30769
Various treatments have been developed in order to improve fire properties of wood. Because the use of some flame retardants can release toxic compounds in the event of a fire, leading to poisoning or even death of people from smoke inhalation, the use of no-toxic and more ecologically acceptable flame retardants is preferable. Mineralization of wood with the incorporation of carbonates has proven...
A Pondelak, R Repič, L Škrlep, N Knez, F Knez, A S Škapin

Durability against fungal decay of sorbitol and citric acid (SorCA) modified wood
2022 - IRG/WP 22-40928
Most European-grown wood species are susceptible to biological degradation, specifically, they suffer from a poor resistance against wood-destroying fungi. Therefore, prior to outdoor exposure, wood has to be treated either by applying a protective coating on its surface or by full-volume impregnation with antifungal chemicals. However, due to environmental and health concerns, the most frequently...
K Kurkowiak, L Emmerich, H Militz

Steam Pre-conditioning Treatment Prior to Acetylation: Impact on Dimensional Stability, Moisture Response Behaviour, and White-Rot Fungal Resistance of Hevea brasiliensis and Mitragyna ciliata Wood
2022 - IRG/WP 22-40930
The effect of steam pre-conditioning treatment on the dimensional stability, moisture response behaviour, and durability against white-rot fungus P. chrysosporium of acetylated Hevea brasiliensis and Mitragyna ciliata wood species were assessed. Defect-free specimens of both species from the top, middle, and base positions were selected, prepared according to ASTM D143-09 & ASTM D-2017 standards a...
E Uchechukwu Opara, J Mayowa Owoyemi, J Adeola Fuwape

A Comparison of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Floor Panels using Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Fire Testing
2022 - IRG/WP 22-40955
Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a relatively new timber product and has gained popularity in North America and Europe as a construction material. As a sustainable engineered timber product, CLT offers many advantages over solid wood, concrete, or steel construction. However, the use of timber in medium to high rise buildings is often avoided mainly due to its combustible nature. In this paper, a n...
M Yasir, A Macilwraith, K Ruane

Evaluation of Decay Resistance for the Larch Wood Heat-treated with Superheated Steam
2022 - IRG/WP 22-40956
Heat-treatment of wood is a process that involves applying heat ranging 160–260°C to improve its physico-mechanical properties and resistance against wood rot fungi. The level of the changes in the wood properties by heat-treatment differs depending on the temperature and duration of heat-treatment, as well as the types of heat transfer media used for heat-treatment. The heat-treatment on wood ...
Y Park, S-M Yoon, H Kim, W-J Hwang

Unlocking the potential of tropical fast-growing hardwood species
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11010
Social forestry or community managed forestry practices have been promoted as an inclusive way to mitigate climate change through the framework of the UNFCCC scheme of the Reduce Emission Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) programme. Fast growing wood species are one of the least tapped social forestry commodities in Southeast Asia, and they have the potential to be upscaled to meet the ...
S Fauziyyah, R Wimmer, C Brischke

Metabolite analysis of fungal COS degradation and phylogenetic investigation of COSase genes
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11018
Fungi are the major species causing microbial deterioration that reduces the commercial value of wood, such as wood decay and surface contamination, so it is important to accumulate knowledge on the physiology of fungi in order to develop countermeasures against these problems. Most physiological studies of fungi that have been reported have concerned the metabolism of carbohydrates as a source of...
R Iizuka, S Hattori, I Ohtsu, D Hibbett, Y Katayama, M Yoshida

A novel cellulose-binding domain from the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11019
Wood-rotting basidiomycetes are the major organisms decomposing wood in nature. They are classified into two groups based on their decay modes; white-rot fungi and brown-rot fungi. White-rot fungi secrete various cellulolytic enzymes during the wood degradation process. The enzymes are known to be often appended with a cellulose binding domain (CBD) which assists the activity of catalytic domain. ...
Y Kojima, N Sunagawa, M Aoki, M Wada, K Igarashi, M Yoshida

Morphological observation of wood at the early stages of decay in brown rot and white rot
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11020
Wood rotting fungi, the fungal species causing biodeterioration for wood building, are generally classified into white-rot, brown-rot and soft-rot fungi based on their decay modes. Since white-rot and brown-rot fungi are known to reduce wood strength significantly, it is important to clarify the mechanisms of their wood degradation. White-rot fungi reduce wood strength as the decay progress and de...
R Tsukida, T Hatano, Y Kojima, Y Horikawa, S Nakaba, R Funada, M Yoshida

The cellulose binding mechanism of a novel cellulose binding domain from the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11021
In nature, wood decay is caused by various wood-rotting basidiomycetes. Wood-rotting basidiomycete are mainly divided into white-rot fungi and brown-rot fungi. Their main carbon source is cellulose of the wood cell wall during wood decay, and they produce a variety of enzymes to decompose cellulose. The cellulolytic enzymes often possess a cellulose binding domain (CBD) as an additional domain con...
M Aoki, Y Kojima, M Wada, M Yoshida

Analytical retentions of active ingredients in H2F treated framing over a 12-year period
2023 - IRG/WP 23-20702
The H2F hazard class in Australia was developed to treat internal framing timber with a surface application of an insecticide, to control mainly termites. Two of the actives approved in AS 1604.1-2010 (and subsequent revisions) for this hazard class are bifenthrin and imidacloprid. The penetration zone of both actives is 0 – 2 mm from the wood surface. Radiata pine sapwood framing timber wa...
A Siraa

Simulations of microclimates for wood-decaying fungi in the built environment using environmental analysis
2023 - IRG/WP 23-20703
Simulations of fungal decay risk were run on two similar building geometries exposed to typical annual climate conditions of two different geographical locations, Brunswick (Germany) and Cairns (Australia). The simulations were conducted to capture the effect of wind-driven rain and solar irradiation exposure over nodes of the common building geometry. The moisture content and temperature variatio...
P B van Niekerk, J Niklewski, S H Hosseini, B N Marais, I Frimannslund, T Kringlebotn Thiis, C Brischke

Investigating wood anatomical factors influencing the treatability of refractory southern pine- an imaging approach
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40975
Southern pine sapwood is non-durable, and preservative treatment is necessary to protect it against biological degradation. According to AS 1604.1 2021, timber products must have their sapwood fully treated with preservatives for various applications and hazard classes. However, there is a growing industry concern over the refractory sections of sapwood, which are untreated pockets of wood that do...
M Shirmohammadi, M R Karbaschi, B Hassan, W Leggate

Multi-scale Experimental Study on Self-sustained Smouldering of CCA-treated Timber Poles
2023 - IRG/WP 23-40988
While it is accepted that appropriate treatment with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) will extend the design life of wood markedly, there are concerns regarding the effect of treatment on fire performance. Smouldering combustion in CCA-treated timber infrastructure can self-sustain, destroying the timber elements, as the chromium and copper present in the CCA can act as catalysts of the smouldering...
W Wu, L Yerman, J J Morrell, F Wiesner

Research on gaseous COS degradation by brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum
2024 - IRG/WP 24-11033
Physiological studies of wood rotting fungi have mostly focused on the metabolism of carbon and nitrogen sources, which constitute the dominants components of wood. On the other hand, despite the physiological importance of trace elements such as sulfur, studies on their acquisition sources and metabolic pathways are limited. Until now, wood rotting fungi have been thought to utilize slight amount...
R Iizuka, R Tsukida, Y Katayama, M Yoshida

Characterization of cell wall morphology and water-soluble extractives in Japanese larch decayed by white-pocket-rot fungi
2024 - IRG/WP 24-11034
Porodaedalea chrysoloma (Fr.) Fiasson & Niemelä is a basidiomycete that can cause white-rot decay in Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) heartwood. P. chrysoloma is a white-rot fungus with a unique pattern that causes white-pocket-rot in the xylem of Japanese larch. However, the mechanism by which P. chrysoloma yields the pattern of white-pocket-rot in Japanese larch heartwood remains unclear. Thus,...
Y Mori, H Arai, T Ito, H Hashitani, K Yamashita, Y Ota, M Kiguchi

A novel cellulose-binding domain from the brown-rot fungus that can be used to evaluate cellulose in wood
2024 - IRG/WP 24-11046
Wood-rotting basidiomycetes are the primary microorganisms that decay wood in nature. They are classified as white-rot fungi and brown-rot fungi by the difference in decaying types. White-rot fungi secrete a variety of cellulolytic enzymes during wood degradation. These enzymes often have an additional cellulose-binding domain (CBD) that adsorbs to the cellulose surface and localizes the catalytic...
Y Kojima, N Sunagawa, S Tagawa, T Hatano, S Nakaba, M Aoki, M Wada, K Igarashi, M Yoshida

Enhancing UV resistance and decay resistance of wood by nanoparticle dispersed linseed oil nanoemulsion
2024 - IRG/WP 24-20706
Enhancing increasing demand for eco-friendly and cost-effective wood coatings and preservatives has led to the development of water-borne formulations and use of non-toxic and natural materials such as vegetable oils and waxes. The aim of this study was to improve the UV resistance and decay resistance of wood by nanomaterial dispersed linseed oil emulsions. Highly stable nanoemulsions of linseed ...
R Bansal, R Kumar, K K Pandey

Assessment of historical pilings from Lisbon
2024 - IRG/WP 24-41004
The renovation and rebuilding of areas in Lisbon has led to work on buildings constructed in the Pombaline downtown district. These buildings were constructed on wooden pilings, as a means of stabilising unstable soils and transfer the loads from buildings to soils with adequate bearing capacity. These methods also increased the resilience of the reconstruction works to future possible earthquakes...
D Jones, S Duarte, J A J Huber, L Nunes

Changes in decay risk of wood in ground contact over Europe, from analysis of historic climate conditions
2024 - IRG/WP 24-41008
Changing climate conditions will affect global temperature and precipitation patterns, shifting some geographical areas into states that are more suitable for fungal wood decay. Climate normals, which are taken over a 30-year period, capture vast spatial and temporal variations in these conditions and comparing these can show changes over time. Importantly, being able to identify locations that ha...
P B van Niekerk, B N Marais, G Alfredsen, C Brischke

Analysis and performance of spruce alternative species and discarded wood for windows production
2024 - IRG/WP 24-50386
Climate change is having a significant impact on European forestry, particularly on the softwood species used for window frames. This study investigates potential replacement tree species for spruce (Picea abies), the predominant material for window frames. We evaluate Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), thermally modified poplar (Populus nigra) and discarded silver...
B Lesar, J Levanič, M Humar, A Treu

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