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Your search resulted in 185 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Fumigation of red beech in New Zealand for prevention of graystain
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10343
The discoloration of sapwood of red beech (Nothofagus fusca) after drying has been an ongoing problem which may lower value of material for certain applications (such as flooring) by as much as 50%. The dark gray stain noted after the drying and planing of lumber is not prevented by fungicide dips, and is most likely similar to the enzyme-mediated stain noted in a variety of commercial hardwoods. ...
E L Schmidt, B Kreber

Effect of fungal degradation on the chemical composition of acetylated beech wood
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40267
This study investigated the impact of fungal attack on the chemical composition of acetylated wood. Beech wood acetylated to different degrees was exposed to decay by the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor under solid-state fermentation conditions. Laboratory soil-bed assays were also conducted to study the degradation of acetylated wood by soft rot fungi and other soil-inhabiting microorganisms...
H Militz, Dong-won Son, L Gómez-Hernández, R Sierra-Alvarez

Influence of the content of organic matter of soil on the degradation of wood by soft rot fungi
1970 - IRG/WP 27
The degradation of wood specimen burried in the soil by soft rot fungi is influenced by a number of factors. These are in particular the water holding capacity, water content, content of organic matter, pH, content of mineral nutritive substances etc. The results of the interlaboratory tests, carried out within the IRG/WP let presume that the intensity of wood degradation occurs proportionally inv...
O Wälchli

Degradation of woods by obligately anaerobic fungi
1990 - IRG/WP 1452
Little is known about the processes occurring during the degradation of wood by obligately anaerobic fungi. When woods from a range of hardwood species were incubated for 11 days with a strain of the Chytrid Neocallimastix frontalis many of the woods were measurably fermented; Fagus sylvatica (23%) was the most highly degraded. Microscopic examination of Populus tremuloides wood after incubation w...
K N Joblin, G E Naylor

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - To determine the effect of timber substrate on the efectiveness of different preservatives in sea-water: Coding scheme
1976 - IRG/WP 420
It was agreed in Wildhaus on 15 May 1976 that preparations for the test detailed in Document No: IRG/WP/414 should commence immediately, but that initially only two water-borne preservatives should be used - a copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) and a copper/chrome/boron (CCB) formulation respectively. PRL, England (R Cockcroft) would be responsible for supplying only the reference species treated with th...

Co-operative tests concerning the influence of solvent and drying method on the toxic limit of wood preservatives against Coniophora cerebella
1972 - IRG/WP 216
In the working group II of the IRG it was agreed that more knowledge was necessary concerning the influence of the solvent on the toxic limit of organic solvent types of wood preservatives against Basidiomycetes. A test program was drawn up and after discussion in the mentioned working group the final program was accepted by the co-operating institutes in 1969. In the test program two fungicides, ...
T Hof

Soft rot - Soil burial - Tests. Influence of the addition of nitrogen compounds to the soil on wood decay by soft rot
1972 - IRG/WP 213
The decay of wood specimens buried in soil is influenced by various factors. Decisive are the water content, the content of organic substances, the pH-value, the content of mineral nutritive salts, nitrogen content, etc. of the soil. These tests were carried out in order to investigate if the decay of wood in the soil will be influenced by additions of various nitrogen-compounds in different conce...
O Wälchli

New research data confirming the suitability of bifenthrin as a wood preservative
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30116
Bifenthrin has been further tested against wood destroying insects, and its behaviour in wood has been extensively studied. Bifenthrin proved to be highly effective as a curative and preventative treatment against Anobium punctatum and Hylotrupes bajulus, after both leaching and evaporative ageing. Results of penetration tests with water and solvent based formulations, applied by brushing, dipping...
S Shires, P Héloir, B Chen, G Rustenburg

New Observations and Interpretation for Tunnelling Bacteria Decay
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10579
Decay micromorphology was studied systematically for diversely preservative treated Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica 20 x 20 x 500 mm stakes across 13 in-ground field test sites, during a 6.5 year exposure. Sites were selected to maximise occurrence of a diverse range of decay types. Micromorphology that suggested orientation of tunnelling bacteria with the cellulose microfibrils of the S2 and S1...
R Wakeling

Common Decay Micromorphology “Anomalies” Challenge Current Decay Classification
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10578
Decay micromorphology was studied systematically for diversely preservative treated Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica 20 x 20 x 500 mm stakes across 13 in-ground field test sites, during a 6.5 year exposure. New insight into the micromorphology of the early stages of decay enabled new and more detailed interpretation of the mechanism of their formation and suggested that current decay classificati...
R Wakeling

Evidence for Basidiomycete Tunnelling in Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10587
Decay micromorphology was studied systematically for diversely preservative treated Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica 20 x 20 x 500 mm stakes across 13 in-ground field test sites, during a 6.5 year exposure. Sites were selected to maximise occurrence of a diverse range of decay types. Presence of clamp connections in close associated with tunnelling coupled with macroscopic features similar to whi...
R Wakeling

Efficacy of some fungicides against mold on freshly cut beech sawn wood
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30403
The quality class of molded wood is lowered and this can result in financial losses due a decrease in its trade value. Currently beech wood is often used without steaming it first and it moulds in the course of drying. The aim of this study was to identify kinetics of beech wood molding and effectiveness of action of chosen modern pro-ecological wood preservatives applied in the protection of fres...
A Fojutowski, A Kropacz

Is Field Test Data from 20 x 20mm Stakes Reliable? Effects of Decay Hazard, Decay Type and Preservative Depletion Hazard
2006 - IRG/WP 06-20327
Effects of decay hazard, decay type and preservative depletion hazard on the performance of variously preservative treated 20 x 20 x 500 mm Radiata pine and Fagus sylvatica test stakes across 13 field test sites in New Zealand and Queensland Australia were determined. Radiata pine treated with an ammoniacal copper quaternary preservative (ACQ) (1.56% m/m a.i.) and copper chrome arsenate (CCA) (...
R Wakeling

The effect of woody and non woody plants extractives on microbial resistance of non-durable species
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30392
The effect of Elm (Zelkova carpinifolia), Oak (Quercus castanifolia), Mulberry (Morus alba), Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) as woody plants, Rose (Rosa damascene) and Fumitory (Fumaria sp) as non woody plants extractives on durability of Beech (Fagus orientalis), Maple (Acer insgin), Alder (Alnus subcordata), and Lime (Tilia sp) were studied. First wood species having extractives were cut to small piece...
S M Kazemi, A Hosinzadeh, M B Rezaii

Above and Below-Ground Depletion of Copper, Chromium and Arsenic from Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica at Thirteen Test Sites in New Zealand and Australia
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30402
The objective was to determine the significance of site and wood species on preservative depletion for a copper chrome arsenate preservative (CCA) from 20 x 20 x 500 mm field test stakes after 5.5 and 4.5 years for pine and beech respectively. At least 5 sacrificial stakes were used to produce site means. Site and wood species had a major effect on copper, chromium and arsenic loss from CCA treate...
R Wakeling

Influence of ethanolamine on lignin depolymerization and copper leaching from treated Norway spruce and beech wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30423
Copper-ethanolamine based wood preservatives are replacing several classical copper-chromium based solutions, due to foreseen ban of chromium. Fixation of copper-ethanolamine based wood preservatives is not as good as fixation of copper-chromium ones. The main object of this manuscript was to prove, that ethanolamine is the prime reason for insufficient fixation of copper-ethanolamine formulations...
M Humar, B Bucar, M Zupancic, D Žlindra, F Pohleven

Multivariate analysis of infrared spectra for the prediction of the mechanical performance and dimensional stability of thermally modified wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40367
The use of calibrated mid-infrared Fourier transform (FTIR) spectroscopy for predicting the main bending strength parameters of thermally modified wood is described for the first time. The analysis is based on the handling of OSC-filtered FTIR data from control and treated wood samples, using partial least squares (PLS) regression. Sets of Norway spruce, Scots pine and Beech wood samples were th...
M M González-Peña, M D C Hale

Decay resistance of propionylated Iranian beech against the white rot fungus Tramets versicolor
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30449
In this study, the decay resistance of propionylated beech was investigated against the white rot fungus Trametes versicolor. Iranian beech (Fagus orientalis) was modified with propionic anhydride at different temperatures, concentrations and times without using any catalyst. Different weight percentage gains (WPGs) were obtained under different conditions. The decay resistance of the esterifed wo...
M R M Farahani, S M Hosseini

Above and Below-Ground Copper-Azole and Copper, Chrome Arsenate Depletion from Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica at Thirteen New Zealand & Australian Sites
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30460
The objective was to determine the significance of site on preservative depletion from Pinus radiata D. Don and Fagus sylvatica L. 20 x 20 x 500 mm field test stakes treated with a ground contact retention of copper amine plus tebuconazole (CuAz) and copper chrome arsenate (CCA) after approximately 5 years exposure to widely different soil and climate conditions. Site, wood species and their inter...
R Wakeling

Effect of wood polymers degradation during heat treatment on extracellular enzymatic activities involved in beech degradation by Trametes versicolor
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40392
Effect of heat treatment on extracellular enzymes involved in wood degradation by Trametes versicolor was investigated. Heat-treated and untreated beech blocks were exposed to T. versicolor on malt agar medium and extracellular enzymatic activities investigated. A strong ABTS oxidizing activity has been detected during the first stage of colonization in both cases, while cellulase activities are m...
S Lekounougou, G Nguila Inari, M Pétrissans, S Dumarçay, J P Jacquot, E Gelhaye, P Gérardin

Effects of CCB on wood strength of Eastern spruce (Picea orientalis L.)
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40416
The effects of CCB (chromate copper boron) on the static bending properties of Eastern spruce (Picea orientalis L.) based on MOE (modulus of elasticity) and MOR (modulus of rupture) were evaluated after full-cell vacuum/pressure treatment using a 3.0 % concentration followed by kiln-drying at 15 and 30 % moisture contents with heating the preservative at 30 and 40 ºC. The results showed that MOE ...
I Usta, M Hale

Comparison of permeability at different levels of moisture content in Bornmullerian fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.) and Eastern spruce (Picea orientalis L.) impregnated under vacuum/pressure through full-cell method by using CCA and CCB of different concentrations
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40366
In this study, a comparison has been made in terms of the combined, longitudinal, tangential, and radial permeability of the species of Bornmullerian fir (Abies bornmulleriana Mattf.) and Eastern spruce (Picea orientalis L.) with moisture contents of 50 % and 15 %, which were impregnated under vacuum/pressure through full-cell method by using water-borne wood preservatives (impregnation materials)...
I Usta

Investigation of chemical changes in acetylated beech wood during weathering
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40460
In this study Beech wood (Fagus orientalis) acetylated and has been subjected to a variety of artificial weathering conditions (water only, light only, water and light together)in difference times (0,50,150 and 300 h), then wood surface analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).Results shown that weathering process affected the functional groups on the wood surface. Light and w...
M Akhtari, M Arefkhani

Which are the best painting methods for the beech wood products protection?
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40477
Beech wood (Fagus Sylvatica L.) is one of the most important species of the wood in Kosovo. About 33% of the trees in our country are beech wood. The wood products in Kosovo are from the beech wood. The color difference between red heart wood and white wood of the beech is significant. The main problem for the wood companies in our country is that they haven’t adequate protection against weather...
A Bajraktari

Repairing of wooden elements by beta-method using carbon, steel or beech rods
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40488
Presented paper is focused on repairing of wooden elements by Beta joints reinforced with carbon, steel or beech rods, and on comparing the efficiency of these joints with traditional carpentry joints. In model laboratory experiments have been determined the bending strength (fm) and the modulus of elasticity (E) of control or original elements (fm-Control; Eo) from Norway spruce (Picea abies Kars...
L Reinprecht

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