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Your search resulted in 198 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Occurrence of wood-boring pholads in Kochi harbour waters (south-west coast of India)
1992 - IRG/WP 92-4175
The paper reports the occurrence of four species of wood-boring pholads (Pholadidae: Martesiinae), namely Martesia (Martesia) striata (Linnaeus), Martesia (Martesia) fragilis Verrill and Bush. Martesia (Particoma) nairi Turner and Santhakumaran and Lignopholas fluminalis (Blanford), in the Kochi back-waters, south-west coast of India. Of these Martesia nairi and Lignopholas fluminalis are now reco...
L N Santhakumaran, M V Rao

Movement of water through quaternary ammonium treated wood
1987 - IRG/WP 3440
Radiata pine sapwood stakes were treated with didodecyl methyl 1, 3 dichloropropenyl ammonium chloride and distearyl dimethyl ammonium chloride. Various ratios of these two chemicals were, tested to determine the extent of water movement through the treated wood. Measurements were taken of the amount of water moved through the wood, degree of wetting of various sectors of the stakes, and the distr...
P J Hayward, J Duff

Accelerated diffusion treatment of sawn Sitka spruce grown in the UK
1986 - IRG/WP 3395
The treatment of 'green' sapwood and heartwood of Sitka spruce by diffusion methods was investigated. Steam/dip treatment processes gave increased solution uptakes and depths of penetration of copper in comparison with a simple dip treatment. Further investigation is required to reduce diffusion gradients with copper based formulations and to improve the penetration of '...
R J Murphy, D J Dickinson

The nature of osmiophilic particles and their distribution during different stages of brown and white rot decay
1983 - IRG/WP 1213
The distribution of osmiophilic particles during the course of brown and white rot decay was investigated by applying transmission electron microscopic (TEM) methods. It was found that it correlates with the brown and white rot pattern.The osmiophilic particles are produced by the fungus and are supposed to be wood rotting enzymes....
K Messner, H Stachelberger

Distribution of fire retardant chemicals in kempas (Koompassia malaccensis)
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40037
Samples of Kempas (Koompassia malaccensis) heartwood were treated by vacuumpressure impregnation with solutions of monammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate, ammonium sulphate or a borax-boric acid mixture. A commercial saltbased fire retardant formulation was also used. After slow air drying, the treated wood samples were sub-divided and zonal analysis carried out in order to determine the grad...
A R A Malek, R J Murphy

Utilization of coconut timber from north Sulawesi, Indonesia. Part 2: Treatability
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40025
Under tropical conditions coconut wood is quickly degraded by mold and blue stain fungi. Low density wood in ground contact is commonly decomposed by wood destroying fungi within a period of only a few months, higher density wood from the outer stem regions within 24 to 30 months (MOSTEIRO, CASIN, SERIBAN 1976; McQUIRE 1975). Moreover, according to McQUIRE (1975) green wood of lower density is hig...
R-D Peek

Dura-Treet II, a water dispersible pentachlorophenol
1980 - IRG/WP 3165
During the past several decades, penta petroleum wood treating has become increasingly popular. Penta is an effective chemical compound against wood organisms causing decay and rot, is safe to handle, also clean and easy to use. In terms of preservative cost, it has been and remains by far the least expensive of the three major preservatives. However, when the cost of petroleum carrier is added, t...
D B Hatcher

Diffusion and interaction of components of water-borne preservatives in the wood cell wall
1988 - IRG/WP 3474
This study investigates the rates of diffusion and ultimate distributions of copper and arsenate components of wood preservatives in wood cell walls following vacuum treatment. Adsorption studies of copper on red pine (Pinus resinosa) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) wood confirm the importance of cation exchange reactions on the ultimate distribution of copper in the wood substance and i...
P A Cooper

Protection of rubberwood timber. Part 1: Impregnation with boron preservatives
1989 - IRG/WP 3551
Rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis) were treated with a 3% proprietary mixture of borax/boric acid using three different treatment schedules i.e. full-cell, full-cell to refusal and full-cell with 12 cycles of vacuum/pressure. Freshly cut samples had mean preservative retentions of 187 kg/m³, 214 kg/m³ and 178 kg/m³ respectively. Pre-air dried samples for one week had retentions of 252 kg/m³, 308 ...
L T Hong, C C K Liew

Estimation of the impregnation degree of pine wood by the distribution analysis of active ions concentration in the cross-section
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20174
Samples in the form of pine wood rollers of diversified moisture content of ca. 50, 28 and 12% were impregnated with a water solution of the mixture type CCB with the use of the full-cell process. Moisture content was determined in individual layers from the girth to the pith. In the same way the concentrations of copper and chromium ions with the use of the spectrophotometric method and recalcula...
K Lutomski, B Mazela

Stability, performance and distribution of propiconazole (R 49362) in acceleratedly aged wood
1991 - IRG/WP 3647
The permanency of propiconazole (R 49362 - WOCOSENÔ technical - Janssen Pharmaceutica) in wood was examined in an 18 month storage test, an evaporative ageing study (EN 73), a volatilization stress experiment, and water-leaching studies (EN 84). The biological efficacy against two brown rot fungi: Coniophora puteana BAM Ebw. 15 and Gloeophyllum trabeum BAM Ebw. 109 was assessed according to the E...
A R Valcke, M Stevens

A technical note on the limitations of atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis of copper/chrome/arsenic solutions according to BS 4072 (1974) and BS 5666: Part 3 (1979)
1988 - IRG/WP 2320
British Standards BS 4072 (1974) and BS 5666: Part 3 (1979) detail an atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the quantitative determination of copper, chrome and arsenic in both preservative solutions and treated timber. Use of this technique during a research programme at Aberdeen has highlighted some potential inaccuracies with this method if these standard specifications are adhered to...
A J Pendlebury, J A Petty

Leaching from field test stakes. Part 2: The distribution in and leaching from different parts of test stakes
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50026
Field test stakes treated with Boliden K33 (copper, chromium and arsenic) and Cuprinol Tryck (CT86) (copper and N-alkylbenzyldimethylammoniumchloride) respectively were exposed in ground contact at two different test fields in Sweden and rejected due to decay after 2 to 28 years. Stakes treated with the same preservatives were also exposed during 7 years above ground. The test stakes have been ana...
F G Evans, B Nossen, M-L Edlund

The influence of drilling patterns on the distribution of toxicants from Polesaver Rods in hardwood poles
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30051
Polesaver Rods are solid rods of wood preservative that are used as a groundline maintenance treatment to control biodeterioration in hardwood transmission poles in Australia. The rods are inserted in holes that are drilled in a prescribed manner to distribute the toxicants into the critical groundline region of the poles. To determine the influence of drilling patterns on the distribution of toxi...
W D Gardner, C N McEvoy

Microdistribution of Copper in Copper-Ethanolamine (Cu-EA) Treated Southern Yellow Pine (Pinus spp.) related to density distribution
2004 - IRG/WP 04-40270
The relationship between copper absorption and density distribution in wood cell walls was investigated in this study. The density distribution on layer level was obtained from two approaches: (1) calculation by using data obtained from literature; (2) microdistribution of carbon and oxygen atoms in the wood cell. The microdistribution of carbon and oxygen in untreated southern yellow pine (Pinus ...
Jinzhen Cao, D P Kamdem, E Pasek

Evaluation of fluid distribution in pressure treated wood in different flow directions
2004 - IRG/WP 04-40281
Among different methods, polymerization technique was chosen to study distribution of fluid through cell types in treated wood. Red maple wood specimens with the size of 2 by 2 by 4 cm (radial, tangential and longitudinal, respectively) were prepared. Styrene monomer was used as the fluid for impregnation; because its physical properties such as surface tension, specific gravity and viscosity fall...
A Omidvar, M H Schneider

The natural history of teredinid molluscs and other marine wood borers in Papua New Guinea
1975 - IRG/WP 410
The teredinids, commonly known as teredos or shipworms, are bivalve molluscs adapted to boring into wood. They are most closely related to the Family Pholadidae, or piddocks, which bore into mud, stone and coral. The teredinids have a relatively small, hemi-spherically shaped shell, the elongated body extending beyond the posterior end of the shell valves. The soft body, protected by the wood and ...
S M Rayner

Northern oak wood and its damages in Iran
1988 - IRG/WP 1377
The Northern oak species of Iran designated Quercus castaneaefolia C.A.M. is distributed widely in caspian littoral. In natural conditions (healthy) has favourable quality and it is used mostly in rural construtions, sleepers, parquets, cross arms for electric and communication poles, it is used also indoor and window construction, benches and finally veneer. This wood in the case of sleepers and ...
D Parsapajouh, P Niloufari

Variation in biological performance of CCA caised by preservative application method
1996 - IRG/WP 96-40072
A series of laboratory studies to investigate the influence of treatment application method on CCA performance in Cosican pine has been completed. Biological decay tests, such as serial exposures, were used to induce decay in wood at preservative retentions of up to 10 kg/m³ CCA salts. Significant differences in performance of the preservative against either brown, white or soft rot decay fungi w...
P R Newman, R J Murphy

Uptake of copper by mycelium of wood decay fungi growing on copper S-substituted thioglycolate containing nutrient media
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10291
Mycelia of Trametes versicolor, Coniophora puteana and Poria monticola were grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) media, containing various concentrations of copper N,N-dimethyldithiocarbamoylacetate (which may be regarded as a copper S-substituted thioglycolate). The tested copper compound revealed relatively low fungicidal activity. After 13-18 day growing period, we determined concentrations of a...
M Humar, M Petric, F Pohleven, P Kalan

Moisture distribution in coated wooden panels. Studies of moisture dynamics by computerized axial tomography
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2413
Certain modern coatings have been held responsible for the rot damages in wood sidings, which have, during the past few years, appeared at an increasing extent in Scandinavia and which have occurred rather soon after the application of the coating. In this study, the moisture excluding effect of different coating systems intended for sidings have been studied with the help of an X-ray technique, c...
J Ekstedt, L O Lindgren, S Grundberg

Three-dimensional modeling of fumigant distribution in wood poles
1993 - IRG/WP 93-30025
The practice of using fumigants to control internal decay has been widely accepted in the United States and has shown to be effect in control internal decay in transmission poles and other large wood timbers. Mathematical models were developed to simulate the chloropicrin movement in utility poles after treatment. The simulation results indicated that treatment of utility poles, using either tradi...
Jing Liu, B Goodell

Distribution of boron from fused borate rods in Douglas-fir transmission poles
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30112
The diffusion of boron from fused borate rods (disodium octaborate tetrachydrate) was monitored over 42 months in CCA-treated Douglas-fir transmission poles. The boric acid equivalent was estimated by the curcumin/salicylic acid color test on increment cores removed from the poles. Moisture content of the poles was quite variable but was always above 20 percent. The percent of increment core lengt...
T L Highley, F Green III, W F Finney

The limitations of legislative information distribution to the UK remedial preservation industry
1995 - IRG/WP 95-50060
The remedial preservation industry in the UK consists of companies that are rarely large enough to fit any of the definitions of small to medium enterprises (SMEs). They are faced with information on a wide range of legislation related to their industry from a bewildering variety of sources. Costs range from free to hundreds of pounds. Recent surveys have shown that a significant proportion of SME...
J M Ibbitson, G S Sawyer

Microdistribution of water-borne preservatives in blue gum treated by full-cell process
1990 - IRG/WP 3617
The present work deals with the study of the microdistribution of copper, chrome and arsenic elements in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. sapwood, treated with a CCA water-borne preservative by full-cell process, with the help of scanning electron microscopy together with energy dispersion X-ray analysis technique. The work shows that the retention of CCA elements is high in vessels and vasicentric par...
D De Sousa Castro Reimão, J M Palacios

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