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The wood-attacking insects in wooden houses of an old open air museum in southern Finland
1989 - IRG/WP 1409
Harmful insects of wood in a open-air museum were investigated in 1985-1988 by order of the National Board of Antiquities and Historical Monuments of Finland in nine old log houses. Many thousands of insects and altogether 1073 anobiids (Coleoptera, Anobidae) were obtained by window and light traps. The most common Anobiidae-species were Hadrobregmus confusus (Kraatz) 60.3%, Hadrobregmus pertinax ...
H Viitanen, M Pulkkinen

On the occurrence of Phialophora species in preservative treated wood in ground contact
1977 - IRG/WP 163
Phialophora is a fairly large genus comprising about thirty described species. They are widespread in very diverse environments, such as soil, sea water, wood and wood pulps. Some species are known as parasites on plants and animals, including man. Phialophora species were early known for their ability to produce blue stain in timber. Later it was discovered that several species were able to produ...
T Nilsson, B Henningsson

The long road to understanding brown-rot decay. A view from the ditch
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10101
Interest in understanding how brown-rot fungi decay wood has received increasing interest in recent years because of a need to identify novel targets that can be inhibited for the next generation of antifungal wood preservatives. Brown-rot fungi are unique in that they can degrade holocellulose (cellulose and hemicellulose) in wood without first removing the lignin. Furthermore, they degrade holoc...
F Green III, T L Highley

A comparison of the migration behaviour in soil of different waterborne wood preservatives and their leachates
1997 - IRG/WP 97-50091
Lysimeter tests were carried out on water-soluble wood preservatives and on wood preservative components leached out of impregnated wood. The purpose of these tests was to determine the extent to which the migration behaviour of environmentally relevant ions in the soil is influenced under comparable conditions. The results clearly show that the groundwater is especially at risk when wood preserva...
E Melcher, R-D Peek

Acceleration of boric acid uptake into the subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki using steamed larch wood
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10353
Laboratory tests were done to measure the efficacy of addition of steamed larch (Larix leptolepis (Sieb. et Zucc.) Gord.) heartwood extracts for the uptake of boric acid against the termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. Paper discs were treated with the water-soluble fraction obtained from hot-water extracts of steamed larch wood (S-Water) with or without 0.01-2.0% boric acid, followed by expos...
W Ohmura, S Doi, S Ohara

Laboratory tests on the residual effects of pyrethroids against termites after one year
1983 - IRG/WP 1216
Due to recent restrictions of ecological nature which most of pesticides are been submitted, it is necessary in wood preservation to test new products and formulation with low mamalian toxicity for substitution of the traditional products. The efficiency of five synthetic pyrethroids in comparison to the traditional organo-chlorinated pesticide chlordane was evaluated. Wood blocks impregnated with...
A M F Oliveira

Assessment of the Inhibition of wood decay fungi by volatile organic compounds identified from Trichoderma spp.
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10302
Previous research identified five volatile organic compounds produced by Trichoderma spp. that may be inhibitory to wood decay fungi. The effects of four of these volatile organic compounds, 2-propanone, 2-methyl-1-butanol, heptanal and octanal were tested over a range of concentrations against four selected wood decay fungi. The fungi were incubated in malt extract broth under appropriate conditi...
S N Humphris, R E Wheatley, A Bruce, C Payne

IRG/COIPM INTERNATIONAL MARINE TEST - to determine the effect of timber substrate on the effectiveness of water-borne salt preservatives in sea-water. Progress Report 18. Report of seventh inspection (72 months) in Australia
1984 - IRG/WP 4108
This report includes the results for the 72 month inspection of the IRG/COIPM International Marine Test installed in Sydney Harbour. Although, overall, attack by teredinid and limnorid borers have been most commonly encountered in test specimens at this site, slight attack, mainly by sphaeromatids, has recently been initiated on some hitherto unattacked treated Alstonia scholaris and Pinus sylvest...
L J Cookson, J E Barnacle

Evaluation of a new anti-sapstain formulation
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30035
A new anti-sapstain mixture, which consists of 2% IPBC (3-iodo-2-propynylbutyl carbamate) and 1.5% DCOI (4,5-dichloro-2-n-octylisothiazolin-3-one), was evaluated by three methods in the laboratory. A standardized test (JWPA standard 2) demonstrated that the new anti-sapstain formulation was highly effective in controlling growth of monocultures of five test fungi on wood substrate. When exposed to...
K Tsunoda, H Kumagai, M Sakurai

A laboratory study on effect of coating materials on leaching of copper from CCA treated wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-50176
Components of CCA preservatives can leach into surrounding soil and water and have some effect on germination and growth of some plants. In this report, the effect of coating materials in reducing chemical concentration in the leachate were evaluated. Rubber wood blocks (Hevea brasiliensis) treated with CCA were fixed at room temperature at high humidity. After air dried, they were painted with co...
A Veenin, T Veenin

A review of incising as a means of improving treatment of sawnwood
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40019
The use of incising, perforation of the wood surface, is increased because of the need to treat refractory wood species. This paper reviews the development of incising and shows how the required incising patterns can be determined and specified. Most of the development has been in the area of toothed-roller incisors because of their rapid throughput. Needle, Laser, drill and water jet incisors hav...
P I Morris, J J Morrell, J N R Ruddick

Rapid loss of lignin at wood surfaces during natural weathering
1992 - IRG/WP 92-2390
Thin veneers of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) were exposed to natural weathering over a period of 30 days. Incident UV radiation was monitored at the test site. FTIR internal reflectance spectroscopy was used to study the chemical changes taking place at the veneer surface during weathering. Spectra obtained show that after only 3 days exposure there was substantial delignification at veneer...
P D Evans, K J Schmalzl, A J Michell

Is laboratory testing of decay resistance questionable as a single criterion for natural durability?
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20096
In a laboratory test set up over 20 hardwood species were evaluated according to the European Standard EN 350-1 including Basidiomycete and soft rot testing. Half of the species used were of a known natural durability. The Basidiomycete testing was carried out using Coriolus versicolor, Gloeophyllum trabeum and Coniophora puteana in a malt agar test similar to EN 113. From this test it was not pos...
J Van Acker, M Stevens, T Van Cauwenberghe, T Seynaeve

Moisture content development in lap-joints of different wood species in outside exposure trials
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20143
Lap-joint trails (following European Standard EN 12037) were set up with 11 different softwood and hardwood species. Half of the number of the lap-joint specimens were coated with an alkyd coating. The moisture development has been followed during a 19 months period. In this paper, the out comes of different moisture contents evaluations are presented. The results show, that the moisture content o...
H Militz, M Broertjes, C J Bloom

A shower test protocol for measuring antisapstain wash-off from small individual log billets
1996 - IRG/WP 96-50069
According to New Zealand Timber Industry Federation statistics New Zealand exported 4,835,000 m³ of logs in 1994 and it is estimated that c. 20% were anti-sapstain treated. Loss of preservative from logs as a result of rain impact after application is of considerable concern both with respect to potential loss of efficacy and environmental contamination. Whilst Environment Canada have a proposed ...
A J Pendlebury, H Pearson

Mold and stain fungi associated with Radiata pine logs imported from New Zealand
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10346
The Korean sawmills have recently realized the importance of prevention of fungal discoloration due to increased losses in revenue. Before establishing integrated control strategies of fungal discoloration, more complete knowledge about causal organisms is needed. As a first step, we initiated a through survey of mold and stain fungi colonized commercially important softwood species (Pinus densifl...
Jae-Jin Kim, Gyu-Hyeok Kim

Bestimmung der pilzwidrigen Wirksamkeit von Holzschutzmitteln gegen Moderfäule-Erreger
1977 - IRG/WP 2125
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war der Vergleich der in verschiedenen Ländern zur Bestimmung der pilzwidrigen Wirksamkeit von Holzschutzmitteln gegen Moderfäule-Erreger angewandten Methoden. Als Vergleichsmaterial dienten drei normierte Methoden: die britische (42), skandinavische (45) und die in der DDR angewendete (47) sowie wichtige, von verschiedenen Fachleuten ausgeführte Arbeiten experiment...
J Wazny

Rainfall simulation to assess CCA permanence
1991 - IRG/WP 2373
During experimental work on accelerated fixation of chromium containing preservatives a method has been developed which compares the degree of preservative levels of contamination of simulated preservative fixation in timber with the levels of simulated rainfall. This method uses commercial sized wood sections wetted in a way that simulates actual rainfall and relates the associated run-off contam...
P Warburton, J A Cornfield

The metabolism and comparative elimination of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in termites
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10038
Termites may serve as a potential supplementary food source for fish, poultry and pigs. Waste paper may be used as a source of food in mass rearing the termites. However, paper products and printing inks contain trace levels of toxic xenobiotics e.g. polychlorinatecl biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins. This study examined the ability of Mastotermes darwinensis and Coptotermes acinaciformis to metabolise...
V S Haritos, J R J French, J T Ahokas

Surface accumulation of copper on CCA-impregnated Pinus patula stakes during marine preservative trials in the southern hemisphere
1992 - IRG/WP 92-4181
Pinus patula stakes treated with CCA to target retentions of 30 kg/m³ salts were exposed to sea water in marine and estuarine ecosystems off the coast of Southern Africa for two years. Samples were then analysed for copper and arsenic. Analysis of samples from the marine ecosystem showed (IRG/WP/4167) that arsenic was longitudinally and transversely leached from the wood, whereas the copper was r...
G D Shelver, C D McQuaid, M Tarin, A A W Baecker

Penetration and distribution of styrene in pressure treated hardwoods
1997 - IRG/WP 97-40094
A styrene impregnation method was used to compare liquid distribution in several species as affected by flow direction, sapwood/heartwood, and method of impregnation. Twenty-five mm ( 1") cubes were cut from the sapwood and heartwood of red maple (Acer rubrum), white birch (Betula papyrifera), yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), red oak (Quercus rubra), ...
P A Cooper, T S Janezic, U Srinivasan, A Omidvar

Preservative treatment of green timber by diffusion
1984 - IRG/WP 3291
The preservative treatment of green timber by diffusion is reviewed together with criteria which influence the economics of the process. New process options are described which should overcome some of the technical and economic disadvantages of double diffusion. These include the use of coagulating agents which increase the viscosity of the preservative solution and facilitate treatment by momenta...
P Vinden

Über Hausbock Hylotrupes bajulus (L.), (Col., Cerambycidae), in Laubholz: Versuche mit Laubholzarten, Prüfung der Wirkung von Ligninstoffen und von Ginkgo biloba, Beobachtungen an Hesperophanes. [On House-longhorn Beetle Hylotrupes bajulus (L.), (Col., Cerambycidae) in hardwood: Investigations with several hardwood-species, tests on activity of lignin components and Ginkgo biloba, observations on Hesperophanes]
1982 - IRG/WP 1144
Hylotrupes bajulus-larvae feed and develop in softwoods, hardwood acts as a feeding poison. The reason for this is still little known. According to literature some observations contradict this established opinion and the question was raised, whether the colour-strain scutifer (= lividus) is able to live in hardwood. Testing ten European and tropical hardwood-species (following the DIN-EN test proc...
S Cymorek

Evaluation of a utility pole inspection procedure
1996 - IRG/WP 96-20084
Methods were developed and are currently being utilized to appraise residual strength of utility poles based on visual assessment of increment cores. Strength tests, mycological descriptions and anatomical analyses were performed on eight utility poles taken out of service and one new (never in service) pole. Samples were obtained from increment cores removed from 6 levels in the pole: 2 feet, gro...
S E Anagnost, C J K Wang

Chemical treatment of ten Amazonian timber species of low natural durability
1991 - IRG/WP 3640
The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of 10 amazonian wood species of low natural durability, to treatment with CCA preservative (2% concentration): it was concluded that all species studied are easily treated with this preservative. The sapwood showed high absorption and total penetration. The heartwood is relatively easy to preserve, exception to Parkia nitidae (Fava), Quale...
C S Neta, B F Vianez

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