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Your search resulted in 6688 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Status of Wood Protection in Slovenia
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40491
Status of wood protection in Slovenia is described in this document. The most important factors that influence use of wood in our country are outlined. Furthermore, there are companies that formulate wood preservatives, their products and wood impregnation facilities are listed as well....
M Humar

Situation of Wood Protection in Spain
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40511
This paper shows the actual situation of Spanish Wood Protection. In the evolution of this sector over the last years, three factors have been very important: the increase of the use of wood for both structural and decorative uses in construction, the development of the Technical Building Code, and the transposition and implantation of the Directive of Biocides to Spain in October 2002....
B J Duval, J M Solis, T de Troya, M J Prieto

Quality assurance approach of the German TMT manufacturers
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40513
Due to an increasing number of TMT manufacturers in central Europe, an organisation of TMT manufacturers was founded in Germany in the beginning of 2010. Since the current level of product testing and property declaration is not satisfying, one of the first activities is the establishment of a quality assurance system. In this paper a concept for quality assurance (QA) will be outlined....
W Scheiding, C R Welzbacher, A O Rapp

Effectiveness of copper/chromium salts as wood preservatives against Limnoria tripunctata Menzies in laboratory tests
1977 - IRG/WP 431
During the last joint meeting of IRG and COIPM a co-operative programme of tests with copper/chromium salts as wood preservatives against marine borers was discussed and agreed. In this connection the results of a laboratory test in the BAM with Limnoria tripunctata Menzies will be of interest. But as the respective paper is written in German (H. Kühne; G. Becker: Laboratoriumsversuche über die ...
H Kühne

Occurrence, prevention and repair of Dry Rot
1990 - IRG/WP 1439
Information about the frequency, detection, identification and repair of Dry Rot attacks (Serpula lacrymans) is summarized from 13 European countries. Based on 28 completed and returned questionnaires it appears that Dry Rot attacks are recognized in all countries participating, and that there is an appreciable similarity in the frequency of attacks and methods of detection and identification. How...
A P Koch

Termite and decay resistance of particleboard composed of white cypress pine and radiata pine
1997 - IRG/WP 97-10200
Phenol-formaldehyde bonded particleboard was manufactured from blends of non-durable radiate pine (P. radiate) and heartwood of the naturally durable species, white cypress pine (C. glaucophylla). Board specimens were subjected to bioassays using two termite species, M. darwiniensis and C. acinaciformis, and the basidiomycete fungi, C. puteana and P. ostreatus, and the durability of specimens was ...
P D Evans, J W Creffield, J S G Conroy, S C Barry

Surface Barriers for Protection of Culture and Heritage Wooden Objects from Insect Attack
2004 - IRG/WP 04-20286
Anoxic treatment is an environment friendly procedure for eradication of wood boring insects in wooden objects of cultural and historical heritage. However, after the anoxic treatment, wooden antiques remain susceptible to further insect attacks. Possible protection against insects could be provided by the so-called post-repression protective barriers. Potential coating materials for such barriers...
M Petric, M Pavlic, B Kricej, M Humar, F Pohleven

Non Toxic Remedial Treatment of Bamboo Structures/Furniture
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40516
Molds and beetles often attack bamboo furniture and structures when used in untreated or inadequate preservative treatment. Remediation or eradication of infestation often involves expensive chemicals (fumigants) and specialized methods, which are not available in villages. Novel inexpensive methods using easily available chemicals were developed for controlling such infestations. Whereas applicat...
S Kumar

Building With Wood an strategic action in Spain
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40530
This paper explains the objectives and results of the “Building with Wood” project, mainly at Spanish level. As far as the wood preservation field is concerned, the present abstract also informs about the main goals of the project in this matter....
M Conde García, J I Fernández-Golfín Seco, J Galván Rodríguez

The 41st Annual Meeting of IRG. Programme
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60286
IRG Secretariat

The 41st Annual Meeting of IRG. Poster abstracts
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60287
IRG Secretariat

Budget for 2010 (forecast May 2010)
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60288
IRG Secretariat

Budget for 2011
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60289
IRG Secretariat

Safe application of copper-chrome-arsenate preservatives
1975 - IRG/WP 377
All wood preservatives contain biologically active substances and must, by design, be in some measure toxic to man. There is nothing fundamentally difficult, however, about using a wood preservative with complete safety. It depends on knowing the risks to health and/or the environment, which the preservative may present, and planning application accordingly. In this paper we examine these and othe...
I N Stalker, P B Cornwell

Attempt for developing a new method for above ground field testing of wood durability
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20199
Field testing remains the most appropriate way for evaluation of wood preservatives or natural durability of wood species. Above ground tests are designed to answer specific questions concerning the outdoor utilisation of wood. Such methods supply additional information and confirm or reject preliminary laboratory results. The European standard (ENV 12037, "lap-joint") for assessment of the durabi...
N Terziev, M-L Edlund

Initial results and observations of a model system to assess the efficacy and environmetal impact of preservative treated wood
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-02
The development of a closed model system for the laboratory assessment of the efficacy and environmental impact of a chromated fluoride remedial treatment for creosoted distribution poles has been described (IRG/WP/2395-92). The model consists of a precipitation apparatus above a treated pole section positioned in a soil profile from which leachate was collected via a series of simulated field dra...
D C R Sinclair, G M Smith, A Bruce, H J Staines

Reporting minutes of the Plenary Meeting 2010
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60299
IRG Secreatariat

Section reports from IRG 41
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60300
J Norton

IRG Strategic plan development 2010-2011
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60301
J Norton

Annual Report 2009
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60283
IRG Secretariat

Agenda 2010 Plenary Meeting
2010 - IRG/WP 10-60284
IRG Secretariat

IRG 41 Invitation
2010 - IRG 41 Invitation
IRG Secretariat

Chapter 1 - Introduction to bamboo
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10635-01
In this introductory chapter the botanical position, distribution, utilization, outlooks, production, research, importance, propagation, natural durability, preservative treatment, importance of preservative treatment, treating principles, research on preservative treatment of bamboos and the objectives of this book have been described briefly under individual caption....
A K Lahiry

Comparative life cycle assessment of Swiss railroad sleepers
1998 - IRG/WP 98-50117
The results of an environmental LCA carried out on railway sleepers made of prestressed concrete, sectional steel and creosote impregnated beech as used on main lines of Switzerland's railways are presented. All extractions from and insertions into the environment which were connected with the manufacture, use and disposal of the different types of sleeper were inventoried and assessed, i...
T Künniger, K Richter

The chemical nature of bis(tributyltin) oxide in Pinus sylvestris sapwood
1989 - IRG/WP 3508
Tributyltin compounds have been used for many years as wood preservatives. This study has provided, for the first time, an explanation for the previously reported dealkylation and/or volatilisation of the tributyltin species in, and from, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood. Thus, 119 Sn nuclear magnetic resonance studies have shown that, on impregnation into this timber, bis(tributyltin) oxide ...
S J Blunden, R Hill

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