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Your search resulted in 629 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

KERUING and APITONG: A Timely Review of the Perfect Choice Wood Species for Crossarms and Brace Arms, Including Data on Copper Naphthenate Treatments
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40603
Apitong or the wood species more commonly known as Keruing is an important tropical hardwood known for its high strength to weight ratio and its reasonable durability and preservative treatability. This wood has been exported from managed permanent forest estates in Malaysia into the United States for over 4 decades for its widespread use in wooden utility industry brace arms and crossarms, yet cu...
A Wong, M Freeman

Tar-oil uptake vs time in immersion treatment of short pine posts: A simple technique applicable to rural communities of Papua New Guinea
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40608
Pinus caribaea and Araucaria cunninghamii logs ca. 100 mm in diameter were shortened to lengths 25-30 cm, conditioned to at/below fibre saturation point (FSP) for immersion/dip treatment using a hot- and- cold bath open- tank process. Before oven-drying and subsequent treatment, individual test specimens were numbered, their green weights and volumes, and dry weights recorded for basic density, vo...
B K Gusamo, R Tulo

Classifying white rot decay resistance of some hardwoods from Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia and correlations with their tropical in-ground durability
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10788
White rot wood decay under Malaysian (humid tropical) terrestrial conditions pose more serious threats to the in-ground service life of hardwoods than other common fungal decay types. A study is made on decay resistance variation for a total combined list of 30 Peninsular Malaysian and Sarawak timber species (plus 6 exotic reference temperate commercial woods for comparison) using the laboratory s...
A H H Wong, J M E Jem, Lai Jiew Kok

Effect of growth rate and radial position on the natural durability of Douglas-fir
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10791
In terms of natural durability, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) fame owns to the favourable characteristics of centuries-old trees harvested in old-growth North American forests. The properties of wood coming from plantations harvested between 50 and 100 years-old are likely to be different. In such stands, plantation density and thinning intensity may have a large impact on the...
C Pollet, J-M Henin, B Jourez, J Hébert

Effectiveness of CCA-C and CCB preservatives after a 30 years stake test
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30606
The objective of this experiment was to assess the durability of four pine species treated with waterborne preservatives. In order to determinate this, a stake field test, following the IUFRO (International Union of Forestry Research Organizations) recommendations, was installed at Experimental Station of Luiz Antonio (21º 32’ S and 47º 42’ W), State of São Paulo, Brazil. Species under t...
I PJankowsky, E S Lepage, C Salvela, J M Vidal, S Takeshita

Development of a quality control assessment method to predict properties of heat treated wood
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40611
Heat treatment has been used to improve properties of non durable European species. Chemical modification of some of the wood components provides improved dimensional stability and biological performance against decay fungi while mechanical properties such as modulus of rupture are reduced. Quality control of commercially made thermally treated wood is one of the major challenges to allow its indu...
M Chaouch, K Candelier, S Dumarcay, A Pétrissans, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin

The effect on moisture content of water trapped in wood joints
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40613
To predict the service life of a structure, a model where the exposure of a structure is compared to its resistance can be used. Which exposure and resistance parameters that are relevant depend on which materials the structure consist of. This approach, with an exposure and a resistance parameter, is similar to the one used in structural engineering where a load (exposure) is compared to the bear...
M Fredriksson, L Wadsö, P Johansson

Differences between heat treated Pinus pinaster heartwood and sapwood
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40617
Heat treatment is a well known process to improve the durability and dimensional stability of less noble woods. The treatment can be applied for heartwood unlike the traditional treatments based on impregnation due to the difficulty of impregnating heartwood. Pure sapwood and pure heartwood samples were treated in an oven at 190ºC and 200ºC for 2h, 4h and 6h. Dimensional stability, measured a...
B Esteves, L Nunes, I Domingos, H Pereira

Transferable Durability: Enhancing decay resistance of non-durable species with extractives from durable wood species
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10808
Extractive content and composition is a vital component of naturally durable woods; however, variability in extractives can limit their usefulness in the field. Two extractive-free, non-durable wood species were pressure treated with ethanol-toluene extractives from 8 durable wood species. Extracted Southern pine, Paulownia and unextracted Southern pine blocks were treated and challenged in soil b...
G T Kirker, A B Blodgett, S Lebow, C A Clausen

Grading UK Grown Larch for Durability
2013 - IRG/WP 13-10809
This paper reports on a joint study by BRE, the Forest Products Research Institute and TRADA Technology into the feasibility of grading UK grown larch to maximise its natural durability. The research was undertaken to assist sawmills and timber specifiers in the selection of larch timber suitable for external cladding. The findings indicate that the heartwood of larch has variable durability due t...
D Jones, I Davies, P Sharphouse, E Suttie

Statistical analysis of durability tests - Part 1: Principles of distribution fitting and application on laboratory tests
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20504
Service life prediction is an important topic in wood research, especially with regard to the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Both laboratory tests as well as in-service performance testing are therefore essential in combination with proper monitoring and analysis tools. A crucial concept is variability in testing and analysis, especially for a biological material such as wood. The larger ...
I De Windt, J Van den Bulcke, C Brischke, C R Welzbacher, A Gellerich, S Bollmus, M Humar,

Quasi-in-situ durability tests on oak timber bridges
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20510
This study aims on developing a method for determination of wood durability on samples taken from real structures in service. Therefore quasi-in-situ durability tests have been conducted exemplarily on timber bridges made from English oak (Quercus robur L.). Drilling cores were found to be a feasible alternative to standard specimens for laboratory durability tests against pure cultures of Basidio...
C Brischke, C J Behnen, M-T Lenz, K Brandt, E Melcher

Determination of the natural durability of solid wood against wood-destroying fungi - a European round-robin test
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20511
In Europe the durability of wood against wood-destroying basidiomycetes is tested according to CEN/TS 15083-1 (2005). Hitherto existing experience with this standard is quite heterogeneous and results from previous round-robin tests have stayed unreported or have been reported incompletely. In particular the need for natural pre-weathering of the test specimens to allow potential detoxification of...
C Brischke, C R Welzbacher, A Gellerich, S Bollmus, M Humar, K Plaschkies, W Scheiding, G Alfredsen, J Van Acker, I De Windt

Statistical analysis of durability tests - Part 2: Principles of time-to-failure and application on field test data
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20512
Service life prediction is an important topic in wood research, especially with regard to the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Both laboratory tests as well as in-service performance testing is therefore essential, in combination with proper monitoring and analysis tools. A crucial concept is variability and the incorporation of variability in tests and analysis. In this paper we focus on t...
J Van den Bulcke, I De Windt, C Brischke, C R Welzbacher, A O Rapp, J Van Acker

Testing the performance of timber using 27 different field test methods
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20517
Numerous test methods to determine the durability of timber and timber products have been described in relevant literature. However, only some of these methods have been standardized and thus only very few are regularly used for resistance tests in the field. Since results from extensive comparative field studies have shown differences in moisture performance between different test methods, the ai...
L Meyer, C Brischke, J Rieken

Virulence of two Laboratory Test Strains and one Natural Isolate of Rhodonia (Oligoporus) placenta against Thermally Modified Pine and Beech Wood
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20524
Rhodonia (Oligoporus) placenta is known as a relative aggressive basidiomycete fungus against thermally modified timber. In durability lab tests, this often results in a lower durability class, compared to other test fungi. In the reported work, the virulence of three different strains of Rhodonia placenta for untreated and thermally modified timber was determined and compared. Therefore, two lab ...
K Plaschkies, W Scheiding, K Jacobs, N Rangno

Predicting the Rate of Decay, and the Potential for Misinterpretation of Proper Scientific Method
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20525
Predicting the rate of fungal attack in wood-based materials and its effect on properties remains the holy grail of wood products pathologists; however, achieving this goal is difficult because of the many variables associated with the process. This paper reviews some of the more important aspects of the decay process in relation to test methodology and then discusses how data are sometimes used b...
B S Goodell, J J Morrell

Moisture distribution in glulam beams with natural cracks observed with CT Scanning before and after rain
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20534
The way cracks in outdoor wooden constructions affect durability is an interesting topic, since a certain amount of cracks can always be found naturally in wood and glued laminated wood. The question in this was, can cracks lead water into the wood and thereby increase the risk for decay and reduce strength and service life. Moisture balance, i.e., water absorption and water distribution were stud...
K Sandberg

Performance testing of DMDHEU-modified wood in Australia
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30613
Chemical wood modification with dimethyloldihydroxy-ethyleneurea (DMDHEU) or its derivatives has been researched for many years and shown to be applicable to improve certain wood properties to both solid lumber and wood-based composites. Earlier research proved a high biological resistance of DMDHEU-modified wood against biological degradation in laboratory and field tests in Europe. Due to the ve...
H Militz, J Norton

Preliminary testing of spiroborate esters as wood preservatives
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30614
Fungicide and insecticide properties of boric acid are known since 30’s of the last century, but high solubility and leachability of inorganic borates limit their use for only applications not directly exposed to liquid water. A number of attempts were made to fixate borate salts into the wood structure but this research topic is still up to date and undiscovered. Water insoluble organoboron est...
D Panov, N Terziev

The effects of impregnation with secondary metabolite extracted from Ipe on durability of Japanese cedar and beech wood
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30618
Ipe wood is known for its high durability; it has been widely used in exterior structures that are exposed to the weather. In this paper, to increase the durability of less durable wood, Japanese cedar and beech specimens were impregnated with a secondary metabolite from Ipe. In a previous study, secondary metabolites extracted by a Soxhlet extraction method showed antifungal properties. Therefore...
T Iida, R Konuma, K Kawarada

Effect of the nature of the inert atmosphere used during thermal treatment on chemical composition, decay durability and mechanical properties of wood
2013 - IRG/WP 13-40625
Wood heat treatment is an attractive alternative to improve decay resistance of low natural durability wood species. Nowadays, several types of thermal treatments of wood exist. These treatments differ mainly by the nature of the inert atmosphere used to avoid wood combustion which may correspond to: nitrogen, vacuum, steam or oil. Decay resistances as well as mechanical properties are strongly co...
K Candelier, S Dumarçay, A Pétrissans, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin

Resistance of WPC against wood destroying fungi
2013 - IRG/WP 13-40627
The investigation of biological durability is a fundamental topic to assess the performance of Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) particularly for outdoor applications. In the last years, different test setups based on existing standards on the field of wood as well as the field of plastics were used for WPC. But the test methodologies give different information about the durability of the tested mater...
A Gellerich, S Bollmus, A Krause

Moisture and Fungal Durability of Wood-Plastic Composites Made With Chemically Modified and Treated Wood Flour
2013 - IRG/WP 13-40648
Evaluating the fungal durability of wood-plastic composites (WPCs) is complicated by the influence of slow moisture sorption. Recently, the American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) Standard Method E10, Testing Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Soil-Block Cultures, was modified to incorporate not only solid wood, but also wood-based composites and WPCs. To simulate long term WPC performance, cond...
B K Segerholm, R E Ibach

Durability of alternatives to CCA-treated wood - Results from field tests after 11 years exposure
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30633
The present study was initiated as a consequence of restrictions against the use of CCA-type wood preservatives in Sweden in the 1990s. New copper-based formulations were introduced on the market and to some extent, also alternatives to preservative-treated wood, such as thermally and chemically modified and linseed oil treated wood as well as heartwood of non-tropical naturally durable wood s...
P Larsson Brelid, M-L Edlund

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