Your search resulted in 3228 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Long term performance of CCA preservatives in ground contact
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30223
Copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA) preservatives have been use extensively in New Zealand since the mid-1950s for a wide range of ground contact uses, radiata pine being the main species treated. They have been the subject of a comprehensive field testing programme in up to five sites in New Zealand, the earliest tests being established in 1955. Main factors affecting performance have been formulation t...
M E Hedley, D R Page, B E Patterson
Natural durability of wood in ground contact - A correlation between field and laboratory tests
1985 - IRG/WP 2182
A field test is being carried out to evaluate the natural durability of 20 hardwoods. The resistance to decay and termite attack was evaluated in accelerated laboratory tests. The results of the field test after 6 years and 8 months indicate that there is not necessarily agreement between results from laboratory and field tests. It is pointed out that apart from the artificiality of the laboratory...
M S Cavalcante, G A C Lopez, R G Montagna, M E S Fosco Mucci
Moisture condition in treated wood exposed outdoors. A progress report after 5 years
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3720
Wood treated with water-borne preservatives, mainly CCA (copper, chromium and arsenic) and CCB (copper, chromium and boron) is often said to absorb more water than untreated wood. In laboratory tests this statement has not been confirmed (Johansson 1977). In 1986 a project was started to compare water absorption during outdoor exposure between wood stakes of pine, Pinus sylvestris L, and spruce, P...
M-L Edlund
Calculation of preformance index of Bardac 20 (an alkylammonium compound) evaluated in a field stake test
1982 - IRG/WP 3206
Bardac 20 treated stakes have been in test for three years at the Westham Island test site near Vancouver, B.C. The Performance Index for the preservative was calculated and found to be 0.009 which infers that, at the standard retention, Bardac 20 added 0.9 y to the life of the stake. It may be concluded that when tested using a standard field stake test using ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws)...
J N R Ruddick
Performance of copper-based wood preservatives in above ground and ground contact tests
1994 - IRG/WP 94-30057
The relative performance of a range of copper-based wood preservatives was compared using above ground and ground contact procedures. The data, accumulated after several years' testing, show that on an equivalent active ingredient basis, differences in performance of the preservative systems tested can vary quite markedly. The contribution of co-biocides to the overall performance of thes...
A F Preston, K J Archer, L Jin, W Metzner, D Seepe
International comparison of three field methods for assessing the in-ground termite resistance of materials - highlights after two years
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20157
First-year results of a comparative study, evaluating the in-ground termite resistance of a range of materials, including CCA and ACQ-treated timbers, using the below-ground exposure, ground contact and graveyard methods against diverse termite faunas were provided in IRG/WP/98-20132. Further annual inspections have confirmed early trends and identified notable differences between sites and method...
M Lenz, J W Creffield, A F Preston, B M Kard, C Vongkaluang, Y Sornnuwat
Relative performance of copper/chrome/boron (CCB) and copper/chrome/arsenate (CCA) in ground contact
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3694
The performance of four retentions each of an oxide CCA formulation and a salt formulation of CCB in radiata pine and European beech was compared after 18 years' field exposure. In radiata pine CCA oxide was more effective (4 failures out of 40) than CCB (9 failures out of 40). However, in European beech CCB was substantially more effective (22 failures) than CCA oxide (all failed). Analy...
M E Hedley
Comparison of three methods for assessing the in-ground termite resistance of treated timber, durable timber and plastics at sites in Australia, USA and Thailand - First results
1998 - IRG/WP 98-20132
The in-ground resistance of materials to attack by subterranean termites is most commonly assessed with one form or another of the conventional graveyard method, despite the significant shortcomings of this method. In Australia, an alternative method, in which all samples of test materials are placed below-ground, has been in use for more than 10 years. The method provides reliable exposure of sam...
M Lenz, A F Preston, J W Creffield, K J Archer, B M Kard, C Vongkaluang, Y Sornnuwat
Chlorothalonil: A new ground contact wood preservative
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3712
Extensive investigations have been conducted in recent years on the performance of chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) as a ground contact wood preservative. Efficacy information is presented on a soil block test with 11 Basidiomycetes, a fungus cellar evaluation, above-ground field testing against termites in Australia and Hawaii, and ground-contact field stakes installed in Florida (9 ...
P E Laks, T L Woods
On the occurrence of Phialophora species in preservative treated wood in ground contact
1977 - IRG/WP 163
Phialophora is a fairly large genus comprising about thirty described species. They are widespread in very diverse environments, such as soil, sea water, wood and wood pulps. Some species are known as parasites on plants and animals, including man. Phialophora species were early known for their ability to produce blue stain in timber. Later it was discovered that several species were able to produ...
T Nilsson, B Henningsson
Performance of different treatments and finishes on wood out of ground contact. Preliminary results
1984 - IRG/WP 2221
Pinus and Eucalyptus L-joints treated with CCA, a water dispersable PCP and untreated ones were painted according to seven different finish's schedules and exposed at two sites in State of Sao Paulo. After ten months of exposure, it was possible to verify that preservative treatment improve the performance of both wood and finish. It was also possible to observe that wood substrate, prese...
S Milano
Performance of preservative-treated wood not in ground contact
1975 - IRG/WP 254
Experimental sash units of Pinus strobus L. and Pinus resinosa Ait. wood were removed from a test fence at Ottawa, Canada after outdoor exposure of over 20 years. The units were superficially treated, prior to painting, with preservatives containing either copper naphthenate, pentachlorophenol or a combination of zinc naphthenate and pentachlorophenol. Results indicated that all treatments were ef...
J K Shields, J Krzyzewski
A soil-less test of treated wood
1978 - IRG/WP 2105
The objective of this work is to devise an accelerated test for preservatives to be used in places away from soil contact. There may be compounds or mixtures which will protect wood or wood derived materials from decay in such articles as sash and doors, boardwalks, steps, laminated arches and the like, and possess properties that make them preferable to the heavy-duty preservatives used for poles...
E A Behr
A bioassay for appraising preservative protection of wood above ground
1978 - IRG/WP 2124
A bioassay, using the mold fungus Aspergillus niger, gave results that were correlated with amounts of pentachlorophenol and tributyltin oxide in pine sapwood treated with solutions ranging in strength from 0.016 or below to 5%. Limited bioassay estimates of penta in commercially treated millwork corresponded to estimates by lime ignition. The assay fungus exhibited somewhat greater tolerance of t...
T C Scheffer, L Gollob
The use of selective media for studying the colonization of wood in ground contact by microorganisms
1978 - IRG/WP 186
In October1976 a field trial was set up in order to monitor the progressive colonisation of wood in ground contact using orientated small stakes of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula sp.) (30 x 45 x 250 mm³). Half the number of each species were treated with a 1% solution of CCA by a vacuum impregnation process. All the stakes were coated on three sides with an epoxy-resin sealant to...
C P Clubbe
Ammoniacal wood preservatives for use in non-pressure treatment of spruce and aspen poplar. Part 2
1984 - IRG/WP 3274
A series of thermal diffusion treatments were carried out on unseasoned white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) lumber and air dry aspen poplar (Populus tremuloides Michx.) timbers using an ammoniacal copper arsenate wood preservative. Under the specific conditions described, certain charges of lumber met the present Canadian Standards Association Wood Preservation Committee's requireme...
C D Ralph, J K Shields
Working plan: Second international collaborative field trial
1995 - IRG/WP 95-20056
This paper describes the scope, objectives, and approaches to be used in the second international collaborative field trial approved by the Scientific Programme Committee for partial funding in 1994. The trial is designed to develop a broad data base on causal mechanisms, interactions, and factor affecting the performance of treated wood in ground contact. The trial encompasses 12 different field ...
H M Barnes, T L Amburgey
International comparison of three field methods for assessing the in-ground resistance of preservative-treated and untreated wood to termites and fungal decay – Summary of observations after five years
2003 - IRG/WP 03-20261
Results are presented from a five-year study conducted in five locations in Australia, Thailand and the USA. Three methods of exposure were assessed (below-ground, graveyard and ground contact) for evaluating the in-ground termite and decay resistance of Pinus radiata D. Don sapwood stakes that had been vacuum pressure impregnated with CCA (Type C) and ACQ (Type D) each at two nominal retentions (...
M Lenz, J W Creffield, T A Evans, B M Kard, C Vongkaluang, Y Sornnuwat, A F Preston
A new concept for the evaluation of wood durability for out of ground contact using accelerated L-joint testing
1997 - IRG/WP 97-20123
Since the wood preservation sector is developing in favour of defining exactly the utilization of wood products and preservation techniques as a function of the envisaged hazard class, more in particular the hazard classes 3 and 4 (EN 350) there is obviously a need for a test method evaluating natural durability for out of ground contact applications. Based on the L-joint test as described in the ...
J Van Acker, M Stevens
The importance of blue stain attack for the colonization by wood-rotting fungi of wood not in contact with the ground
1988 - IRG/WP 1349
When used in constructions not in contact with the ground, wood has been shown often to proceed from blue stain to moulds. The appearance of wood rotting fungi is normally delayed. Solid wood artificially inoculated with the blue stain fungus Pullularia pullulans was shown to permit germination of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus basidiospores. This was demonstrated by the use of an indirect and a direct b...
J Bjurman
Three years of field tests with "Lignomer" stakes in ground contact
1981 - IRG/WP 3166
The "Lignomer" (Wood Polymer Composite) is a material obtained during the polymerisation of various monomers or its mixtures in wood. As laboratory tests have shown, this material is characterized by a high resistance against biological deteriorating agents. The laboratory investigations on the durability of various materials against biological deterioration are in many instances extended by field...
K Lutomski
Performance criteria for approving new wood preservatives for ground contact
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20021
Protocols for testing novel formulations prior to approval or registration as wood preservatives are being developed in a number of countries, e.g. Australia, New Zealand, USA. One aspect which must be addressed is the effectiveness in tests relative to that of currently approved formulations which would be acceptable to approving authorities. It is assumed that natural exposure testing is a prere...
M E Hedley
Three-year field trials of polymeric formulations which provide a new basis for the invention and design of non-toxic wide-spectrum wood preservatives
1994 - IRG/WP 94-40029
Three types of non-toxic polymeric formulations invented using a new approach to wood preservation were challenged with termites and fungi in three-year ground-contact field trials in the sub-tropical climate of Natal. These formulations were copper soaps of carboxylic acid groups of unsaturated fatty acids of waxes and edible vegetable oils; of resin acids of rosin, and, of synthetic unsaturated ...
A A W Baecker, A Pizzi
Termite resistance of treated wood in an above-ground field test
1985 - IRG/WP 2241
A field test method has been developed for evaluating the susceptibility of wood products to termites in protected situations above ground. In this method fungal attack on the wood products is minimal, though decay has been observed in conjunction with termite attack in some specimens. Preliminary results from exposure of replicate wood samples treated with preservatives in Florida to Reticuliterm...
A F Preston, P A McKaig, P J Walcheski
Termite resistance of treated wood in an above-ground field test
1986 - IRG/WP 1300
This paper provides an update on the results from an above ground field test evaluating the effectiveness of wood preservatives against subterranean termites. Results for the one and two year inspections of treated southern pine sapwood exposed in Hawaii to Coptotermes formosanus are presented. Chromated copper arsenate is providing excellent protection as is the pyrethroid deltamethrin. Borate an...
A F Preston, P A McKaig, P J Walcheski