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Your search resulted in 971 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Tropical In-Ground Durability of Structural Sarawak Hardwoods Impregnated to High Retention with CCA-salts, CCA-oxide and FCAP after 20 Years Exposure
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30384
Statistical analysis (ANOVA) was conducted on durability (termite and decay combined) rating data collected over 20 years exposure period of over 140 species of Sarawak timbers with altogether 30,000 stake specimens, at the Forest Department’s Sibu “graveyard” stake test sites from 1977. About 20 replicated stakes were pressure-treated to refusal with 10% g/ml concentration of up to 3 CCA-sa...
Wang Choon Ling, A H H Wong

The role of mechanised harvesters in the dissemination of fungal inoculum into radiata pine logs in New Zealand
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10426
A joint research programme has been initiated between Forest Research, New Zealand and Forintek Canada Corp., Canada, to determine the role of mechanical tree harvesters on disseminating fungal inoculum into logs. Mechanical harvesters cause loosening and removal of bark and also damage the surface of the wood with their feed rollers leaving indentations up to several centimetres deep. Results ...
D O’Callahan, B Kreber, A Uzunovic

Decay potential of various New Zealand Phlebiopsis gigantea strains using a soil block method
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10309
The objective of the current study was to determine the decay potential of different strains of Phlebiopsis gigantea using Pinus radiata and European Fagus sylvatica, respectively. A soil block method was used to determine mass weight loss of P. radiata and F. sylvatica following 10 weeks incubation with different strains of P. gigantea. For comparison, Trametes versicolor, Postia placenta, Gloeop...
B Kreber, J G Van der Waals

Methodologies for termiticide testing and standardization
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10043
Standardization of testing methodologies for termiticides has been one of the main topics of discussion for Working Group 1b in recent IRG meetings. While it is agreed that there is a need to provide a standardized testing procedure for industry and regulatory agencies, concerns remain that such a standardized procedure may become an obstacle for developing better testing methods or innovations in...
N-Y Su

The role of chitinase in bioprotectant activity against staining fungi
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10175
Chitin is an important structural component of the hyphae of many wood staining fungi and its disruption can lead to dramatic declines in their growth. A number of bioprotectants have been shown to produce chitinases in liquid cultures, but the role of these enzymes in bioprotection remains poorly understood. The levels of these enzymes was studied by inoculating ponderosa pine sapwood wafers with...
J Liu, J J Morrell

Accelerated anti-termite laboratory tests, simulation of field conditions and assessment of results for service life
1994 - IRG/WP 94-20034
Termites are one of the most serious biodegrading agents in the tropics. Though some species of termites occur in the warmer temperate regions, only a few species can withstand the rigours of colder regions. Testing of termite resistance of material is done either by field tests or by accelerated laboratory tests. Field tests, though realistic to assess service life, are elaborate, take a long tim...
P K Sen-Sarma

Method to determine the depth of penetration of the biologically active components of wood preservatives
1978 - IRG/WP 2108
A time-saving method for determining the depth of penetration of the biologically active components of wood preservatives is described. The test specimens were obtained by cutting thin slices from the wood either parallel or perpendicular to the treated surface. The slices were then exposed to fungal attack. A good correlation was found between the test results obtained by the modified German Stan...
H-P Sutter

A field test on susceptibility of wood-based board materials to moulds
1989 - IRG/WP 3545
A field test on susceptibility of wood-based board materials to mould growth was carried out under practical, but severe, service-conditions. A total of 19 commercially available composite boards were investigated. It was found that all board materials tested were not completely immune to mould attack. Test results revealed that among the three main categories of wood-based boards involved, partic...
Qiao Wang, B Henningsson

Fungus cellar and antisapstain field trial studies of six triazole fungicides
1995 - IRG/WP 95-30077
The efficacy of six triazole fungicides was compared using a fungus cellar soil bed test, a rapid antisapstain laboratory trial and a 36 week antisapstain field trial. After 21 months in the fungus cellar the mean soundness of radiata pine treated with 1.5 kg/m³ of cyproconazole, azaconazole, hexaconazole, tebuconazole, propiconazole and flusilazole in combination with 1.0 kg/m³ didecydimethyl a...
R N Wakeling, J G Van der Waals, R D Narayan, J B Foster, B E Patterson, P N Maynard

Comparison of laboratory tests and field experiments for the estimation of emissions from treated wood
2005 - IRG/WP 05-50224-6
The authorisation procedure for biocidal products according to the European Biocides Direc¬tive in¬cludes the assessment of possible environmental risks by the emission of ac¬tive ingre¬dients. This needs an input of data on the expected emissions of biocides into environmental com¬part¬ments. The procedures for the estimation of these emissions should be harmonised. La¬boratory test proce...
U Schoknecht

Evaluation of the permeability of fast grown wood species
1995 - IRG/WP 95-40042
The low natural durability of certain species of wood, implies the need for applying a protecting treatment to increase its life in service. Because of this, a knowledge of the permeability properties of the wood is desired. In this work, a simple and reliable method to evaluate the wood permeability is presented. For that, we have been used fast grown species, with low natural durability, Poplar ...
M T De Troya, A M Navarrete, E Sanchez, J E Garcia de los Rios, E L Rodríguez Trobajo

Limitations of the Pilodyn when assessing decay in graveyard test stakes
1982 - IRG/WP 2168
The following examination was designed to evaluate more precisely the usefulness of the Pilodyn for routine, objective assessments of the condition of field test stakes and to examine its limitations, particularly in respect to: 1.) The importance of variables other than extent of decay which may affect Pilodyn readings; 2.) Practicality of obtaining multiple readings in decayed and non-decayed re...
M E Hedley

Effect of test methodology on seed germination using filter paper and soil as substrates
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50029
Tomato, cucumber and grass seeds were used to examine the influence ot two wood preservatives, chromated copper arsenate (CCA type C) and ammoniacal copper quat (ACQ tvpe B) in seed germination studies. Two methodologies, using contaminated filter paper and contaminated soil as substrates, were investigated to generate the comparison results. The results from these studies suggest that the test su...
L Jin, A F Preston

Screening test methods with termites as first laboratory evaluation of new active substances for wood preservation
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10135
European test methods (EN) with termites have been compared with long-standing experience from screening test methods in the laboratory of Eberswalde. The results are discussed in terms on the possibility of using screening test methods as the first laboratory evaluation of new active substances in wood preservatives. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are considered. Only a small a...
W Unger

A comparison of fungal strains used in the bioassay of wood preservatives
1984 - IRG/WP 2220
Previously published data are presented relating to a number of strains of wood-destroying basidiomycetes (Coniophora puteana, Coriolus versicolor, Gloeophyllum abietinum, Gloeophyllum sepiarium, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Lentinus lepideus, Poria placenta, Fibroporia vaillantii and Serpula lacrymans) commonly used as test fungi in the bioassay of wood preservatives. The data, which has not been statis...
J Wazny, H Greaves

Soft rot test of copper/chrome/arsenic treated heartwood of three Malaysian timbers by the vermiculite-burial method. (+ correction document of 25 July 1990)
1990 - IRG/WP 2354
Heartwood of copper-chrome-arsenic (CCA) treated kempas (Koompassia malaccensis), tualang (Koompassia excelsa) and keruing (Dipterocarpus spec.) was found to be susceptible to soft rot in recent pole surveys. Standardized heartwood blocks were impregnated with 0 to 6.3% (w/v) CCA and challenged to decay for twelve weeks by a mixed inocula of Chaetomium globosum, Glenospora graphii, Humicula grisea...
R-D Peek, A H H Wong

Field evaluation of anti-sapstain products
1987 - IRG/WP 3402
Product A based on methylenebisthiocyanate, product B based on methylenebisthiocyanate plus 2-thiocyanomethylthio-benzothiazole, product C based on 2-thiocyanomethilthio-benzothiazole and product D based on didecyl dimethil ammonium chloride plus 3-iodo-2 propynil butyl carbarnate were evaluated on Pinus radiata sawn timber as fungicides for sapstain and mould in the Sawmill Division of the Univer...
M C Rose, A Bedoya

Laboratory evaluation of water repellents as antisapstain treatment additives
1986 - IRG/WP 3382
Water repellent formulations consisting of five paraffin wax emulsions, three polyethylene wax emulsions, two polybutadiene resin emulsions, a polyester emulsion, and a ß-pinene polymer emulsion were subjected to water repellency tests on radiata pine sapwood. With one exception, the parafin wax emulsions were more effective water repellents than the alternative formulations and one of the paraff...
D V Plackett, C M Chittenden

Field test of wood preservatives with Nasutitermes rippertii RAMBUR in Cuba
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10181
A field test of wood preservatives was carried out with Nasutitermes rippertii RAMBUR in the vicinity of the Material Testing Centre „Alexander von Humboldt" in Santiago de las Vegas/ Havana (Cuba) for 12 and 24 months. Test specimens of Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Fagus sylvatica L. with dimensions of 25 x 25 x 490 mm³ were arranged vertically or horizontally in a circle o...
W Unger

Benzalkonium chloride (an AAC preservative): Criteria for approval, performance in service, and implications for the future
1985 - IRG/WP 3328
The data base generated for benzalkonium chloride was considered adequate for commercial approvals, particularly after revision in late 1982. Field trials, although not part of the approval criteria, generally supported commercial use; decay observed in one test (post and rails) after 6 years' exposure would have resulted in some caution in setting retentions. No laboratory trial, nor fie...
J A Butcher

The influence of fungal species and the level of decay on the mortality and feeding activity of adult Euophryum confine (Broun)
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10448
The mortality and feeding activity of adult Euophryum confine (Broun) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are used to establish the substrate conditions most suitable for their rearing. Weevils were allowed to feed on Pinus nigra (Arnold) sapwood blocks, either undecayed or decayed to 10% weight loss ±5% by two brown rots Coniophora puteana (Schum.:Fr.) Karst. and Serpula lacrymans (Wulf.:Fr.) Schroeter...
M Green, A J Pitman

Evaluation of a laboratory soft rot test on basis of weight loss and residual strength
1989 - IRG/WP 2336
Based on the principles of different previously reported experimental procedures dealing with laboratory soft rot testing, a study was conducted on treated poplar and beech. Preservatives used were CCA, CCF, AAC, Azaconazole and TCMTB. Treated samples were exposed for three months in a vermiculite substrate to Chaetomium globosum. Evaluation was based on absolute mass loss, percentage weight loss ...
W Verbeke, J Van Acker, M Stevens

Screening of fungal strains for wood extractive degradation
1998 - IRG/WP 98-10254
Fungal strains were screened for their ability to degrade apolar extractives in wood from scots pine. The degradation of total wood extractives by 91 different strains was monitored in stationary batch assays incubated for 6 weeks. The results obtained show that the ability of wood-inhabiting fungi to utilize wood extractives varied greatly, even for different isolates of the same species. Fungal ...
J Dorado, M J Martinez-Inigo, T A van Beek, F W Claassen, J B P A Wijnberg, R Sierra-Alvarez

Dominant genera of fungi isolated from the surfaces of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) heartwood lumbers exposed at six test sites from northern to southern regions of Japanese islands
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10304
The surfaces of wood materials are disintegrated not only by sunlight and rainwater but also by microbes when exposed above ground condition. This paper deals with the investigation of fungi isolated from the surfaces of Sugi heartwood lumbers (W100 by T10 by L300 mm) exposed at an angle of 45° without ground contact for 16 months at the six test sites from northern to southern regions of Japan. ...
S Doi, M Mori, M Kiguchi, Y Imamura, M Hasegawa, S Morita, S Nakamra, Y Kadegaru

Chemically modified tannin and tannin-copper complexes as preservatives for wood
2001 - IRG/WP 01-30271
The efficacy of Mimosa tannin, chemically modified tannin, and tannin-copper complexes as wood preservatives was studied. When the tannin-ammonia-CuCl2 solutions were impregnated into wood specimens in a one-step procedure, a large quantity of the tannin-copper complex was fixed in the specimens. Little of the complex was leached from specimens by a weathering treatment, and these specimens showed...
H Yamaguchi

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