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Your search resulted in 870 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Effects of chlorothalonil (CTN) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) on microbial communities involved in the deterioration of wood using T-RFLP II: Results from field studies
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30429
The effects of Chlorothalonil (CTN) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) on microbial species diversity in wood and the surrounding soil are being assessed by Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP). CTN was selected as a trial organic wood preservative, and the non-biocidal BHT was evaluated for its synergistic effects with CTN. ACQ-C was a positive control and untreated SYP sta...
G T Kirker, M L Prewitt, S V Diehl

Tropical In-Ground Durability of CCB-treated Keruing and other Structural Sarawak Timbers after 8 – 10 Years Exposure
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30439
The heartwood of 12 mainly low-durability native timber species of Sarawak [4 Dipterocarpus (Keruing) species, Anisoptera grossivenia (Mersawa kunyit), Canarium apertum (Seladah), Dacryodes incurvata (Seladah laut), Dryobalanops oblongifolia (Kapur kelansau), Mesua macrantha (Mergasing), Podocarpus micropedunculatus (Kayu cina), Shorea compressa (Engkabang langgai), and Pterospermum javanicum (Ba...
A H H Wong, Ling Wang Choon

Development of boron/linseed oil combined treatment as a low-toxic wood protection. Evaluation of boron fixation and resistance to termites according to Japanese and European standards
2007 - IRG/WP 07-30448
Combinations of boric acid as a first step of treatment and linseed oil as a second step have been performed in order to enhance boron retention to leaching and wood resistance to termites. Classic leaching and termites resistance standards are inappropriate to evaluate this combination which can be considered as both a wood core preservation treatment and a coating. Japanese Industrial Standard...
F Lyon, M-F Thevenon, Y Imamura, J Gril, A Pizzi

Evaluation of natural durability of solid wood and mixed heartwood-sapwood Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) plywood against Basidiomycete fungi
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10645
The aim of this research was to study the response of mixed plywoods composed of durable heartwood and non-durable sapwood to fungal attack. For this purpose, the species of Cupressus sempervirens (cypress) was chosen for its well-known durable heartwood. The evaluation of durability of plywood panels against fungi was done according to ENV 12038 and the fungi used were Coriolus versicolor (CV) an...
F Faraji, M F Thévenon, N Lemenager, B Thibaut

Utilizing Cypress to improve the decay and termite resistance of OSB panels
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10658
OSB panels were manufactured with mixture of pine and cypress heartwood and lignin and tannin based resins in order to propose an eco-friendly wood composite. The resistance of OSB panels was tested against Reticulitermes santonensis according to the EN 118 and EN 117 standards and field tests methods. OSB made from cypress showed more resistance against the tested termite, the resistance decrease...
N Amusant, O Arnould, A Depres, R H Mansouris, T Pizzi, C Baudassé

In vitro evaluation of an integrated approach using Trichoderma harzianum and chitosan for the control of sapstain
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10659
In vitro assays were undertaken to evaluate the control of two sapstain fungi, Leptographium procerum and Sphaeropsis sapinea by a combination of chitosan or chitosan oligomer (CODP-14) and a naturally mutated strain of Trichoderma harzianum. Spore germination and hyphal growth of the test fungi were assessed on media amended with chitosan or chitosan oligomer with and without T. harzianum using ...
C Chittenden, T Singh

Biological control of the sapstain fungus Diplodia pinea (syn. Sphaeropsis sapinea) in the field
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10663
Diplodia pinea, syn. Sphaeropsis sapinea, is well known as the worldwide ocurring causal agent of the Diplodia tip-blight disease on various pine species, leading to great losses of valuable wood in the forests. Moreover, this fungus is also responsible for the fornation of sapstain of felled logs, leading to undesired disation of surface layers in the OSB manufacturing industry. In Central Europe...
C Gradinger, T Boisselet, K Messner, K Fackler

Evaluation and identification of extractives from Iranian walnut (Juglans regia L.) by GC/MS technique for protection of non-decay resistant species
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10670
The use of walnut extractives is interest as environment friendly wood preservatives in the wood preservation industry. In this study, organic solvents were used to remove extractives from Iranian walnut heartwood samples. The solvent was removed by rotoevaporation, and Identification of chemical compounds in the Walnut extractives was done by using GC/MS technique. The toxicity of various extract...
S K H Hashemi, D Parsapajouh, H Khademi Eslam

Field Trial of Copper Treated Moso Bamboo in Southern China
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30455
The field trial of moso bamboo treated by 9 copper preservatives for 5 years in Guangzhou was conducted in the paper. The result shown that: two ammonia based copper azole formulations F17/F18 and 1 amine copper formulation with boron F10, as well as 2 ammonia based ACQ, at the copper retention of 3.2 kg/m3 or above, have good resistant for decay and fine resistant for termites after 5 year field ...
Mingliang Jiang

Microbial Community Analysis Using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) Analysis: Field Study Results
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20377
The effects of chlorothalonil (CTN) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) on the fungal community in southern yellow pine (SYP) were assessed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis. Field stakes treated with 0.25% and 0.37% ammoniacal copper quat (ACQ-C), 0.1 and 0.25% CTN, and 0.1 and 0.25% CTN combined with 2% BHT were installed with untreated controls in field s...
G T Kirker, S V Diehl, M L Prewitt, W J Diehl

Validity of above ground testing according to ENV 12037
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20379
The standard ENV 12037 for testing of treated and untreated wood (lap-joint) exposed above ground was issued in 1996 by The European Committee for Standardization. A draft for the development of the standard was presented by CEN-TC 38/WG 25/DOC N 076 in 2002. For a test to become valid the median rating of decay for untreated control replicates (Scots pine sapwood) must be equal or greater than ...
Ö Bergman, U Råberg, N Terziev

Field Liners as physical barriers to prevent wooden utility pole decay in soil: An accelerated field simulation trial
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20384
Field Liners (FL’s), plastic sleeves used to protect in-ground wooden poles from fungal and termite damage, have been tested before as physical barriers to prevent contact between soil and wood and to retain wood preservative treatment. These earlier studies concentrated mostly on creosote preserved poles and early generation FL’s which were cumbersome in their application. The newer generatio...
A R Howgrave-Graham, L J Cookson, T Hale

Preliminary evaluation of efficacy of copper in combination with boron and NHA (N'-N-(1, 8-naphthalyl) hydroxylamine) against wood decay
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30452
In this study, efficacy of various combinations of copper sulfate with either boric acid or calcium precipitating agent, NHA-Na (N'-N-(1, 8-naphthalyl) hydroxylamine) was evaluated. Wood specimens were treated with either 1%, 0.5%, or 0.1% concentrations of copper sulfate, boric acid, NHA-Na, copper sulfate + boric acid, or copper sulfate + NHA-Na mixtures. Treated specimens were subjecte...
E Terzi, C Köse, S N Kartal

Field Stake Tests with Copper-based Preservatives
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30459
The performance of field test stakes derived from commercially produced ground contact retention copper quat preservatives based on either soluble copper complexed with ethanolamine, or from a water-based suspension of particulate micronized copper compounds, as well as untreated southern yellow pine controls, is compared at two decay test sites. After less than one year in field test some of t...
A Preston, L Jin, D Nicholas, A Zahora, P Walcheski, K Archer, T Schultz

Above and Below-Ground Copper-Azole and Copper, Chrome Arsenate Depletion from Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica at Thirteen New Zealand & Australian Sites
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30460
The objective was to determine the significance of site on preservative depletion from Pinus radiata D. Don and Fagus sylvatica L. 20 x 20 x 500 mm field test stakes treated with a ground contact retention of copper amine plus tebuconazole (CuAz) and copper chrome arsenate (CCA) after approximately 5 years exposure to widely different soil and climate conditions. Site, wood species and their inter...
R Wakeling

Laboratory evaluation of four benzoylphenylureas against two species of Reticulitermes Holmgren, 1913 (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from Southwest Europe
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30472
The use of benzoylphenylureas in baits for the control of termite pest is currently increasing. The chemical compounds used have been tested mainly with American termites. The effectivity against non-American termite species must be analyzed because the worldwide use of those compounds. In this paper four benzoylphenylureas (hexaflumuron, diflubenzuron, triflumuron and noviflumuron) have been test...
M Gaju-Ricart, M Urbano-Luque, R Molero-Baltanás, C Patiño-Martínez, C Bach de Roca

Laboratory Evaluation of Flurox, a Chitin Synthesis Inhibitor, as a Bait Toxicant Against Microcerotermes diversus (Silvestri ) (Isoptera: Termitidae)
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30477
Microcerotermes diversus (Silvestri) is the most economically destructive termite in structures in southwest, Iran . One sustainable control strategy that usually help in reducing the subterranean termite damage in buildings , which is safe to the user and the environment is the use of IGRs in a suitable bait matrix. In the laboratory assays described here, the delayed toxicity of Flurox (a Chitin...
B Habibpour

Field Tests of naturally Durable North American Wood Species
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10675
There has been little field test performance data published on North American naturally durable species in general, and no published data on second growth material in particular. Yellow cedar (Callitropsis nootkatensis), western red cedar (Thuja plicata), eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis), and three wood species reputed to be moderately durable were installed in ground-contact (stakes) an...
P E Laks, P I Morris, G M Larkin, J K Ingram

To decay or not to decay: An accelerated field test of the validity of the Scheffer index
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20392
The Scheffer Index was introduced in 1971 to predict the relative decay hazard of untreated wood exposed above-ground. Precipitation and temperature parameters are used in the calculation. A higher Scheffer Index value implies a greater risk of decay. An accelerated 18-month study using seven field sites with Scheffer Indices ranging from 35 to 400 and two wood types (Populus tremuloides and Pi...
G M Larkin, P E Laks

Above Ground Field Testing – Influence of test method and location on the relative performance of various preservative systems
2008 - IRG/WP 08-20393
Standardized above ground tests such as the lap-joint or test deck methods can be very slow in producing useful information on the relative performance of wood preservative systems. It often requires many years for decay to develop in wood treated to sub-optimal concentrations of standardized preservatives, making relative comparisons of performance between new systems and established preservativ...
A Zahora

Utilidad práctica de mini estacas en ensayos de campo
2009 - IRG/WP 08-20395
For testing chemicals for the wood against degradation agents of biotic, known as preservatives, both testing in the laboratory and in the fields are used. Field trials (Cemetery stakes) are often accepted as more "real" whose frequency of observation is set to more or less a year in temperate climates and six months or less in tropical situations, taking into accounts the aggressiveness of the so...
O Encinas, J V Puentes, N K Sarmiento, N Mora

Effectiveness of MOQ® OX 50 (CCB-Oxide) wood preservative – Part 2: Field tests
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30483
MOQ® OX 50 is a chromated copper borate preservative known around the world as CCB. In Brazil, this product is the only CCB-oxide type preservative with fungicide and insecticide properties registered at the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Resources (IBAMA) that complies with the requirements of the Brazilian and European markets for preserved wood. For over five decades, s...
A Gandolfi Jr, C Salvela, D R Macedo, J M Vidal

Biological Performance of micronized copper wood preservative formulations in field and laboratory tests
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30488
Micronized Copper wood preservative formulations with different co-biocides were exposed to brown rot fungi in an 8-week AWPA E10 soil block decay test and two AWPA E7 ground-contact decay tests in Hawaii. The micronized copper formulations performed well against decay at or above the AWPA UC3 and UC4 retentions stipulated by the ICC-ES. Micronized copper preservatives performed comparably to a ...
G M Larkin, J Zhang, D L Richter, R J Ziobro, P E Laks

Laboratory and field exposures of FRT plywood: Part 1. Physical test data
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40426
Our understanding of the laboratory induced degradation with fire retardant systems is currently limited since we are unable to correlate laboratory steady-state experiments with actual in-service field degradation. Current model studies have generally been limited to isothermal rate studies with selected model FR chemicals. Other factors also play a major role in the degradation of FR-treated woo...
H M Barnes, J E Winandy, C R McIntyre

Field Stake Performance of Parallel Strand Lumber Treated with Waterborne Copper Naphthenate
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40435
Wood and wood products have been considered a premium building material for residential and industrial structures for many centuries. More recently, structural composite lumber (SCL) products have played an increasing role in satisfying the needs of the building industry. However, both wood and wood composites are naturally biodegradable materials which require enhanced durability when used in ce...
G P Merrick, M H Freeman, J A Brient

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