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Your search resulted in 303 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

A comparative study of some anti-splitting devices, using Eucalyptus saligna and hybrids of Eucalyptus saligna X Eucalyptus spp poles
1983 - IRG/WP 3251
It is commom for some Brazilian wood pole users to require devices such as banding steel, to avoid or reduce splits at the end of Eucalyptus treated poles. On other hand users and manufacturers do not have data to confirm the effectiveness of the banding steel types normally used such as galvanized "Steel-Belt" and galvanized "Wire-Belt". For this reason a comparative study was carried out includi...
F C Geraldo, J A C Sodré

Microscopic analysis of southern pine utility pole core segments
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1542
Fifteen macroscopic core descriptive categories were evaluated by microscopic analysis for accuracy in detecting decay and judging decay severity. Five categories were good indicators of decay as decay was detected in 28 of 48 samples. Five categories were possible indicators of early decay as decay was detected in 6 of 40 core segments and an additional 18 contained hyphae. The remaining five cat...
S E Anagnost, C J K Wang, M Wright

Field fencepost test of several species treated with water-borne preservatives by rural methods
1986 - IRG/WP 3385
Fencepost field results in ground-contact treated by rural methods: immersion-diffusion and sap displacement by evaporation are analyzed. Copper-chrome-arsenic and copper-fluor-chrome preservatives were used in two concentrations. The wooden species studied were: Pinus pinaster, Eucalyptus globulus and Quercus rubra. For each of the test units decay index evolution was analyzed after five years ex...
M V Baonza Merino

The economics of saving standing wood poles. Labour saving system for pole groundline retreatment
1980 - IRG/WP 3160
This paper consists of 3 contributions First: There are still people who consider wood poles a disposable commodity much the same as paper cups and toilet paper. The idea of conservation is still new in this field, but soon conservation will be a necessity. Only two percent of the forest recources of North America are being replaced. What does it mean? We will run out of poles a lot sooner than ...
W V Inkis

Electricity pole treatments - Wedding Bells State Forest. Inspection September 1983
1985 - IRG/WP 3334
A survey to study the extent of soft rot in hardwood poles in N.S.W. was commenced in 1975. The results of the survey, published in 1982, indicated that a number of factors contributed towards soft rot attack on poles in service. A detailed rest on pole treatments and maintenance procedures was established in 1976, at a site in Wedding Bells State Forest near Coffs Harbour. The site selected was k...
R S Johnstone, R H Eldridge

Pretreatment decay in air-seasoning Scots and Corsican pine poles in England
1989 - IRG/WP 1390
British grown Scots and Corsican pine poles were sampled for colonization by basidiomycetes after air-seasoning for 6 to 9, or 16 to 20 months. The amount of infection present in these poles was compared with that in poles which were imported from Finland. After 6 to 9 months seasoning, the British grown pine poles were heavily infected with Peniophora gigantea, Cylindrobasidium evolvens, Stereum ...
A R Zahora, D J Dickinson

Soft rot fungi found in copper/chrome/arsenic treated hardwood power transmission poles in Queensland
1978 - IRG/WP 185
In Queensland the effective service life of copper/chrome/arsenic (CCA) treated hardwood telegraph and power transmission poles is being dramatically shortened due to attack by soft rot decay fungi. The Australian Wood Preservation and Pole Industries are funding research into this serious soft rot problem involving C.S.I.R.O. and the University of Queensland. The C.S.I.R.O. is actively engaged wi...
L E Leightley

Soft rot decay in CCA treated eucalypts in Queensland - A comment
1986 - IRG/WP 1301
A survey has been completed concerned with the distribution and severity of groundline soft rot decay in the CCA treated sapwood of eucalypt poles in Queensland. The survey encountered some 1000 poles of which 55% were slightly, 28% moderately and 17% severely decayed. Soft rot decay was more severe in urban than rural locations. Embedment of poles in concrete resulted in severe soft rot. No signi...
L E Leightley

Environmental consequences of various materials in utility poles - A life cycle analysis
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3726
A model for environmental life cycle analysis, LCA, has been created to compare environmental impact from transmission poles, made alternatively of concrete, steel, aluminium and pine wood treated with CCA type B or creosote. The main pollution sources and energy use are included in the LCA. One pole size, 12 meters long, is presented in the study, a so called "45 kV" pole. Poles of different mate...
M Erlandsson, K Ödeen, M-L Edlund

Dura-Treet II, a water dispersible pentachlorophenol
1980 - IRG/WP 3165
During the past several decades, penta petroleum wood treating has become increasingly popular. Penta is an effective chemical compound against wood organisms causing decay and rot, is safe to handle, also clean and easy to use. In terms of preservative cost, it has been and remains by far the least expensive of the three major preservatives. However, when the cost of petroleum carrier is added, t...
D B Hatcher

Hyphal tunnelling of belian (Eusideroxylon zwageri) wood cell walls
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10152
Belian (Eusideroxylon zwageri) is highly regarded among the naturally durable Malaysian hardwoods. Visual inspections at the groundline of belian transmission poles from Sarawak, Malaysia, showed only surface decay of wood after 20 years in service. The cause of decay in belian was investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy. Light microscopy of transverse sections of surface tissue...
A P Singh, A H H Wong

Remedial ground-line treatment of CCA poles in service. A progress report after 28 months' testing
1988 - IRG/WP 3481
Remedial treatments of CCA-treated poles in service with incipient soft rot were carried out with boron rods, boron/glycol solution, boric acid paste, copper/creosote paste and a commercial product (DFCK paste) respectively. The micro-flora before remedial treatment and 6 months after as well as the spread of chemicals in the poles were reported in Document No: IRG/WP/3388. In this progress report...
B Henningsson, H Friis-Hansen, A Käärik, M-L Edlund

Residual resistance in eucalypt poles according to the degree of sanity
1984 - IRG/WP 2225
A lot of 50 eucalypt poles presenting external deterioration by fungus was taken from service and tested. These poles were classified into five degrees of sanity according to evaluation criteria adopted by the IPT Wood Division. After being classified, they were tested with respect to their bending resistance, in order to gather information about their critical degree of sanity which may define th...
F C Geraldo, S Milano, S G De Sequeira

Influence of different treatment parameters on penetration, retention and bleeding of creosote
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40255
Creosote is an extensively used preservative for transmission poles and sleepers. The purpose of this research was to investigate the treatment parameters necessary to achieve full sapwood penetration and minimum required retention and to avoid bleeding of creosote. It was carried out as a part of the European research project WOODPOLE. Transmission poles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) previo...
Ö Bergman

Pole yield of some softwood and hardwood species grown in Bangladesh
1999 - IRG/WP 99-40143
Growth study on 9 timber species planted in Bangladesh soils revealed that 6 species fall under wooden electric pole yield group-A, produce 33% poles within 10 years, another 33% within 15 years and additional 33% within 20 years of rotation. Two species under yield group-B produce 33% poles within 15 years and another 33% within 20 years. One species under yield group-C produce at best 25% poles ...
A K Lahiry

Health and safety regulations on the use of wood preservatives in Switzerland
1980 - IRG/WP 3148
There is not any doubt that the chemical protection of wood (besides the architectional-constructional wood protection) is of utmost importance for the increase of the durability of technically used timber. The toxic properties of wood preservatives make certain legal regulations necessary for the protection of human beings, animals and the environment. Thereby wood preservatives fall under the po...
O Wälchli

Moderate temperature fixation of CCA-C
1989 - IRG/WP 3522
Several Canadian treating plants are using moderate temperature (40-60C°) fixation chambers to reduce drippage and leaching from fresh CCA treated wood. In this study, chromium reduction and surface leaching properties of CCA-C treated red pine (Pinus resinosa) pole sections were monitored during exposure to temperatures of 50-60C° and 90-100% RH conditions. Chromium-VI concentration in the abso...
P A Cooper, Y T Ung

Observation on the performance of CCB and creosote treated fence posts after 18 years of exposure in Greece
2002 - IRG/WP 02-30288
The effect of 18 years exposure on toughness of CCB and creosote combination treated pine was examined. Vacuum CCB treated fence posts were subsequently treated at their lowest part (ground contact) with creosote using the open hot and cold tank process. After 18 years exposure under warm dry temperate climatic conditions in Greece, samples were taken from the above ground contact, top, middle a...
J A Kakaras, G J Goroyias, A N Papadopoulos, M D C Hale

Sterilization to limit pretreatment decay: Internal temperature during kiln drying of Douglas-fir poles
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40206
Sterilization to limit pretreatment decay: Internal temperature during kiln drying of Douglas-fir poles. Fungal colonization of poles following peeling has been the subject of considerable concern among electric utilities. While the presence of fungi does not, in itself constitute a risk, the survival of these fungi through the conventional treating processes could allow them to continue to degrad...
J J Morrell, P G Forsyth, K L Levien

Effects of air-seasoning on fungal colonization and wood strength of Douglas fir poles
1987 - IRG/WP 1315
Air seasoning economically reduces the moisture content of Douglas fir poles before pressure treatment with preservatives. Advanced decay in poles in service has resulted when decay fungi (Basidiomycetes) colonized poles during air-seasoning and survived the treatment process. These problems have led to recommendations to severely limit this practice. To determine the role of these fungi in peeled...
J J Morrell, M E Corden, R D Graham, B L Kropp, P Przybylowicz, S M Smith, C A Sexton

The potential for reuse of treated wood poles removed from service
1993 - IRG/WP 93-50001-18
Poles removed from service in Ontario and Quebec, Canada were characterized by age, wood species, preservative type, residual preservative, dimensions and condition. Based on this charactarization, the potential for reuse as round poles or posts, sawn posts, timbers and lumber, cedar roof shingles and firewood was assessed. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the recovery and grade of lumber p...
P A Cooper

Wood Preservation in the Federal Republic of Germany
1981 - IRG/WP 3157
The report gives some statistics about the forest products industries in the Federal Republic and a general review of the wood preservation industry. The trend in the use of wooden railway sleepers is decreasing, as is the use of poles. The sale of other pre-treated timber, mainly fence posts, palisades and domestic fences, is however slightly increasing. Apart from the use of pressure treatments ...
R Cockcroft, H Willeitner

Arbeitsverfahren zum Herstellen und mikroskopischen Auswerten von Dünnschnitten aus Holz-Bohrkernen. [Working method for producing and evaluating microscopically thin cuts of bore samples]
1980 - IRG/WP 2133
Bore samples are important specimens; e.g. they are in use to investigate poles in service. On the basis of known methods of microtomy a technique is described which permits the production of longitudinal cuts from bore samples. For this purpose, the bore sample is glued onto a mounting; the surface of cut is coated with a polystyrene solution. The cut thus consolidated can be stained, drained, an...
S Cymorek

Further studies on soft rot decay in CCA treated Eucalyptus power transmission poles in Queensland, Australia
1980 - IRG/WP 1115
Preliminary results on the examination of fungi isolated from CCA treated Eucalyptus power transmission poles were presented at the 10th Annual IRG Meeting. Since then further examination and identification of fungal isolates has been completed together with screening tests for wood decay ability and tolerance to creosote and CCA and its components. Chemical analyses for CCA retention have also be...
L E Leightley

The new method of detecting decay in poles
1984 - IRG/WP 2229
In 1982 the Swedish Telecoms Administration in corporation with the Swedish Dog Training Centre started to investigate the possibility of using dogs for detecting decay in poles. At present two German Sheppheards and two Labrador Retrievers are in operation and the results have up to now well fulfilled our expectations. The following results have been obtained: 1.) The dogs can with high reliabili...
A Ammer, B Svedberg

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