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Your search resulted in 171 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.

Detection of a brown-rot fungus using serological assays
1986 - IRG/WP 1305
Polyclonal antisera produced to Poria placenta (Fr.) Cooke were used in two tests to qualitatively assay for the fungus. Fungal hyphae were fixed to slides and fluorescent antibody (FA) techniques used to visualize the hyphae under the microscope. Fluorescence of non-Poria fungi, when present, could be reduced but not eliminated by cross-absorbing the sera with these fungi. The antisera was also u...
B Goodell, J Jellison

A laboratory technique to measure the performance of preservative treated hardwoods in ground contact
1982 - IRG/WP 2172
A laboratory technique to measure the performance of preservative treated timber in ground contact is described. It uses partially sealed blocks of timber which are treated, leached and sawn into small stakelets for soil exposure in a fungal cellar. Performance is monitored by the loss of static bending strength with time, and a simple apparatus for measuring the deflection of a stakelet under a l...
E F Baines

Termite and fungal resistance of in situ polymerized tributyltin acrylate and acetylated Indonesian and USA wood
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30219
Wood [Indonesian pine (IP), Indonesian Jabon (IJ) and USA southern yellow pine (USP)] was either in situ polymerized with tributyltin acrylate (TBTA) or acetylated and then exposed to termite and fungal degradation both in laboratory tests and field exposure. The TBTA woods had an average weight percent gain (WPG) of 11% for IP, 12% for IJ, and 10% for USP. The acetylated woods had a WPG of 15-27%...
R E Ibach, Y S Hadi, D Nandika, S Yusuf, Y Indrayani

Evaluation of wood durability by laboratory test - A new equation to predict wood durability
2001 - IRG/WP 01-20230
To estimate the wood durability in a short term, periodical weight determination was carried out in a laboratory test. This test provided the results comparable to those of the field test and the fungus cellar test, but it required much more jobs in comparison to the usual accelerated laboratory test. To save the time and jobbing for this method, a new equation was devised from simple two assumpti...
I Momohara, K Yamamoto

The dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) in nature and its history of introduction into buildings
1999 - IRG/WP 99-10300
For many years the True dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans (Wulf.: Fr.)Schroet.) has exclusively been found in buildings. That is why it is called the True dry rot fungus. The origin of the fungus has always been a mystery, but a wild ancestor must have occured. In the literature there is some information about finds of Serpula lacrymans in nature, however it is difficult to distinguish it from the...
J Bech-Andersen, S A Elborne

Tests with ammoniacal copper and alkyl ammonium compounds as wood preservatives
1984 - IRG/WP 3299
Formulations based on copper and alkyl ammonium compounds in ammonia solution have been tested in a fungus cellar on Pinus radiata and Fagus sylvatica. This type of products gives promising results as wood preservatives, especially on hardwood and are safe to destroy by e.g. combustion. The best results were achieved with a dialkyl ammonium compound, Cu/octyldecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (NH3)....
C-E Sundman

A bibliography of the dry rot fungus, Serpula lacrymans
1988 - IRG/WP 1337
For many decades the occurrence of dry rot in buildings has been the cause of serious concern in temperate regions of the world. Consequently, much effort has concentrated on determining the morphology of dry rot and on finding means of prevention and control. During early studies, observers tried to understand the phenomenon of dry rot as a whole, and in the course of the 19th century aspects cha...
G Seehann, B M Hegarty

Secretion of ligninolytic enzymes by hyphal autolysis of the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium
1991 - IRG/WP 1480
The secretion of ligninases by Phanerochaete chrysosporium was investigated with polyclonal antibodies, followed by immmunogold-silver staining and light microscopy. After growing fungal mycelium on nitrocellulose, extracellular ligninases were detected around old, plasmaless hyphae, but not at arthrospores, chlamydospores, or blastoconidia. Labeling of fungal hyphae on coverslip cultures was obse...
R Lackner, E Srebotnik, K Messner

Immuno-electron microscopic localization of extracellular metabolites in spruce wood decayed by brown-rot fungus Postia placenta
1990 - IRG/WP 1441
Degradation by Postia placenta in spruce and birch wood was shown to occur not only in the wood cell wall but also in the middle lamellae region. Middle lamellae was often found to be degraded along the centerline so that cells could separate along this line. Extracellular membrane structures were found surrounding the hyphae and this matrix labelled positively with antisera produced to Postia pla...
Y S Kim, B Goodell, J Jellison

The selected properties of Scots pine wood blue-stained by fungus Cladosporium herbarum
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10484
The fungi causing primary blue-stain of wood may change wood properties especially when acting in mixture of few fungi species. There were been undertaken investigation to clear the influence of pure culture of one fungus species on selected physical and mechanical properties of Scots pine wood. The twin samples of fresh cut Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) were exposed into pure culture o...
A Fojutowski

Factors affecting decay rates in a fungus cellar II
1986 - IRG/WP 2259
Tests were initiated to investigate the influence of various factors on the decay rate in a "Fungus Cellar". Birch and pine stakes treated with chromated copper arsenate and didecyldimethyl ammronium chloride, as well as untreated control stakes, were incubated in two soils in a Fungus Cellar test and installed at two field sites for comparative purposes. The visual rating vs actual stake weight l...
P A McKaig

Effects of cyproconazole and copper sulphate on the length of the hyphal growth unit (HGU) of the white-rot fungus Coriolus versicolor
2003 - IRG/WP 03-10473
Wood decay basidiomycetes have been shown to produce appreciable quantities of extracellular mucilaginous materials (ECMM). The relationship between ECMM and total biomass production has been investigated in the white-rot fungus Coriolus versicolor (CTB 863 A). Differences in the amount of ECMM produced by the fungus proportionally to the total biomass, were observed under a range of physiological...
D Vesentini, D J Dickinson, R J Murphy

Patterns of decay in CCA-treated horticultural post populations - A fungus cellar simulation
1986 - IRG/WP 1286
The distribution of decayed posts in 10-, 14-, and 18-year-old vineyards supported a hypothesis to explain variability in intensity of decay found among posts in New Zealand horticultural properties. The development of decay patterns between samples in a simulated vineyard plot established in the Forest Research Institute fungus cellar gave additional support to the hypothesis that decay within la...
M E Hedley

Old and new facts on the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans
1991 - IRG/WP 1470
The article collates some of the recent literature on the biology of the dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans. The fungus can grow at 28°C, and maximum wood moisture is above 55%. Serpula Iacrymans degrades crystalline cellulose. The intensive production of extracellular oxalic acid is neutralized by calcium and iron. There is considerable variation among the strains with regard to factors such as gr...
O Schmidt, U Moreth-Kebernik

An attempt to grow dry rot fungus Serpula lacrymans on mortar substrate in non-sterile conditions
1989 - IRG/WP 1385
According to many experts, Serpula lacrymans is probably the most dangerous wood destroying fungus in houses. Investigations of KOCH, A.P. (2) showed that incidence of this fungus in percent was around 20% when the frequency of some other standard fungi was far below (Coriolus versicolor: 0.2% for example). The work presented here is a part of a program carried out at CTFT for assessing the resist...
L N Trong

Toxic values derived from EN 113 tests - are they determined by the virulence of a test fungus? - Results from a round robin test -
1999 - IRG/WP 99-20176
The virulence of Coniophora puteana BAM Ebw. 15, the obligatory test fungus on softwood in tests according to EN 113, is known to be rather inconstant at least in some laboratories. The mass losses of untreated Scots pine sapwood blocks in an EN 113 test may range from below 20% to up to more than 50%. Possible reasons for these differences as well as the impact of a low virulence on the toxic val...
H Leithoff, R-D Peek, H V Borck, R Goettsche, H Kirk, M Grinda

Preservation of wood-based panels against fungi and insects and and testing its efficiency
1976 - IRG/WP 270
Wood-based panel products which are made of susceptible wood species may be destroyed by fungi under wet conditions and by termites. The glues do not provide sufficient protection unless very high concentrations are applied. Particle boards and fibre boards are not susceptible to beetle infestation, although some species may attack plywood. Various types of preservatives provide sufficient protect...
G Becker, M Gersonde

The Effect on Biological and Moisture Resistance of Epichlorohydrin Chemically Modified Wood
2002 - IRG/WP 02-40224
Southern pine solid wood and fiber were chemically modified with epichlorohydrin to help in understanding the role of moisture in the mechanism of biological effectiveness of chemically modified wood. The solid wood had weight gains from 11% to 34%, while the fiber had weight gains from 9% to 75%. After modification, part of the specimens were water leached for 2 weeks or extracted for 2 hours ...
R E Ibach, B-G Lee

Development of a disinfection treatment for oak logs to be imported from the USA
1984 - IRG/WP 3283
The European veneer industry depends greatly on oak supplies from the USA. To prevent the accidental introduction of the American Oak Wilt Disease (Ceratocystis fagacearum) into the member states of the EC, a disinfection treatment was developed for oak logs under consideration of the technical requirements of veneer production. Laboratory experiments and field trials in Germany and in the USA sho...
W Liese, M M Ruetze

Properties of cellulose degraded by the brown rot fungus, Postia placenta
1988 - IRG/WP 1350
To gain further understanding of the nature of the cellulose depolymerizing agent or agents of brown-rot fungi, brown-rotted cellulose was chemically and physically characterized. Various culture conditions, such as low nitrogen and elevated oxygen levels, did not induce degradation of cellulose by Postia placenta in liquid cultures. Therefore, brown-rotted cellulose for analysis was prepared by a...
T L Highley, R E Ibach, T K Kirk

Organic nitrogen in wood: Growth substrates for a sapstain fungus
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10019
The nitrogen content of mature wood from lodgepole pine was 0.046% as determined by micro-Kjeldahl. Low molecular weight proteins between 14 and 21 kDa were identified in mature wood, branch wood and sap pressed from wood chips. Amino acids were quantified in acid-hydrolyzed wood samples and accounted for between 19 and 35% of the nitrogen in wood. The sapstaining ascomycete Ophiostoma piceae stra...
L D Abraham, C Breuil

Fruitbody formation and basidiosporogenesis by the white rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus
1988 - IRG/WP 1348
Conditions for fruitbody formation by the white rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus in vitro were outlined. A marked difference in substrate requirements in comparison to previously tested brown rot fungi was revealed. Agar media containing Walseth cellulose and NH4 tartrate at 1 g/l permit profound production of basidiospores particularly at 15°C but only under light treatment. Higher NH4 tartrat...
J Bjurman

Growth of the copper tolerant brown rot fungus Antrodia vaillantii on different substrates
1995 - IRG/WP 95-10121
In recent years the copper tolerant brown rot fungus Antrodia vaillantii caused severe damages on impregnated wood in ground contact. The pattern of decay gave the impression that impregnated wood was even more severely attacked than unimpregnated. To investigate this question more closely laboratory tests were carried out. In a "choice test" Antrodia vaillantii grew preferably towards CC-impregna...
H Leithoff, I Stephan, M-T Lenz, R-D Peek

Practical experiments with Boracol 10 Rh used as a fungicide in the repair process after attack by the dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans)
1987 - IRG/WP 3458
The test is carried out in an old house in Nyhavn, Copenhagen. The roof and the walls close to were heavily attacked by dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) because damage to the zinc covering the frontspice were letting in water to the wood and wall construction. An attack by the dry rot fungus is more complicated to repair compared with other wood destroying fungi because beside the damage on wood...
J Bech-Andersen

Decay resistance of Siberian larch wood against brown rot fungus. - Part 3. The variation between plus trees and their grafted clones
2000 - IRG/WP 00-10350
The aim of the study was to estimate the variation in the decay resistance of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) wood using mature plus trees and their grafted clones. Samples were collected with an increment core borer from 11 original plus trees and their 25-year-old grafted seed orchard clones. A typical brown rot fungus, Coniophora puteana (Schum. ex Fr.) Karst. (BAM Ebw. 15), was used as ...
H Viitanen, L Paajanen, M Venäläinen, A Harju, P Velling

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